Candy Land

Candy Land

A Screenplay by Markoo

Candy Land, copyright of Hasbro
an adaptation from board game to big screen
by Marc A Nadeau
Scene 1: Happy Birthday
A perfect sunny day for an outdoor birthday party. The parents of this child went all out, they have a bouncy house. There is a clown that the younger children stare up at from a blanket on the ground. The older, invited children, bounce, run around the yard, and splash in the pool.
Besides cake, of which there are three (ice cream, chocolate, and vanilla), every candy (brand and off) available for purchase fills one neon colored bowl after another. An ice cream man stands at a cart making made-to-order sundaes.
Parents mill around the food and plastic tables with colorful, plastic tablecloths. Nonchalant fathers sip beers. Mothers stand close discussing gossip in whispers and their children with loud pride.
A boisterous, pudgy boy races around with a group of kids. He has flecks of dried cake frosting around his lips. He galavants through the party, drinking juice and stopping at every snack table, eating and eating.
The kids run through a group of adults who look after them half interested, half annoyed before going back to talking.
The big kid stops dead out of a sprint, the other kids following closely knock into each other coming to a halt and laugh looking at the boy expectantly.
He is pale. Very pale. His sweating face says that he is going to vomit. His eyes roll back.
The parents are standing around, chatting. Screams come from the other side of the yard. They drop what they are doing, drop the beers they are drinking and their paper plates.
A flood of parents run across the yard with kids coming from every direction. All meet at the circle formed around the big kid. He is on the ground, convulsing violently, his eyes roll and limbs thrash violently.
Some kids are screaming, many are crying.
The boy's seizure stops. He is completely still.
A few parents rush in, shake him. One pulls him to sitting position and presses his ear to the boy's chest. The boy's body is limp.  He lays him down and starts doing CPR. There are parents on their phones calling for an ambulance as others find their children and try to console them and draw them away from the scene.
The crowd disperses as Jonah's mother stands by him wailing, his father is kneeling by his head. The CPR is continued by the man who started.
Jonah's Mom is wailing "Jonah!" over and again.
                    CANDY LAND
Scene 2: Gingerbread Plumtree Forest
Jonah's eyes fly open and he sits up with a gasp.
He is in an old forest. Thousands of years old. He rests between two upheaved, protruding roots. There are no grasses growing, no sunlight makes it through the canopy a hundred feet above. The light is a green gloom. Small insects scurry about on their business and that concerns basketball sized black round objects that occupy the space between tree trunks.
Jonah stands up and dusts himself off. He shivers. His striped shirt and flannel shorts are dirty and absurd. He can't make out anything from where he stands between the roots. He climbs up one, dislodging some dirt and insects. The view is monotonous and fades into mist. All he can see in any direction is the uniform distribution of mammoth trunks and the scattered round objects.
He covers his mouth and face. The smell is putrid.
He walks down the root to the forest floor and begins walking in a direction. He comes to one of the round black objects that has insects swarming it and coming to and from in tidy lines. He bends down to inspect it but recoils quickly coughing.
He continues on, giving the decaying fruit as wide a berth as possible and occasionally yells out "Hello" in a random direction.
An hour later everything looks the same. He finds a place between some roots next to the trunk of a tree. He sits down and lays his head against the trunk and shuts his eyes. He sniffs. He sniffs more. He opens his eyes and stares at the trunk, gets up, walks around for a moment looking at the ground, picks up a rock and rushes back to the trunk.
Jonah chips at the trunk with the rock until a chunk of the bark breaks free. He drops the rock, picks up the bark and places it under his nose. He takes a long sniff. He hold it out one more time for examination, shrugs and takes a nibble.
JONAH: Gingerbread?!
He picks up the rock and hacks away at the tree. Over his shoulder a big lizard is sneaking toward him. When it is a foot behind him it rears.
A whizzing object hits the lizard in the head knocking it unconscious.
Jonah jumps up from his work at the trunk and turns. He sees the lizard at his feet, looks up to the top of the root, screams.
A large beast of thick green fur with huge whiskers looms above Jonah. He is grinning, bearing huge sharp teeth, a purple stone glows at his neck held in a woven hemp collar. He holds a smooth object like the one that struck the lizard in his right hand.
JONAH: Thanks for saving me.
PLUMPY: (deep, wild voice) Save you? That lizard eats bugs.
JONAH: What do you eat?
In reply Plumpy laughs a ferocious and terrifying laugh that displays all of his teeth.
