Our choices

Our choices

A Story by luciddreamer

Not sure if anyone will understand this...but ..... I just felt I needed to write about it


I found my very first boyfriend on facebook a few months ago.... we have talked and realized that we still have many things in common as we did so long ago....he told me he was unhappy in his marriage and I must admit at first, I became a bit attracted to him once again....but I kept thinking, if I was his wife, no matter what, it would hurt me to know he was talking to someone he loved so many years ago in this manner...and so I brought the flirting it to an end....we still communicate...we just don't make plans like they are ours to make...I don't allow it....today I IM how r u  and his wife answered he is in bed, this is his wife...and I knowing I did the right thing...said nice to meet you with no regrets....

© 2010 luciddreamer

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114

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excellent~ so hard to reign ourselves back from the edge of the flame in these strange internet realities~
may I say I am so proud of your control and ethical stance~ =)~

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 9, 2010
Last Updated on November 9, 2010



Carrollton, GA

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win....Gandhi more..
