No Room but Adjacent Houses

No Room but Adjacent Houses

A Poem by maktub

Its that God/soul thing again :-)


Press your nose to the glass,
What do you see, inward looking?

Me, dancing ‘round the rooms,
Wearing holes in the soles of…

Wait no, not shoes, but my soul ...
Something deep within, is bouncing...

Off those walls, down the halls
with joyful jumps, so much music…

There it goes again, it’s Him..
Who? Why, the door Itself…

Laughing, loving, living in me...
Can you feel this near explosion...

Motion going, this life inside mine?
Not my tunes bringing down house...

You see, my windows locked tight?
See, no back door to sneak through?

All watch, no snatch, can’t touch,
Only observe, what’s going down...

Sorry, my bad, was that a bit fast…?
Let me fly it by you one more time…

There’s 3, plus a space for me,
Do the math, it won't come free…

Right, there’s light, here inside,
But I didn’t turn it on, not I…

There’s no side way to enter,
Nothing but straight and center…

Want this, gotta knock and see
What could possibly be waiting...

It'll greet you, on the other side
and what I've got is customized…

Meaning what you’re thinking
Is WAY beneath what will be…

Behind your door, is more
Than you would ever expect...

To even consider you’d get…
You and those three…it’s alright,

I know, no room in there for me -
But we've got adjacent houses now…

Father, Son, the Spirit and me...
Father, Son, the Spirit, you next door.

© 2008 maktub

My Review

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Dear maktub,

Touching and again, original. I loved it! Keep up the brilliant work!

- Puella M. W.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 23, 2008




Things happen for a reason, and regardless of what that reason is, those things are not always good, but nor are they always bad...and oftentimes the unanswered prayers are the greatest blessings, and.. more..

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