Jonah runs.
PLUMPY: Oh no you don't!
Jonah is hit in the back of the head with Plumpy's projectile and sprawls unconscious.
Scene 3: The Hospital
Jonah's parents and a doctor, white coat and all, stands there with them. His parents, especially his mom, look like they've been awake and crying for days. His dad holds his mother with one arm and stares at the doctor as if his complete attention will improve his son's condition.
Behind them Jonah lies in a hospital bed surrounded by machines. The fluorescent light is dim and with the hospital colors gives the air a dismal pale.
The doctor looks unhappy and angry. His arms are crossed.
He looks at Jonah for a second before beginning.
DOCTOR: Mr. and Mrs. Sacch, your son is in a diabetic coma.
MR. SACCH: A coma-
The doctor holds up his hand.
DOCTOR: Your son is lucky to be alive. And he may not live. His pancreas, shut down, it's dead. When we pumped your son's stomach we found no toxins, what we did find...
He pulls a pad from out of his pocket and flips a couple pages, finds the one he wants and holds it up in front of his face.
DOCTOR: (monotone) One pound of cake, seventeen barely chewed bite sized candy bars, a half pound conglomerate of gummies and another pound of partially digested chocolate and bile.
He flips the pad closed and slips it back in your pocket.
DOCTOR: I can't believe he got that much in his stomach, but it seems well adjusted to consuming this much. Your son is in this state because he ingested enough sugar to power a flight to the moon. Where were you while he was doing this?
MRS. SACCH: (defensive) We were there!
DOCTOR: And you've been letting him eat like this for a while.
He prematurely holds up his hand.
DOCTOR: A twelve year old doesn't end up in a coma from one sugar binge. His endocrine system has been overtaxed for a while now.
    All I can say is that he is stable for now. We have him regulated with insulin right now. If he comes out of this coma he will have to take it for the rest of his life. He has diabetes. (silence)
    There are other parents in the same situation.
The doctor pulls another paper from his pocket. He unfolds it and holds it forward. It is a moment before either of Jonah's parents move. Mrs. Sacch's takes the paper and holds it before unseeing eyes.
DOCTOR: There are websites listed for information on diabetes and below that some support groups and when they meet.
MRS. SACCH: (holding the paper out) I'm not going anywhere.
The doctor ignores her outstretched hand.
DOCTOR: He's stable for now. I'll let you know if anything changes.
The doctor leaves the room.
Jonah's parents go to his bedside where Jonah lies arrow straight tucked under the covers, IV projecting from his arm. His chest rises and falls slowly.
Mrs. Sacch sits in a chair by the bed and holds her son's limp hand. Her eyes are empty as she looks at her son. His chest rises and falls.
Scene 4: Plumpy's Hollow
It is dark. There is loud rustling and the movement of a heavy body. And pain.
Jonah opens his eyes, hand at his head. He is in a single room that is clearly Plumpy's cabin. Plumpy is busying himself out front, skinning and cooking up the lizard. Jonah is lying in his bed, positioned as though Plumpy tossed him into the pile of rags.
The walls are decorated with animal bones and woven shapes.
The monster hasn't noticed Jonah is awake.
Plumpy starts humming to himself. To Jonah it sounds the same as growling.
He slides sideways out of bed staying as low as he can. He crosses the room, making for the sole window, staying low and doing his best to be avoid entanglement in the dusty junk that covers the floor.
There is no pane. Jonah sticks his right leg through and starts maneuvering himself over the lip, but he bumps his head into the woven and curled curtain with his head. It unfurls and covers him with dust. He sneezes.
Jonah turns quickly but the curtain blocks his vision. Before he can move strong, hairy, green hands grab him and throw him back into the room.
PLUMPY: I know I haven't had company in a while but I couldn't be that crumby a host.
Jonah scurries backward on his hands and runs into the wall behind him.
JONAH: What?!
Plumpy fills the room, he steps forward, picks up Jonah and sticks him out the window.
Jonah looks down and sees the ground fifty feet away swim in front of his eyes. Plumpy has built his house in a hollow in the heights of a gingerbread tree.
PLUMPY: If you still want to go I can let you go.
JONAH: No, no! Bring me inside!
Plumpy pulls Jonah in and tosses him back on top of the bed.
JONAH: Thanks for saving me.
PLUMPY: Save you? From what? You?
Plumpy laughs his terrible laugh.
