

A Poem by Lauren Burch

When the Earth doesn't know how to love



The moon so vulnerable
Above this void of lost dreams
A single tulip grows upon the rocky surface
The sun shines on the wrong side
Yet this flower blooms
Wilder than any on Earth
Intricate truths woven in its stem
Dew drops from asteroids floating on its petals
Everything on the dark side of the moon is true
The Earth looms overhead with daunting children
Young souls playing with love
As if their wings were real
Every time a heart is dented
The harmless tulip looses a petal
Crying its only tears over something nonexistent
Wildfires race across the face of the Earth
Ablaze with hearts falling into each other
The darkness grows darker
As the light is consumed by the new fire
Each petal falls flaming onto the maria
The entire Earth goes up in flames
Tossing all-too-meaningful words into the sky
Clawing back at them
As it suffocated in its own smoke
Only one petal remains on the tulip
One the dark side of the moon
The sun engulfs the Earth ablaze
The only love left the love that burns
The moon still dark
Less vulnerable then young souls
Blankets the last petal with embracing wind
Ensuring the last tear never to fall
No more careless infatuations with nonexistent ideas
The tulip doesn’t cry
The moon serves as the Earth’s love’s gravestone
“My little flower, don’t cry
I am the moonlight
Darkness is my slave and I cast it away
Begone with the sadness
Their mistakes have been forgiven
My little tulip
Let my voice caress you to sleep
Let the moonlight show you what’s real
Let your dreams dream
Sleep well, little petal.”

© 2008 Lauren Burch

My Review

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Lovely, and vivid. Thank you for sharing this.

Posted 16 Years Ago

beautifully written poem, may wish to break it up into two stanzas, bit lengthy. Beautifully done though.

Posted 16 Years Ago

this is so pure,and its so well thought,i can feel your heart into this,very good job sweetie!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2008
Last Updated on March 22, 2008


Lauren Burch
Lauren Burch

Aubrey, TX

writing is a passion. must i say more? I LOVE: photography (each original photograph with each of my writings are my own.) modeling ( i love being a sculpture, even if I don't look like one. I am G.. more..

Marissa Marissa

A Story by Lauren Burch