

A Story by Lauren Burch

Originally written for my English II Pre-AP class written 3-12-2007


"Is nonconformity another stereotype?"

     I'm fine with the stereotype. I'm a nonconformist anyways so I tend to say "Frack that, I'm doing my own thing." I am my own 'certain group'. I don't feel left out. It's just what I'm used to. I think that groups promote stereotypes anyways, which is unhealthy for society. Even labeling myself as a nonconformist is kind of hypocritical of me, but it's a label that should apply to everyone and no one. That's why labels are meant for ketchup bottles and not people.

© 2008 Lauren Burch

Author's Note

Lauren Burch
I'm just a big bad hypocrite, aren't I?

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Nonconformity, in my opinion, is a stereotype of the youth culture. People have always claimed, I don't conform to bourgeois ethics and ideals. Many of those people, ironically, are college students who are conforming in every sense of the word. They want a big house, a family, a salary, an insurance payment, a mortgage payment, a car payment. It doesn't make much sense.
I think labeling oneself is dangerous unless you have a good sense of reality. And who, in the end, is the label for anyway? Any person with a brain can figure out who someone else is and what they stand for by observing that person and asking them questions. Many people are so confused about themselves and life that they are the person with the least knowledge and therefore ill-equipped to label themselves at all.

In my opinion, society promotes stereotypes. I suggest we say 'frack society' and all go live on an island in the South Pacific where we can take notes for a sequel to Lord of the Flies.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Nonconformity, in my opinion, is a stereotype of the youth culture. People have always claimed, I don't conform to bourgeois ethics and ideals. Many of those people, ironically, are college students who are conforming in every sense of the word. They want a big house, a family, a salary, an insurance payment, a mortgage payment, a car payment. It doesn't make much sense.
I think labeling oneself is dangerous unless you have a good sense of reality. And who, in the end, is the label for anyway? Any person with a brain can figure out who someone else is and what they stand for by observing that person and asking them questions. Many people are so confused about themselves and life that they are the person with the least knowledge and therefore ill-equipped to label themselves at all.

In my opinion, society promotes stereotypes. I suggest we say 'frack society' and all go live on an island in the South Pacific where we can take notes for a sequel to Lord of the Flies.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on March 24, 2008


Lauren Burch
Lauren Burch

Aubrey, TX

writing is a passion. must i say more? I LOVE: photography (each original photograph with each of my writings are my own.) modeling ( i love being a sculpture, even if I don't look like one. I am G.. more..

Marissa Marissa

A Story by Lauren Burch