Darkness to Dawn

Darkness to Dawn

A Story by Madison J. Taylor ~ Romance Artist

Kathleen ends an abusive marriage with the help of a local fireman. He ex husband finds her and her new boyfriend, breaks out of jail, and threatens their life as well as their unborn child's life.


Kathleen sat on her porch, thinking.  It’s been about a year and a half since Billy stated doing things.  Things she didn’t want to think about, let alone speak of.  It was about fifty degrees outside and she sat out in long sleeves and jeans to cover the marks he left behind.  Many times she thought about leaving, one time she tried.  He found her and brought her back home.

There was a time where he was a warm loving husband that would do anything for her.  She was a writer, journalist actually, and worked for the Summerhill Post.  Recently, though she found herself writing down notes and things mainly about the past year, thinking that if she ever did get out of here she would finally get one of her books published.  Up until about two years ago, she had a lot going for her, she was happily married and expecting their first child.  About two months into her pregnancy she miscarried.  That’s when things stated to turn.  Billy started staying out later and sometimes not even coming home.   He would down grade her and call her horrible names.  One night he came home, drunk, and with another female, when she tried to kick the woman out is when he started to get violent.  He sent the woman upstairs and shoved his wife against the wall by her throat.  Calling her useless and pathetic he told her to leave.

The next morning, she came back for her things and he wouldn’t let her go.  He told her he would kill her if she tried leaving him again.  Scared for her life and thinking she was worthless, she stayed.   Every night from then on he came home from work, drunk and abusive.  About two months ago she tried leaving again, but Billy’s buddy found her and brought her back.  She went to the hospital that night, he broke her arm.  They told them she fell down the stairs carrying up the clothes basket.

Last night was one of the worst nights thus far.  He came home with his girlfriend and wanted Kat to make them dinner.  When she refused to cook for his mistress, he took her upstairs and hit her multiple times.  Her eyes were black and her arms and legs were black and blue.  It really didn’t even hurt anymore, and the only time she really got upset was when she looked at herself in the mirror and seen the bruises. 

Kathleen was forced to quit her job about three months after the abuse started.   She couldn’t focus on her career with everything going on.  He was always calling her while she was trying to write or while she was in an interview.  He made it completely impossible to work.  When she decided to quit she told Billy and to her surprise she didn’t get hit, he was actually glad.  He told her that it was better this way because he didn’t have to keep tabs on her.  She knew she needed to get out of here, but she didn’t know how, he kept finding her.  It’s not that she was scared of him, he was just stronger and had friends everywhere.  

It was the middle of the afternoon and really warm outside.  Billy would be home any minute then they were going shopping.  Kat watched the kids as they played in the park across the street.  She couldn’t help but wonder what her child would’ve looked like by now.   It would’ve been about a year and a half by now.  She wondered often if she hadn’t lost their baby would he have ever started being abusive.  Part of her knew though he never really wanted a child.  He wasn’t at all happy when she told him that she was pregnant.  Losing that baby was probably a good thing with the way he’s turned out.  Then she would have had to worry about her baby going through all of this too and she wouldn’t have been able to take that pain. 

She had been so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Billy pull up in the red convertible.  He honked his horn and she got up and got into the car.  Neither one of them spoke a word.  She was actually relieved, the les she had to talk to him the better.   Soon she was sure she would figure out a way away from him.   She longed for the love she once felt, a man that cared about her and wanted to make love to her.  Someone to have that would love her and shower her with flowers and kisses, someone who would come home and cuddle on the couch to watch a movie.  Not that these were the most important things ever, but it would be nice to have, again. 

Billy parked the car out front and the two of them went into the store.  As usually, she let him grab whatever it was he wanted and just pushed the cart.  They finished quickly, like normal; he hated shopping so he was always in and out.  They got up to the register and Kat put all the groceries on the belt while he flirted with the cashier.  She really wasn’t even that pretty, but he wasn’t paying attention to her and that was perfectly fine.  After the gentleman at the end of the line was bagging their things, Kat grabbed the bags and headed outside to put them in the car. 

Jon watched from across the street as a beautiful young women walked out of the store carrying four large, brown bags full of food.  She appeared to be alone and was struggling to hold on to them and got up, walked across the street to go help her.

            “Can I help you with those?”  The women jumped and dropped two of the bags well letting out a little scream.  “I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to scare you!  Here let me help.”  Jon smiled, and bent down to pick up her things for her.  The women was really pretty, she had on a pair of jeans and white cami with a small white jacket.  Jon thought the jacket was a little strange, seeing as how it was about ninety degrees outside.  He couldn’t see her eyes because she had on a pair of dark sunglasses.

            “You don’t need to do that!  I can get it.”  She spoke in a soft, scared sounding voice. 

            “I don’t mind, really!”  He put the last jar into the back and loaded the bags into the yellow convertible next to them.

            “Thank you!”

            “Don’t mention it.”  He looked down and noticed the ring on her finger.  Of course, she was married. 

            “Kathleen.  It’s time to go dear!”  The gentleman that walked out of the store was at least six foot tall with jet black hair.  He didn’t sound in a very good mood.  Jon assumed this was the husband.  “Who are you?”  He said to Jon noticing him staring at his wife. 

            “I’m Jon.  I was just helping your beautiful wife get the groceries into the car.”

            “Were you now?”  He shot Kathleen a look and then turned to Jon.  “She is beautiful isn’t she?”