Jonah rubs his head and comes across a tender spot.
PLUMPY: Are you hurt?
JONAH: Yeah, I am. You hit me with, with uh...
PLUMPY: A plum seed.
JONAH: A plum- oh.
Jonah looks around the room with wide eyed interest.
JONAH: You live in a gingerbread tree?
JONAH: That grows a hundred feet tall and has plums the size of heads?
PLUMPY: (smiling with all his teeth) Some grow two hundred feet tall.
Plumpy goes outside to where the lizard is cooking in a pot over a small fire. He smells the steam over the pot and adds some seasoning.
Jonah sits on the bed smiling to himself. He takes his left hand and pushes on his head injury. He winces and nods at the results.
JONAH: I've gone insane.
He goes outside. It is a porch on a giant mushroom, a marshmallow mushroom. The view is no less uniform than on the ground, but still has the majesty of a place viewed from a great height. The forest is dark and sprawling below them.
JONAH: I didn't introduce myself. I'm Jonah.
The monster turns and looks at him through narrowed eyes and extends a large, hairy, clawed hand.
PLUMPY: (gruff) Plumpy.
They shake hands and Plumpy returns to stirring the pot and hum/ growling.
Jonah nods and looks disgustedly at the pile of lizard guts and the skinned body tossed whole in the pot.
JONAH: If you aren't going to eat me why did you knock me out?
PLUMPY: You were going to run deeper into the woods. No one knows where they end, not even me.
JONAH: I already don't know where I am.
PLUMPY: (holds his hands up and out to the forest) The Gingerbread Plum Tree Forest.
JONAH: Great name, descriptive. But where is that?
PLUMPY: The southernmost district in the Candy Kingdom.
JONAH: And where is the Candy Kingdom?
Plumpy visibly thinks, shrugs.
JONAH: Plumpy, who would know?
Plumpy visibly thinks again.
PLUMPY: King Kandy.
JONAH: (to himself) King Kandy, Candy Kingdom. (to Plumpy) Can you take me to him?
Plumpy thinks. Gets a scared look.
He tries to busy himself with cooking.
JONAH: (pulling on Plumpy's arm) No, why? Plumpy, what's wrong?
PLUMPY: King Kandy banished me.
JONAH: What? Banished you? Why?
PLUMPY: He said I wasn't sweet enough for court. That I didn't suit the taste of his majesty and the royal lords.
JONAH: You don't have to take me all the way.
PLUMPY: I'm not leaving the forest!
Plumpy's teeth are bared in a plainly less friendly appearance than that of his smile, steely lengths fully bared, lips pulled back, gums partially exposed.
JONAH: Alright, alright!
There is an awkward silence following the loud exchange. Jonah looks out over the forest. Plumpy stirs the pot, dips in a spoon and sips it.
PLUMPY: Dinner is ready.
JONAH: (cold) The lizard?
JONAH: Great.
Jonah is in the bed, lying perfectly straight, eyes staring at the ceiling.
Plumpy fills up the floor. He snores. One snore comes out especially loud.
Jonah turns his head and stares at the dark form that inflates with every raspy breath. At Plumpy's throat the gem glows a soft purple. Jonah turns back to staring at the ceiling.
In the hospital Jonah's body lies perfectly straight, eyes shut, his mother passed out next to him, half on the chair, half on the bed.
Dawn. Jonah still stares straight up, eyes red, tear streaks from the corners.
PLUMPY: Want breakfast?
JONAH: The lizard?
JONAH: Great.
Jonah joins Plumpy on the balcony but doesn't take the bowl of food held out to him. The morning light is a lighter green. Jonah's skin is pale and sickly in the light. He stares out into the mist, lost in thought.
Plumpy suddenly speaks and surprises Jonah.
PLUMPY: I won't take you to King Kandy.
JONAH: I know. You told me.
PLUMPY: I will point you in his direction.
Jonah looks up from his reverie. He smiles and sniffs in some gooey snot.
JONAH: (full of gratitude) Great!
Plumpy hands Jonah a fiber woven bag.
PLUMPY: There is water in there and enough lizard jerky to get you through the woods.
JONAH: How do I find my way?
PLUMPY: This is the southmost point of Candy Land. Go north and you can't miss the Candy Court.
JONAH: ....
PLUMPY: Pudding droplets will form on the north sides of the Gingerbread Plum trees at sundown. And once you are out of the woods and can see the sky, the sun rises in the North.
JONAH: The sun rises in the North?
