His Baby Boy

His Baby Boy

A Poem by Luissanto

A tale of sorrow

The first time he held him
he knew nothing but joy
something so sweet
his young baby boy

He would be more than a father
he would be his dad
never breaking his heart
or making him sad

Little did he know
this would never come true
The son that he loved
and thought that he knew

Got a new family
and got some new friends
Ones that could bring
his life to its end

Drug using and selling
he thought it was great
slowly becoming
someone to hate

A father destroying
who's heart he would shatter
with not even a thought
he no longer mattered

Not giving up
though heart filled with pain
on his knees praying
while tears fell like rain

While going his own path
his son drew away
What else could be done?
what words left to say

Hopefully one day
his son would see
his eyes would be opened
and he would be free

A dad's greatest sorrow
once greatest joy
Would he ever again
hold his baby boy?

© 2018 Luissanto

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Heart wrenching. Addictions can cause such destruction, but it is never too late to try and heal broken relationships. Many will know someone this poem will relate to. Well written.


Posted 5 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 11, 2018
Last Updated on September 11, 2018
Tags: sad, pain, love, family



Woodside, NY

My name is Luis Santos Verges and I have a passion for graphic design and writing. It is my belief, that poems are inner reflections, "Soul Tattoos" that are meant to live forever. This grou.. more..
