Unfamiliar Faces

Unfamiliar Faces

A Poem by Eric Maki

a poem that was inspired by my grandfather who suffered with alzheimer's


I have this eerie feeling,

That I should know you.

The name is on the tip

Of my tongue.

You're face is oddly familiar to me

Yet I dont know why.

Deep down in my heart and soul

I know who you are

Feel the love I have for you

Just some thing in my head

Is pushing you away from me

I feel lost in an unfamiliar place

Hateful because I cant seem to remember

who anyone is or where i'm at

I've lived a long life

why is this happening?

Why is it I seem so forgetful?

I know something is wrong

just dont know what

Am I being punished

or just time taking it's toll

I just wish I could remember

all the faces around me

Just have to remember

and hold on to that feeling

of love I have for these

Unfamiliar faces.

© 2011 Eric Maki

Author's Note

Eric Maki
any and every opinion is welcomed

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Added on December 11, 2011
Last Updated on December 11, 2011


Eric Maki
Eric Maki

Baraga, MI

Hello, I'm not ya average person. I'm weird and a bit on the insane side. I write to vent to get things out of my system. Helps me grow and expand and put my feelings out that I usually keep bottled u.. more..

Man?? Man??

A Poem by Eric Maki