PLUMPY: Yeah, convenient.
Jonah walks to the edge of the balcony.
JONAH: Thanks Plumpy, for everything.
The green, furry monster hugs the boy. The embrace lifts Jonah from the ground. Plumpy sets him down. Jonah goes along the edge of the balcony, searching. Plumpy watches him smiling.
JONAH: Plumpy, how do I get down?
PLUMPY: Climb. I climb.
Jonah looks down the side of the tree.
JONAH: (swallowing) Plumpy, I don't think I can do that.
PLUMPY: I can throw you down.
Plumpy laughs terribly at his own joke.
PLUMPY: (still chuckling) I have some rope.
Jonah descends slowly in intervals, rope tied around his middle, dangling.
At the bottom Jonah unties himself and looks up at Plumpy.
Plumpy waves.
Jonah looks around for the direction to set off in, but he can't see the sun and it isn't sundown. He makes a cone of his hands and screams up.
High above Plumpy points.
Jonah waves and sets off. After a couple minutes he opens his bag, takes out the lizard jerky and throws it as hard as he can. No sooner has he released the jerky than a plum smashes into the ground in front of him.
He runs over to the jerky, picks it up, stuffs it in the bag, looks up at the canopy tentatively, then resumes his journey.
Scene 5: Mr. Mint & the 'Ghoul'
Jonah reaches the edge of the wood after a hard day of walking. The Gingerbread Plum trees thin out and get shorter while other plants and grass start appearing and deepening to into a thicket. Jonah quickens his pace and breaks into a run through the brush.
He bursts out of the forest onto a long, descending slope.
The night is lit by a moon that appears to be a perfect scoop of vanilla ice cream, and there are sprinkles on it. Whip cream clouds drift across the valley, and larger puffier ones obscure the Gumdrop Mountains to the north past the Peppermint Forest. Stars shine like grains of sugar.
He sees gingerbread towns built along a river winding through the valley to the east. A manor of magnificent proportions stands on a series of gumdrop hills. There is a road coming from the woods off to Jonah's right leading to a small group of buildings standing before the Peppermint Forest populated by Candy Cane trees.
Jonah picks up a brisk pace and trots down to the little town consisting of a few buildings lining a worn dirt fare way.
His sense of adventure dulls as he reaches the outskirts. His pace slows to a crawl and he nervously grips the straps of his backpack as he treks the dirt road.
It's early in the night, but there is no one else out on the street. The only signs of life are some torches lit in a few doorways.
Jonah catches sight of a shadow dodging down an alleyway in the corner of his eye, but as quick as he jerks his head he sees nothing.
JONAH: Hello? Who's there?
But no one answers. He proceedes.
A perpendicular road runs into the main mud way he is on. Down the new road he can see what looks like a little shrine, candles set up, a tablet of some kind and a variety of dishes with cards set in them. As he crosses to examine it he hears footsteps behind him, but again, when he turns he sees nothing.
It is definitely a shrine.
The sign says "For the Ghoul" and under the sign are an assortment of baked goods. Each plate of baked good has a card with a name and messages like;
"Please, Ghoul, enjoy this baklava in place of my son and daughter." - Mrs. Goodmint
"Dear Ghoul, thanks for not sucking my blood when I saw you the other night. These triple fudge brownies are sweeter, I swear." Mr. Caocao
"Mister monster, you scared our teacher so bad we got a day off school. Do it again!" -Mini Pop #61216484
A figure smashes open the door of a nearby building. He is carrying an ax. The ax head gleams in the firelight as it is pointed at Jonah. The handle is candy cane.
MR. MINT: There it is! Get it!
Candies come flooding out of the nearby buildings, many of them carrying torches and blunt instruments. Though they are a mob they seem afraid. Jonah is surrounded and many instruments are pointed at him.
Jonah has his arms out, back to the shrine, looking like a basketball player on defense and darting his eyes from one threatening object to another. Though, while there are pitchforks and sharpened stick, there are actual instruments as well. A disgruntled looking candycorn is wielding a dijiridu and a timid piece of gum is holding a flute out like a rapier.
It is a vastly unequal standoff.
Mr. Mint, who marshaled the charge, is now at the back. Sticklike, he stands a good head over the tallest member of the crowd, but with the amalgam of various shapes, including many gummy candies who stick together when pressed in a mob like this, he is having a hard time forcing his way to the front.
