I Want to Be...

I Want to Be...

A Poem by Mary

i changed this one from before.


 I want to be a springtime flower,

With silken petals fragile and beautiful

Only bested by the smiles I bring.

Please pick me dear child,

I am a gift to all.


I want to be a gentle breeze,

Sweet oxygen

Essential to all who breathe.

A life giver,

Never one who takes away.


I want to be a melody,

A creation

Of rhythm and beat.

A taker and giver of sadness

And joy,

One of life’s special treats.


I want to be a star filled sky

Everlasting midnight velvet lullaby,

Covered in the gems of places not yet seen.

Bringing awe and wonder too many,

Filling others with questions and hope.


I want to be time itself,

All knowing and seeing.

Something connecting you

To an ancient queen of yester years

And your children of tomorrow,

The only thing that will truly never end.


I want to be a high school girl,

Someone who can name things she wants to be

But know with certainty

That she doesn’t know anything,

But looks forward to figuring it all out in the future.


© 2011 Mary

Author's Note

i rewrote it...thoughts???

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Featured Review

Wow. I was so impressed by this stanza

I want to be a star filled sky
Everlasting midnight velvet lullaby,
Covered in the gems of places not yet seen.
Bringing awe and wonder too many,
Filling others with questions and hope.

i love how deep and calm it feels. letting the readers imagination run wild and hold onto childhood dreams. absoluely fantasic although i will say the last stanxa was a little weak. 10/10

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Beautifully expressed although in reality we can't be entirely good and perfect but we can hope

Posted 7 Years Ago

Wonderfully put Mary!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow. I was so impressed by this stanza

I want to be a star filled sky
Everlasting midnight velvet lullaby,
Covered in the gems of places not yet seen.
Bringing awe and wonder too many,
Filling others with questions and hope.

i love how deep and calm it feels. letting the readers imagination run wild and hold onto childhood dreams. absoluely fantasic although i will say the last stanxa was a little weak. 10/10

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on April 7, 2011
Last Updated on April 13, 2011



Canton, OH

Angel Movements Angel Movements

A Poem by Mary

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