Why Don't You See Me?

Why Don't You See Me?

A Poem by makaylarayne10

Just venting and such. Questions unanswered...you know...

Am I really that hard to see?
Or is he ignoring me?

I know I'm not that pretty...
And I'm definitely not popular.
But hey,
I'm smart.
I'm a cheerleader.
I'm a band geek
And a choir queer

I look at myself in the mirror everyday,
putting on the makeup,
wondering if it helps.
Or maybe it just helps me become as black and dull as the walls around me.

You talk to me.
But am I just a wall, just simply there?
I'm a good listener,
since I don't talk much.

Maybe this is happening because I'm the only one of my friends that's single,
Or maybe I'm falling for you,
Yeah, I'm not old enough to understand any of this,
But I just wish you'd talk to me.

Are you really that busy with the rest of the guys
who are just like you?
Or am I invisible to everyone,
Including you?

I've never had a boyfriend
and I act as if I never like anyone.
But if you wanted to ask me out,
I wouldn't say no.

So why am I invisible,
and not good enough?
But I'm not sorry enough to change,
I like the way I am.

So either you accept me for who I am,
or I'll get over you.
Maybe one day you'll like me too
but I doubt it strongly,
Life's no fairy tale
and my dreams never come true.

So I'll live invisible each day to you.

© 2011 makaylarayne10

Author's Note

Yeah well this isn't really good just venting.

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Added on January 18, 2011
Last Updated on January 18, 2011



Middleville, MI

Hey, I'm Makayla. I love to write stories and have been reading novels since the first grade, starting with Harry Potter. I love the Twilight series, Harry Potter series, Mortal Intrument series and P.. more..