Mr. Mint, through a series of hopping, shoving, and loud, sarcastic "Excuse me!"s makes it to the front of the circle where he stops at the same distance as the rest.
He has height, and he speaks in a regal tone, he wears excellent clothing. But his entire appearance is worn and frayed. He is a man (candy) clinging to what he was, holding on to what he has left, or rather, what has been left to him
MR. MINT: Well? What are you waiting for? Get him!
A couple of the candies cough and fidget.
MR. MINT: What? The trap worked. You have your ghoul. Now, get him, go on.
Mr. Mint makes a gesture with his ax to urge the candies forward.
A gumball, gobstopper  or jawbreaker  (hard to tell without tasting): First off, it's supposed to be a shrine. Second, that doesn't look like the ghoul. The ghoul is much smaller. Third, you 'get it' if you're so eager.
A flood of opinions followed.
"Don't touch it, it'll melt your face!"
"That thing is twice the size of the ghoul I know."
"It's just as ugly."
"And it went to the shrine marked for the ghoul!"
"Do you think it got bigger from eating all those people?"
A hard candy standing at the back: Does anyone actually know someone who got eaten by the ghoul?
A green flecked jelly bean: "My neighbor, Bill Butterscotch, was cut clean in half with one lick only yesterday."
BILL BUTTERSCOTCH: (Standing two people away and wielding a fire poker) No I wasn't.
The crowd goes quiet. They all look to Jonah in the center of the circle.
After some silence Mr. Mint makes a gesture toward Jonah. Jonah narrows his eyes and watches him. Mr. Mint repeats the gesture.
JONAH: (in a quiet voice, leaning slightly toward Mr. Mint) What?
MR MINT: (loud, causing Jonah to jump back) Well? Are you the ghoul?
JONAH: Uh...
Jonah takes a moment to look at the crowd and see how to answer. The faces that look back are simple, openly curious, they are spectators now, weapons held by their sides or leaned on.
JONAH: (in a strong voice, to the crowd) I am not the ghoul. I-
"I knew he wasn't."
"What a misunderstanding."
"Of course he's going to say he isn't."
"He's got ghoul written all over him. And you know they're liars."
"That means that thing is still on the loose."
"We need a test!"
"Should someone fetch a duck?"
MR. MINT: Stop! All of you. This is no way to handle a trial.
JONAH: Trial?
Another Round Candy: He's right! Look at us. We're standing in the middle of the street!
A cotton candy: (looking into the sky) He's right! What if it rained?
A scone: They're right! To city hall!
The crowd takes up the cheer, "To City Hall", no one makes a move to take Jonah, but he is kept in the eye of the mob and moved along. They do not get very far.
The front stops, and collisions occur, the cheering stops.
Standing in the middle of the main street, hand-in-the-cookie jar shock on it's face, a sack slung over one shoulder is the ghoul, who Jonah recognizes as being nothing more than a dirt stained, raggy, thin girl.
The mutual moment of surprise lasts a second. The girl startles to and runs, darting down the first alleyway she comes to. She disappears into the night.
The mob stands in silence.
The gum/gob/jaw guy: I told you the ghoul was smaller.
Scene 6: Town Hall.
The mob is now distributed in the city hall sitting on gram cracker benches. The cacauphony is too great for any individual statement to be heard. Jonah sits on the far left side in the front row confused, relieved and curious.
The candies are content to shout. Mr. Mint is standing up front at a pink frosted, cake podium. He pretends to listen a while, he nods and looks judicious, the look changes to annoyance.
The crowd shuts up.
MR. MINT: Thank you. I appreciate your opinions, but we need to do something.
    OK. Who actually has an idea?
There is a murmur in the crowd.
A chocolate with a crown of sprinkled nuts around an almond steps forward.
MAYOR CHOCOLATE: Why don't you get down from there Mister Mint? We all know you like to be in charge, but things change. I was content to let you have a hand out of respect, but this is my town. Step down. Now.
Mr. Mint, who was all fire up til now, has had the wind taken from his sails. He sags visibly. Rather than walk away he takes a route of pathetic dignity.
MR. MINT: Alright folks. Here is, your Mayor, with more on the ghoul.
Some people clap as he steps down, far more clap when the mayor gets to the podium. He raises his hands to silence them.
MAYOR CHOCOLATE: Mr. Mint, you've forgotten your ax.
Candies laugh as face downturned Mr. Mint takes the ax headfirst from the Mayors outstretched hand. Then he slinks to sit on the floor off to the left side, a couple feet in front of Jonah.
