Devil Dogs

Devil Dogs

A Poem by Bright Ocean Star

Poem from a U.S. Marine

inspirational U.S. Marine Images photo: US marine Firefox_wallpaper.png

Devil Dogs....
Heaven came fire

Hell came shatters in the Earth
I will not falter
Angel of Death will reap from my enemies
Passing over my brothers unscathed
Those who stand against 
My God 
My Country
My Brothers
Will answer in blood

Son of Bright Ocean Star, 2015

© 2015 Bright Ocean Star

Author's Note

Bright Ocean Star
This is a poem my son just penned. He's working on another tatoo. I told him that he doesn't need another tatoo. I'd post it to my website, instead. I hope you like it.

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there are several sacred rules for tats .. never a persons name .. never any writing .. its all about the image ... and always go to someone you know and never never ever get one in Sturgis ;)
i love this poem .. the brothers and sisters in strength and fidelity are paramount to the safeguards they they keep in place .. i especially love this no apology expression .. something we dearly need in the grey confusion of so called political correctness .. and may all our soldiers be kept in the Creators hands of safety and wisdom .. and come home secure

Posted 9 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you,E! It is really good for him to learn the sacred tatt rules from someone with more experi.. read more
Einstein Noodle

9 Years Ago

i am so praying for our warriors safe return .. could not be any happier than knowing your son knows.. read more


The beauty of the piece lies in the sincerity, the honesty, and the passion with which it is written. I've always been a fan of tattoos, though I don't own any myself. I quite agree with Einstein on the sacred rules though. They sound fairly reasonable...:))
Who would have thought great poetry is an inherited trait....:)) You must be a very proud mum!! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, my friend. It is so nice that you dropped by to read this one. He will be thrilled to r.. read more
I like the spirit. simple poem that speaks volume. I have great respect for soldiers. they would not hesitate to give their lives for their country and their brothers in arms. that makes them special and the pride of their parents.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you for dropping in Woody! :)
My mother was against Tattoos
they're not healthy for the skin
either so thankful I know this but when
children get to a age they do what they
want my 23 year old Nephew Seth has a
Tattoo I don't know who he is any
more it is scary really
my sister doesn't agree with tattoos
she has non and she is beautiful that way.

and for me I don't think it makes
one beautiful that is why I would
never do it so I think ones skin is beautiful
as it is without all that ink on their body.

my son knows I hate Tattoos and will never
get one and maybe it is because my mother is
a nurse I don't trust no one doing that to me
my skin is Beautiful as it is.

But this was very strong and a brave piece.
thank you for sharing and for stopping by my page.

God bless. Benita

Posted 9 Years Ago

there are several sacred rules for tats .. never a persons name .. never any writing .. its all about the image ... and always go to someone you know and never never ever get one in Sturgis ;)
i love this poem .. the brothers and sisters in strength and fidelity are paramount to the safeguards they they keep in place .. i especially love this no apology expression .. something we dearly need in the grey confusion of so called political correctness .. and may all our soldiers be kept in the Creators hands of safety and wisdom .. and come home secure

Posted 9 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you,E! It is really good for him to learn the sacred tatt rules from someone with more experi.. read more
Einstein Noodle

9 Years Ago

i am so praying for our warriors safe return .. could not be any happier than knowing your son knows.. read more
The strength, loyalty, and courage that each soldier carries with them for their cause, their brothers-in-arms, and their compatriots is powerful stuff and is highlighted here brilliantly.. especially in the last few lines.. You should be VERY proud girl!.. not only does this show his loving heart, it shows his strong as steel spirit that makes him what every girl dreams of.. I can't say anything about tattoos as I have five.. artistic soul + passion is expressed in so many diverse ways, and tattoos are just one of them.. ((big hugs))

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

big hugs to you,too. Girl, you know how dangerous tats can be. But in the big scheme of things, he.. read more

9 Years Ago

you're welcome, it is always a pleasure.. and yes ma'am--that is all you can do... and what can I sa.. read more
The idea of standing strong with your compatriots is powerfully and vividly exhibited here.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, MommaZ...:)

9 Years Ago

yw :)
Stirring and powerful. United Under God we stand. Amen, sister.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Xavier. I'm happy you saw this one. Thank you for stopping by...:)
Strong piece. I feel the conviction in truth here.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

He's full of conviction. It is powerful. He's getting ready to fight some powerful demons. Please, .. read more
I think he should get the tattoo just because he deserves it as a reward for writing this piece. It's great. "Those who stand against My God My Country My Brothers Will answer in blood." Awesome line. I agree.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, RW. I hate to see him getting so inked up. He just got a tattoo right before Christmas. .. read more

9 Years Ago

May I ask why you don't want to see him get so inked up? I understand that it is none of my business.. read more
this is quite powerful....the idea of brotherhood and watching your brothers' backs is tattooed in the mind of soldiers...

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

That's what I told him. It is very powerful, indeed. Thank you for your positive comments, Jacob.... read more

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12 Reviews
Added on February 18, 2015
Last Updated on March 21, 2015
Tags: hell, heaven, fighting, Angels, Redemption


Bright Ocean Star
Bright Ocean Star


I'm terribly sorry. I don't accept new friend requests, unless I've known of you for this past year. I'll only accept a friend request if you are a friend of a friend that I've seen on my friends' re.. more..


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