Never end.

Never end.

A Poem by (*^.^*)Vivi(*^.^*)

I looked through the mirror

forever  thinking





just for the rain to stop

to plead to the earth

like my mother and father once did.

lookin for a reason to smile

for a reason to fly that sky

dont know what i saw

just as i turned

i sprang into reality.

i peered beyond you

peeking into me

not entirely insink with the world

within my train of thought

i knew you'd leave

once again mixing my emotions

with your fear of hope

last thing she said was

"i love you dear"

then i knew that girl

was me.

© 2009 (*^.^*)Vivi(*^.^*)

Author's Note

this is a poem i made for something to think about.

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Featured Review

just as i turned
i sprang into reality.
i peered beyond you
peeking into me

Actually, I think it is very deep and profound. Relationships are just like the words above. We bounce off of one another like to pieces of flint. In the end peering into ourselves is all that really matters. As we can only change ourselves and not our mates.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Wow! This piece completely reminds me of my world. Reality is so confusing and your writing touches on the twisted side of life with a dash of the pleasantness. Hope You don't mind if I save a copy for myself - I would not ever claim to have created, I just want to add it to my favorite poems - I print it and save it on my computer. Let me know if it's ok or not. Wonderful piece!

Posted 14 Years Ago

just as i turned
i sprang into reality.
i peered beyond you
peeking into me

Actually, I think it is very deep and profound. Relationships are just like the words above. We bounce off of one another like to pieces of flint. In the end peering into ourselves is all that really matters. As we can only change ourselves and not our mates.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on May 12, 2009
Last Updated on May 26, 2009

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