MAYOR CHOCOLATE: Now, this ghoul is a creeper. And we need to put a stop to these creepings. And I will.
The crowd cheers.
MAYOR CHOCOLATE: I am going to outline for you my five step plan that will not only get rid of the ghoul, but make life better for us all here in Minton.
More cheers.
Jonah looks away from the Mayor to the dejected Mr. Mint. Mr. Mint appears genuinely sad and beside himself.
Jonah scrunches his mouth and brow in thought. He leans forward.
JONAH: Pst- hey, Mr. Mint. Pst. Mr. Mint.
Jonah swings an arm out in front of him.
MR. MINT: (looks up, glares) Yeah.
JONAH: I- (his speech is cut off by the sounds of more cheering from the crowd)
MR. MINT: What?
JONAH: (a yell that comes in during relative silence) Can we talk outside?
The entire group looks over at the two crouched together off to the side. The pair stands up, they both head for the aisle at the same time and bump into each other. Mr. Mint steps back and makes a sweeping hand gesture for Jonah to go first. He does, walks hurriedly with Mr. Mint a step behind him, up the aisle and out the back door. Only when the door shuts does everyone turn back to the Mayor.
Scene 7: Let's go.
The moon is up high and lights the street, there are no traces of whipped cream in the sky. Mr. Mint and Jonah stand on a  gram cracker sidewalk.
MR. MINT: (snappish) What do you want, not ghoul?
JONAH: My name is Jonah. And yeah, no, I am not the ghoul. Actually, there is no ghoul. You've been chasing a girl.
MR. MINT: A girl? Sounds almost as bad.
JONAH: You're right, but trust me, she isn't very dangerous.
Mr. Mint gives Jonah a long look.
MR. MINT: It's true that no one has been hurt. But we can't have girls creeping the countryside freaking people out and sucking blood and whatever it is that girls do either. You leave me with the same problem. How do we get rid of the girl?
JONAH: I don't know about that, but I want to find her.
MR. MINT: That wild creature? Why?
JONAH: She's the only human I've seen here other than me. Maybe she knows something... how I got here... how to get out of here... what's the deal with King Kandy-
MR. MINT: I know King Kandy personally.
JONAH: Really? Could you introduce me to him?
Mr. Mint's face falls. He looks away.
MR. MINT: (mumbling) Yeah, maybe, it's a long walk, but I could, I guess...
He turns back and speaks loud and clear.
    How about finding that ghoul?
JONAH: Girl.
MR. MINT: Yes, the girl. I'll help you look for her.
JONAH: What about K-
MR. MINT: Let's talk about that later. If we get a move on we can catch that girl tonight.
JONAH: What? It's got to be midnight and we have no idea where she went.
Mr. Mint frowns a little, looks guiltily at Jonah.
MR. MINT: I know where it is. I've known for a few days now.
JONAH: Wasn't she menacing this town? If you knew where she was why didn't you just catch her?
MR. MINT: (frank) I wanted the capture to be public so everyone could be a witness to my heroism.
MR. MINT: (frank) I need to do something great that everyone would talk about.
MR. MINT: (dry) Seriously? You want to do this right now? We just met.
They have eyes locked for a moment, Mr. Mint's eyebrows are raised. Jonah is taken aback, slightly open mouthed.
JONAH: (slow) O - K. I'm gonna save that for later too.
    We can go.
MR. MINT: Yeah, let's. Follow me.
Mr. Mint turns and marches without looking back to see if Jonah is following.
Jonah follows.
Scene 8: The lair of the girl.
The pair are in the Peppermint Forest. Mr. Mint has a lead on Jonah who follows at a distance struggling and wheezing. He plods up a gentle slope through the long shadows made by the Candy Cane trees and the Vanilla Moon.
JONAH: H-hey- Mr.- Mint!
Mr. Mint stops, looks back. He sees the boy is in bad shape and waits.
Jonah covers the distance absurdly slow, his breathing is heavy and loud in the night forest.
A few feet from Mr. Mint he stops, and bends over, hands on his knees. He heaves a little but doesn't puke.
Mr. Mint watches with a furrowed brow until Jonah stops heaving and his breathing levels out somewhat.
MR. MINT: You ok there chief?
JONAH: Ye- -yeah- heh whew.
     (He takes a deep breath and straightens.)
    How much farther?
