My story

My story

A Story by Maddy Raye

I wrote this a while ago when I first turned to cutting. I made a lot of copies and posted it on my wall to remind me life's worth living.

Hi, my name is Maddy Raye and I had a problem. My problem was cutting, yes I was a cutter. I thought it was solving my problems, but it was making them worse. It made me feel better, but it was also hurting me. Although it made me feel better I was leaving scars on my arms and legs that will be there to remind me in the future. I wasn't just hurting myself I was hurting the people around me that I thought didn't care or love me. But they actually did love and care about me. If your wondering why I did it, do I need a reason? I let my thoughts consume me. I let my mind take control. I also got my heart broken. I have problems to face; we all do, no matter how hard I try to push those problems to the side they just keep coming back because they want to be fixed. Just like I do but I shouldn't change because of someone else. Just like I shouldn't cut to try and fix my problems. I need to face my problems, try and fix them even if it won't be easy. I have to try. So I'm going to try and face my problems. I'm going to tell myself everyday That I am loved and I am beautiful inside and out.

© 2016 Maddy Raye

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As a story-teller you have moved on as witness your later one.
As a slice of your life, it was moving because of its content. I hope the experience that you have had has left you stronger able to dispense with resistance, that of course holds us into the creation.

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you :)
Your story is very sad but I know you'll find a way to overcome your hurdles and nightmares.
Cheerup life has more for everyone!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you. :)
Writer at last! Sky ~

7 Years Ago

Welcome :)
Sometimes a reminder or promise to ourselves is good but posting this on the internet makes it real and making a promise or reminder to someone else is a far further step then a promise to just yourself. What you did is a beautiful and inspiring step. I hope you are well, -A
PS your writing has emotion and voice, it's nice. :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you.

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3 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2016
Last Updated on November 18, 2016


Maddy Raye
Maddy Raye


I'm a 14 year old girl who loves to sing and write. My favorite thing in the entire world is love. My poems and stories are mostly about love. I turned to poetry because I never fit in with anyone. Al.. more..

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