My Dream

My Dream

A Poem by Lauren

It's that feeling you get
when you hear the first few notes of an amazing masterpiece of a song, and
the hair on your skin raises up because it gives you an unworldly feeling you can't explain.

It's the heart-skipped-a-beat kind of thing that happens when you hear
"I love you"
for the first time, or the sinking,
lost feeling of remembering when you stop hearing it.

It's the feeling you have when you watch a movie or music video that moves you in such
a way that tears pool up in your eyes.

I want to bring that to someone.
I want to reach people this way.

I want them to know what I feel, and know that I feel the same emotions as they.

I want them to be inspired and awed by my work, and at the same time
be able to relate to it.

I want to be told that I helped someone in their journey through life.

I want to be questioned.

I want my words to be read and analyzed in ways that possibly I haven't even thought of.

I want to be remembered by my thoughts and creations
for many years to come.

I want others to look inside my mind
and see brilliance.

I want to be a writer,
an artist, and
an inspiration.


Because... I want to be heard.

© 2009 Lauren

My Review

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I loved this Lauren! I feel the same way you wrote this......smiles
I guess thats part of the reason were on this site right?
Anyway I think you will go far in your writing and I look forword
in reading more of your work.


Posted 15 Years Ago

Ah I loved this

very well written :]

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is excellence at it's very best, I was definitely moved by this poem. Great job.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on February 26, 2009
Last Updated on February 26, 2009



Austin, TX

Writing is sometimes the only way I can let my words out, so here we go. more..

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