MR. MINT: Yeah.. not much farther... you sure you aren't dying on me? You look pretty pale.
JONAH: You're one to talk.
Mr. Mint smiles. His candy cane body is fairly glowing in the moonlight.
Jonah opens the bag and drinks some water from the withered and hollowed plum rind Plumpy fashioned as a canteen. He offers it to Mr. Mint who declines with a wave of his hand.
Jonah takes one more sip, closes the bottle, closes the bag and whips it over his shoulder.
JONAH: Well? Let's go!
MR. MINT: (eyebrow raised) You're positive?
JONAH: Yes, come on.
MR. MINT: (with a wary eye on Jonah as he starts off) Alright.
Jonah follows him. They reach the apex of the slope a hundred feet later and Mr. Mint stops.
JONAH: I told you I'm fine!
MR. MINT: Sshh! We're here.
Mr. Mint points down the other side of the hill to a cluster of gumdrop boulders.
MR. MINT: She lives in there. Those boulders make a cave, two entrances, one facing us and one on the other side.
While Mr. Mint is explaining, Jonah looks back down the hill to where they stopped and back to Mr. Mint with incredulity, but says nothing of his thoughts.
JONAH: What's the plan?
MR. MINT: Didn't you say she isn't dangerous?
JONAH: Yeah.
MR. MINT: So shouldn't we just walk up, announce ourselves and talk to her?
The forest whispers in a night breeze, a candy crow calls over the Candy Cane trees and the ground is scarred by the dark shadows cast by the full scoop moon.
JONAH: It's spooky.
MR. MINT: (looks around the forest) And?
JONAH: (suddenly whispering and slowly moving closer to Mr. Mint) She's alone in this forest, who knows what she has been through, we saw her run, she's a runner, if we try to go straight in she'll bail, we're not going to find her again if she gets away. We should... we should sneak in and then you drive her toward me. When she sees me she'll calm down and we can talk. Yeah. It'll work. That way, we don't scare her off. You take the far side and I'll come from the front.
By the time he has finished talking, he and Mr. Mint are side my side in a huddle. Mr. Mint has been nodding his head for a while.
    (Nods more)
    You're sure?
JONAH: Minty, you've got to stop asking me if I'm sure.
    Yes, I am sure. This is a good plan.
MR. MINT: What was that?
JONAH: What?
MR. MINT: You know what you said.
JONAH: Minty? Is that not cool?
Mr. Mint shakes his head.
JONAH: What do I call-
MR. MINT: Let's go.
Mr. Mint starts off without waiting for a reply, he stay low and takes a route that will bring him around to the other side of the rocks.
JONAH: (whispering) I'll save that for later.
The two take a roundabout route that (for the most part) keeps them out of view of the gumdrop cluster cave. Near the cave Mr. Mint stops, turns, and waves to Jonah, then he sticks up a finger, signaling for a minute.
Jonah waves back and gives a thumbs up.
Mr. Mint continues around the back of the cave and disappears from sight.
Jonah moves near the front of the cave. and stands partially crouched behind a sizable gumdrop ten feet from the entrance.
JONAH: Maybe hiding behind a rock is a bad idea.
He steps out from behind the rock and starts walking toward the front of the cave.
An animal scream, piercing and terrifying comes from the back of the cave.
Jonah is surprised. He halts five feet from the entrance, standing ready to run in the other direction, hands held up in front of him like a nervous soccer goalie.
A girl's shriek follows the animal scream. And then the animal scream again.
Jonah's eyes are wide as he watches the cave's opening.
Something comes flying out of the cave.
Jonah screams in a high pitch and turns to flee. He doesn't manage that. His feet get tangled together as the girl plows full sprint into him. The combination throws him onto the ground.
The girl is fine. She continues her escape in a beeline sprint up the hill.
Jonah rolls onto his stomach. His head in the direction the girl is running.
JONAH: (gasping for breath) Wait!
    We just want to talk to you!
A good distance away, and not immediately, the girl stops and stares back.
Jonah is coughing and getting from the ground to all fours. A hand appears in front of his face. The girl. He accepts it and she pulls him to his feet.
JOLENE: If you wanted to talk to me why did that guy come running in, screaming and waving his hands?
JONAH: It seemed like a good plan.
Mr. Mint emerges from the cave dusting off his dirty clothes and smiling.
MR. MINT: I got her.
 (he sees the girl)
    I got you.
