Nightmares Exist

Nightmares Exist

A Story by AnonymouslyKnown

The most scary dream I have ever had. But wht is most scary is tht my sister has dreamed of the same girl before. Sorry for any grammar problums. I was trying to write it fast before I forgot it

It starts off at a carnival. Im with some guy... I dont really know who he is but I have the feeling that I like him. So then I cant really remember this part but I think something falls on him and he dies. Then we are at my grandma's house. In her driveway there is a bounce house thing with halloween characters all over it. Im holding the dead body of the guy in one arm (i think). Then me and my grandma and maybe my grandpa are talking about how in love me and this guy were. Then after awile of talking they go inside the house but I stay outside. I stare at the bounce house and I guess im either talking to myself or the dead guy about how we were in love and how we had met each other on halloween and how I was going to wear the same costume as I did the night we met. So then after stareing at the bounce house and walking around it a little and talking, I go into the backyard and lay the guys body on a stone bench. so then I guess im preparing him for when he gets baried because im wrapping him up in this odd, stiff wrapping.(like a mummy) But once im almost done, an arm sticks out, so then I went up the porch and inside to my grandma who was in the kitchen making a cake or something. I told her that I had messed up the wrapping and I needed her help. She told me that she was busy at the moment and couldnt help me. So I went back outside to the body. But when I got there the body was all the way unwrapped and the body was no longer the body of a man but a body of a dead 12 year old girl. She had long black hair that went almost to her elbows and her skin was super pale and she kindof looked like me a little but she was really skinny and wearing an off white gown (like a pajama dress) and she looked fragile and easy to break. I guess I didnt notice or something so then I just tried to wrap it just like before. But this time half of the body was hanging out. So then I went back to my grandma who was still in the kitchen making a cake. I asked her again if she could help me but her answer was the same, she was busy at the moment. So I went back to the body to find it unwrapped again, but it was still the body of the girl. Again I guess I didnt notice so then I started to wrap the body again and when I thought I had finally did it, an arm shot out of the wrapping and I gasped and took a couple steps back. I stared at the wrapped body with one unrapped arm sticking out and then ran back to my grandma inside. I begged her to come help me wrap the body but her answer was still the same, she was busy. I gave up and as I turned around to go back to the body, there she was in the doorway stareing at me, the little 12 year old girl. I instantly gasped and fell back. All I can remember next is that I found a sharp peice of glass that looked like it came from a mirror and was up and trying to stab her with it. But every time it slashed her she didnt even seem to notice. Then I finally cornered her on the porch thinking that I could easily take her down now. But no matter how hard I tried I couldnt seem to hit her with the glass again. I screamed for my grandma to help me but her answer was still no and that she was busy. Then I looked the girl in the eye, still trying to kill her. But as I looked at her she was just standing there with cuts on her from where I had gotten her with the glass, but she didnt even seem to notice. I tried harder to stab her with the glass but I still couldnt get her and my arm wass beggining to get tired. Then when I looked at her again she had a pleased and evil look on her face. Then I just stopped and stood there. Looking at her smiling a very evil smile at me, I seemed confused. Then the dream was over... I woke up screaming

© 2011 AnonymouslyKnown

Author's Note

This has to be the most scary dream I have ever had. But wht is most scary is that my sister has dreamed of the same girl before... Sorry for any grammar problums... I was trying to write it as fast as I could before I forgot the dream.

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Added on February 5, 2011
Last Updated on February 5, 2011