            “Very!  You are one lucky guy!”

            “Yes, well we must be going.  Get in the car Kathleen!”  He was very stern and rude.  Jon could feel it something wasn’t right.

            “Bye, it was nice meeting you.  And I’m sorry again about scaring you!”

            “No big deal.”  Kathleen replied while trying to not say too much.  Something didn’t sit too well with him.  Jon just knew something was wrong. Hopefully he would see her again, but this time alone. 

            “What have I told you about talking to other men, Kat?” 

            “I’m sorry, Billy.  I didn’t mean…”  She was cut off when he back handed her in the mouth.

            “And, you had him help you!  Do you understand how bad you just made me look!?”

            “I’m sorry.  He just came up behind …” He hit her again. 

            “I never told you to speak!”  Kathleen looked down at the floor of the car.  Wondering why she ever married this man and now not knowing how to get away from him.  What happened to the man she loved her high school sweetheart.  “I’m having a friend over tonight, the cute blond girl from the store.  I expect you to put on that maid costume for tonight and to be on your best behavior.  Am I understood?”  She just nodded her head.

Chapter two

            Jon walked in the door and laid down on the couch staring up at his ceiling.  He spent the entire day thinking about Kathleen.  He knew something wasn't right.  The woman was extremely pretty, how could anyone want to hurt someone so beautiful.  There was really no other explanation for it, she showed all the signs of an abused women, and that man, just the little bit that he spoke he knew he was the reason she wore the sun glasses.  Running into her today like that had to be a sign.  Maybe he's supposed to help her.  He fell asleep on the couch that night thinking about her.

            Jon sat outside the Polar Bear Cafe that morning sipping on his coffee and reading that day’s news.  After reading about the recent crime wave in the city, he sat down the paper and went to take a sip of his coffee, when he noticed a familiar sight.  A beautiful young woman in a pair of blue jeans and green cami sat at the table near the street.  It couldn't be her.  He watched for a few minutes when she appeared in his eyes, still as beautiful as ever.  He watched and when she appeared to be alone he got up and walked over to her.

            "Hello, beautiful."  What was he talking about he just met her yesterday.

            "Umm...  hi,” she gave a slight smile and just stared at him.  It had been so long since a man called her pretty.

            "May I sit?"  He motioned to the empty chair across from her.  The women just nodded.  Jon looked down and noticed there was no ring on her finger today.  "So who was the guy you were with yesterday?"

            "Regretfully, it was my husband.

            "Oh... Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"
            ""Oh,” he caught her by surprise.  "No, I'm alright, thank you though."

            "Please, I insist."  Jon smiled at her and reached out to touch her hand but stopped himself.  "Would you like cream and sugar?"  Kat just nodded.  When Jon returned he came back with a coffee and a donut.  "Hope you like chocolate."

            "Thank you, it was very kind."

            "You’re welcome, it was no problem."  He paused for a second, trying to decide the right way to word what he wanted to say next.  "I'm just guessing you don't get this very often... Kindness I mean."

            Kat just shook her head.  "No, not really," she said quietly.

            "That's a shame.  You're far too pretty.  Where is he now?"

            "Work, it's the only time I get peace."

            "How long have you been married?"

            "It's been three very long years.  It wasn't always like this.  He used to be sweet.  I wish I knew what happened."

            "Why don't you leave?"

            "I've tried.  He always finds me."

            "Let me help you!"

            "No, I can't.  I couldn't imagine what he'd do to you.  I don't want to put anyone else in danger!"

            He wasn't really sure what made him do it but he couldn't resist, he leaned over and kissed her.  Her lips tasted so sweet. "Please, I want too.  No one should go through all of this.  Come with me to my house, he'll never find you there."

            "Alright,” She said with a sigh.  "You win; I just hope you're right!"   The two of them got up and walked to Jon's car.  He had a black pickup truck.  Kat noticed the firefighter logo on the back.

            "Yes,    I wouldn't do anything else."  He saw her look at the back of his truck, and then opened the door for her to get in.   Jon drove about three miles from the cafe and parked in front of a white two story home with a huge oak tree in the front yard.  "Well, this is it."  He undid his seat belt.  "Come on I’ll show you around."

            They got out and went through the front door.  The room in front of them was very large.  The walls were painted a deep blue with posters from different sports teams.  There was a bookcase that covered the far wall and the bed was connected to it.

            "You have a really nice home."  Kat smiled at him with a very shy sort of smile.

            "This is where you'll sleep.  I'll be down the hall in the guest room."  He pushed her hair off her face and slowly took off her sunglasses which still covered her eyes.  "Here you'll be able to see better inside without these."  Her left eye was cut and bruised.  "You are really beautiful!"  Jon leaned over and let his lips touch hers.  It had been so long since she felt the gentleness of a man that she couldn't help but long for more.  She put her hands under his shirt and lifted it off to show his bare, gorgeous, muscular chest.  He picked her up and laid her on the bed...

© 2012 Madison J. Taylor ~ Romance Artist

Author's Note

Madison J. Taylor ~ Romance Artist
ignore grammer issues still a work in progress

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Added on June 7, 2012
Last Updated on June 7, 2012


Madison J. Taylor ~ Romance Artist
Madison J. Taylor ~ Romance Artist

Malibu, CA

I've been writing since I can remember. I finally started writing romance when I was about 16 and tapped into erotica around 22. I enjoy many things aside from writing: baseball, hockey, horseback r.. more..
