The love that changed everything

The love that changed everything

A Story by Maddy Raye


"Katie, wake up. You're gonna be late again." I could hear my mom's voice boom across the house. We didn't live in a big house. Our house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, the kitchen and living room connect. My mom Charley has been taking care of me and my little brother Caleb for five years. My dad walked out on us. It turns out he had another family. Can you believe my mom married that guy? I hate to say I hate him. He hurt us all so much. But he visits sometimes, mostly for Caleb. Caleb was 6 when our father left us, he was really young. I'm surprised he remembered dad as much as he did. I refuse to talk to him or see him when he visit. I stay locked in my room until he leaves. He has tried to interact with me but he hurt me so its hard to forgive him for leaving us for some s**t, that's like 20. Oh well his loss.......and mine.
"Katie, wake up!" My mom screamed again. I've been late for two days and she doesn't want me to be late again.
"I'm coming!" I screamed back, as I get out of bed and trudge to my small closet. I pick a pair of skinny jeans and a white flowy shirt. I pair it with my black knee high I inch heel boots. I've been the kind of girl to dress up. Mostly because I care what people think of me. I walk over to my dresser and
put on some mascara and lip gloss. I checked my outfit then I walk to the kitchen. Where my mom is texting on her phone, drinking her coffee. Caleb is at the table eating cereal.
"Your dad is coming to pick you guys up after school." My mom says causally like its no big deal. it is to me at least. I look over in time to see my brothers face light up. Great.
"Really?" he ask.
"Yes, he wants you to meet Sandra and the kids." My moms words cut through me. I open my mouth to protest as mom looks at me with a stern look.
"Your going Katie. No if, ands, or buts." Mom looks at me for a minute to see if I'll argue back, but I realized its pointless to try and argue with her.
"Fine. I'll go and meet them. That should be fun." I say sarcastically. My mom looks at me. I know she's about to tell me off. 1........2.......3.
"Katie, your sixteen I don't care if you don't want to go you're going. Your father has been trying to be there but you won't let him. He misses you. He wants to be apart of your life. give them a chanc-"
I cut her off.
"He misses me? then why did he leave for some twenty year old s**t. huh? why did he leave his wife with two kids. he wants to be my father?
well he should of thought of that before he walk away. don't act like it doesn't hurt to see him take care of other kids and not yours. Don't you dare tell me to get over it. Don't tell me I have to go and watch him take care of his kids and new wife. I hate him. Your gonna make me go? Well I'm not going." I say and grab my book bag and walk out the door. I know I shouldn't have been rude but she doesn't understand. No one does no one ever will. I walk to school. When I get to the doors, I pause. School has always been hard. Not just the work but the friends and everything else. I have friends, but they are popular and I'm more of their minion. I do what they tell me. Stacey is the leader, she's beautiful, but she's a b***h. I walk in and go straight to my locker, hoping to avoid Stacey and the rest of her minions. I walk to my locker only to find Ian waiting for me. Huh.....That's weird.
" can we talk?" Ian says when I get to my locker. Uh oh I can only imagine what he wants to talk about.
"Sure. What's up?" I say causally as I open my locker and put my books away and grab the books I need. Ian's quiet for a minute, I look at him and he looks away. Umm......weird.
"Do you wanna....well I wanna make a movie but I need actors and well you would be my star if you want. you want to be apart of my movie?"
Wow. I was so not expecting that. What about Stacey? I think what about her? Ian's dating Stacey. I look at Ian for a minute. He looks nervous.
"What about Stacey?" I ask him. He thinks for a minute.
"I don't want her as the star I want you as the star." he says with confidence.
"Okay, but why?" I as him.
"Because you would be the perfect star. The star is beautiful, smart, funny, she can sing, everything you are." he says, as he averts his eyes.
OMG, did he just call me beautiful? I don't know what to say. I mean I kinda wanna say yes, but at the same time I don't think I could do it. A little secret, I've always liked Ian. But he had his eyes set on Stacey and I never got my chance and I never will. He loves her and at first that killed me. And, then I realized I can't have him. Because he doesn't want me but Stacey.
"So what do you say? will you be my star?" He ask me, nervously. I think it's kinda cute he's nervous.
"I'll think about it. When do you need to know my decision?" I say causally.
"Wednesday. But if you figure it out before then that would be-" The warning bell rings. He looks around, then back at me.
"We don't want to be late. I will give you a decision on Wednesday. I'll see you later?" I say more as a question. He nods and turns away. Then he turns back around so he's facing me again.
"Katie, I think you should keep an eye out for Amber and her crew. I don't trust them and She is always up to no good." He says. I honestly wouldn't surprised if she tries and pulls something on me or Stacey. She is more popular than us but she's not all just looks. She's beautiful I will admit but she has an attitude that causes people to get hurt. I look at Ian before I close my locker and walk away without saying anything. I look back at him with a flirtatious smile He just looks lost. I walk to class thinking about his question all day. What will I say? yes? no?

© 2016 Maddy Raye

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I wrote this as a reflection of my life. There are a few things that isn't apart of my life but the rest is. I put in the thing about the movie because I wanted Katie to do something I really love to do and Thats sing.

Posted 7 Years Ago

You're dialogue here is really well incorporated into this piece. Straight away I could tell that this was going to be good. Powerful from the ouset to find that your father had another family. Your sentences flow beautifully and are such a pleasure to read - there is no clunkiness or juddering whatsoever.

Change this....well he should of thought of that before he walk away.
To this...........well he should of thought of that before he walked away.

The follow on sentence should start with a capital letter.

From a first pint of view perspective this was pretty much flawless. The above are only minor errors and nothing serious at all. Your story has huge potential to go far, I feel that there is going to be lots of conflict between Katie and Stacy and I for one will look forward to reading it. You have done an excellent job iwht this piece of work.

Kudos to you.


Posted 7 Years Ago

Maddy Raye

7 Years Ago

Thank you mark. :) I really appreciate this. It makes me rethink finish writing it.

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2 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2016
Last Updated on November 19, 2016


Maddy Raye
Maddy Raye


I'm a 14 year old girl who loves to sing and write. My favorite thing in the entire world is love. My poems and stories are mostly about love. I turned to poetry because I never fit in with anyone. Al.. more..

My love My love

A Poem by Maddy Raye

October October

A Poem by Maddy Raye