A Child's Cry

A Child's Cry

A Poem by Lanaia Lee

a little bit of horror



I love this big old gothic house, you ran across and you bought for me
You know I am obsessed with antiques and things associated with history
In old places like this, I always wonder about the owners, that went before me
Oh the things I wonder about, that only history and the imprinted walls, they, and they alone hold the key.
Gargoyles all around this place, I bet previous owners, thought these things would protect them
The gothic style of this place can certainly give one chills
Everything is so in tact, just like a skirt and it's hem
To look at this place, one knows things here might scare them and they might not understand the things they feel.
The first night in this place, a storm outside, naturally the electricity goes out
Leaving us to use candles, and walk around in the candle's very dim light
In this dim light, it can cause one to question what they see, making one full of doubt
You have to take time to think about everything within one's sight.
Now in the dimness we start hearing things, that no explanation can explain
Above us it's like we hear someone walking, they sound like the person would be very heavy
Beside the unexplainable footsteps, we can hear the torrents of rain
I go upstairs, trying to find the source of the footsteps but there is nothing I can see.
The we start to hear what sounds like a child as it cries
Is this really happening? There is a reason causing this to occur
We take it upon ourselves, to try to follow the sounds of the child that cries
Following the sounds, we end up outside, taking us to a shallow grave,it's like we are being pulled here, and from here we can not deter.
Right off the back porch in the pouring rain, we stand and you start to dig at the shallow grave
The more you dig, the louder the child seems to cry
You stop for a moment, but I ask you to continue in this we must remain brave
Then we see bones, human bones, and those of a child, one that lead us here, them wanting us to know here in this shallow cold hole, the poor child must have taken their last breath, as here they had to die.


© 2008 Lanaia Lee

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Creepy, i loved the rhyme and flow. Great write.


Posted 16 Years Ago

the imagery in this piece is amazing, i was hooked from the beginning. you tell a great story in this poem. any thoughts as to writing another to tell the child's story ? excellent write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 13, 2008


Lanaia Lee
Lanaia Lee

burlington, NC

Lanaia Lee is a 46-year-old stroke survivor that suffered a stroke at 35 due to high blood pressure. Her disease is called erratic hypertension. Ever since the stroke Lanaia has been in a wheelchair b.. more..

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