"The Bee"

"The Bee"

A Story by Lawrence P Konicke

October 25th, Sunday 2015

“The Bee"

By Lawrence P Konicke

Copyright (c) 2015 This short story may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.

     It’s mid October. The leaves haven’t quite started to race to the ground just yet. Plenty of warm hues attached to many types of bark. You can smell the candle in a newly picked and carved pumpkin. The haze of summer is long gone. The smell of sunscreen has dissipated along with the sirens and screaming tires from a youth unknowingly influenced by the heightened mercury of a mid summer night. 
     The alarm is silent every Sunday morning. Dreams allowed to rest past the work week ritual. Up around 10am. Careful to get out of bed. My body isn’t what it used to be and prefers a slow wake and stretch. I turn the heat down as it is very comfortable. It was an unusually cold night. I lift the north west double hung window to let the wind propelled crisp autumn air change the barometer reading a bit. I see something strange… Out of place. Clearly.
     A bumble bee is seemingly hugging the vertical sill and presumably deceased. Remnant of summer literally hanging on to every second of life. It started to move slowly as the warm air flowed onto it from my summer room. Like a turtle crossing the road it moved. I imagined it saying, “Oh, this is nice!!!”
     Thinking it would surely fly away I thought to myself. But “Where?” Quickly became “Why would it leave?” The summer is back according to my open window. Like it knew my habit and waited for me. I started to feel for this cute little creature. I took a picture of him or her? Wishing it would come inside to further prolong the inevitable but nature knew better. The deepest spirit in me wondered “Who is this?” 
     Time slowly went by as I went about my Sunday. I checked on my friend throughout the day. Still there. Not understanding the divine logic as to why the vertical sill was chosen and not the less physically taxing horizontal sill. Perhaps the fact it was more challenging somehow biologically kept it alive longer. Who knew?
     The old adage “Nothing lasts” kept coming to mind. Always a beginning and an end to every single facet of life. Seen and unseen. Every moment a gift.
     The bee climbed just a few inches higher by day’s end. Must’ve felt like the last few hundred feet before finally ascending to the top of a figurative Mount Everest.
     The window ultimately had to close as the mercury fell and Sunday came to a complete rest.
     Monday morning had arrived in a blink. My friend was gone. Did it finally let go or fly away? Who knew? My bet is it let go. How many of us need to let go in our own lives? Amazing how God can speak to us if you decide to listen. Never know how or where? Kept on our toes wondering where and how the next lesson in life will come to fruition. Ask yourself. What do you need to let go of? What are you hanging onto?

3:42 pm Sunday October 25th 2015

Here’s my friend… below…

© 2016 Lawrence P Konicke

Author's Note

Lawrence P Konicke
This is just a quick observation I made. Just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully it helps others to learn to "let go."

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Added on January 10, 2016
Last Updated on January 10, 2016