A heart beat away

A heart beat away

A Poem by Lazareth

My heart beats fast as you approach
Captivated by your iridescent beauty
You look at me with gentle eyes of  euphoria  
Your gaze leaves me lassitude as you take my breath away
My soul sings out for just a moment
Yearning  for another unwavering moment
You near me with ominous precaution
Eyes begin to deepen with piercing sorrow
Waves of  pain and passion incase my senses
The stand still moment left time nonexistent
Only one sound stood unfaltering
The gentle patter of our hearts echoed as they rippled through the air
The sound struck true as we drew closer.
Our utopia encompassed all around.
The soothing beats rest subtle on my soul
The subtlety  began to run rampant.
Water droplets made there soft splash between us
Tears began to cascade down her slender face
 The beat grew subtle once more
 Radiant love that once stood as a catalyst now Torn and tattered
 Her eyes flowed with compassion
The gentle soothing beats of our hearts once more subtle again
She looked away the first time sense our gaze meet, into the world around
With out a word
For it was beyond saying
With out her sympathetic touch
For the grief and sorrow remained unbearably
For that instant all there was between us
All that there needed to be
A gentle heart beat basking in the breeze
The sweetest memories are sometimes  the ones never had


© 2012 Lazareth

My Review

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You started out in present tense and then switched to past tense, and also you were referring to the woman in the second person at first ("Your gaze leaves me lassitude as you take my breath away"), and then referred to her in the third person for the rest of the poem ("Her eyes flowed with compassion"). I'm not sure if its meant to be that way, but I found it a little confusing. Other than those two things, I think it is well written. I love the tone of melancholy romance. Sad, but sweet.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 18, 2012
Last Updated on June 18, 2012
Tags: love, sad, life, heart, emotional
