A Day In September

A Day In September

A Poem by Luissanto

A day that would never be forgotten ...

It was a day in September
The day God would cry
for all of His children
not just those who died

But for those left behind
those who would mourn
whose lives would be broken
whose hearts would be torn

It was a day full of sorrow
a day filled with pain
a day filled with tears
which flowed like the rain

Now the cries have gone silent
and the healing begun
but the scars left behind
will never be gone

So we honor those
who were taken away
being there for each other
each and every day

We will never forget
that day in september
which touched all our lives
and changed us forever

© 2018 Luissanto

My Review

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Yes, we were forever changed.
Yet, sadly, from black September's bitter ashes came only a fleeting unity.
Exceptional poem, L!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I am truly touched by all of your words. It is truly a blessing to be
reviewed by such gifted writers.

Posted 5 Years Ago

I like the way there is no finger pointing - instead the focus on sorrow an remembrance. I agree with what Chris said, the sincerity plays the big role here. It happened, we hurt, now life must be patched back together again. Very nice X

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautifully said! Your words flow so smoothly and elegant. God be with those left behind. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Beautiful poem. Love the rhyme and meter. Felt the sincerity shine through. Felt the loss.


Posted 5 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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5 Reviews
Added on September 11, 2018
Last Updated on September 13, 2018
Tags: sad, pain, love, hope



Woodside, NY

My name is Luis Santos Verges and I have a passion for graphic design and writing. It is my belief, that poems are inner reflections, "Soul Tattoos" that are meant to live forever. This grou.. more..