Up close the girl is even more wiry and grimy. She is mousy, brown eyes, medium brown hair, stick out ears. Her hair is a tangle with bits of stuff in it. She is as tall as Jonah when she stands straight. She once wore jeans and a maroon sweater, but like all clothes exposed to woods for an extended period they appear more brown than anything. To top off the get-up she has a burlap cape wrapped around her shoulders, her thievery sack and extra layer.
JOLENE: (smiling) Yeah. You got me.
JONAH: (smacking the dirt off his ludicrous shorts) I'm surprised you stopped.
JOLENE: You seem harmless. What's your name kid?
JONAH: Kid? My name is Jonah and I bet we're the same age.
JOLENE: I'm 12.
JONAH: I'm 12, told you-
JOLENE: Birthday?
JONAH: October twen-
JOLENE: Hah! August! I'm older. Who's this guy?
JONAH: Uh, he's Mr. Mint.
JOLENE: That's what you call him? What's his name?
MR. MINT: Mr. Mint is fine.
JONAH: What's your name?
JOLENE: It's Jolene.
JONAH: Jolene... I wanted to talk to you because, well, it's obvious. How did you get here? Do you know how to get back?
JOLENE: I don't know any more than you. I was in school studying, I fell asleep at my desk, and I woke up here. I've been here for two months.
JONAH: Two months?! Have you looked for a way out, or asked anyone?
JOLENE: I thought I was living in a nightmare, my nightmare. I thought I had gone crazy up until I saw those monsters attacking you in the town.
JONAH: You haven't seen any other humans?
JOLENE: No, I stay out here. I steal food from town. They chase me, I never talked to anyone.
JONAH: All I have heard is to ask King Kandy in the North, it isn't a lot to go on.
Jolene bites her lip.
JOLENE: You think we can get out of here?
JONAH: I'm going to try. At the very least, going to the Candy Court will be more fun than living in a cave and being chased by villagers everyday.
JOLENE: (leaning close and whispering) You have no idea. I felt so... so animal. Not speaking and being chased everyday by those...
    (She darts a look Mr. Mint who is politely smiling and waiting for the two children to finish their conversation. He nods at her. She makes a disgusted face and turns back to Jonah.)
... monsters.
JONAH: (Laughing) These 'monsters' are people. You can talk to them, they won't bite.
JOLENE: (distracted, eying Mr. Mint again) Maybe I will.
JONAH: Sheesh. Relax. Mr. Mint come here and talk to Jolene.
MR. MINT: Please.
JONAH: Please?
MR. MINT: Yeah.
    I'm Mr. Mint (he shakes Jolene's hand), I'm going to take this guy to Candy Court, blah blah blah, I won't hack you up with my ax tonight and eat you.
JONAH: Why would you say that?
MR. MINT: Because I'm not going to do that.
JONAH: Yeah, but-
MR. MINT: I saw her looking at my ax and thought she might be worried. I did start off by running at her and screaming.
JONAH: Ok, ok. It's fine. Let's go.
MR. MINT: Yeah, lets go to bed. I'm bushed.
    Hey, this cave will do nicely.
JONAH: (looking up at the moon) Oh yeah, I guess it is late. (To Jolene) Can we sleep in your cave?
JOLENE: Um, sure, of course.
JONAH: Thanks.
He goes into the caves. From inside, his voice echoes.
    Nice digs. This is the coolest fort I've ever seen.
Jolene goes inside as well. Mr. Mint goes in after her.
It is pleasant. She has made a gram cracker shelves for herself in the gummy walls, the shelves are covered with branches and rocks made of various candies. The floor is covered in dead grass, in a side nook there are stuffed sacks that serve as her bed. A candle burns on an irregular piece of gram near the sack bed.
JONAH: Mr. Mint and I will sleep on the floor. It looks pretty comfortable.
    (He lays down)
    It's very comfortable.
Jolene over Jonah to her bed and takes the burlap from around her neck.
JOLENE: Here. The cave gets cold at night.
JONAH: What about you?
JOLENE: If I get cold I can wedge myself between the stuffed ones.
JONAH: Alright.
    (He takes the burlap from her.)
    Thank you.
JOLENE: You're welcome.
MR. MINT: What about me?
JONAH: Do you get even get cold?
MR. MINT: No, but she could have offered.
JONAH: (hard) Good night, Mr. Mint. (kind) Good night, Jolene.
JOLENE: Good night.
MR. MINT: Good night.
Jonah covers himself with the sack and turns over. Mr. Mint lies down on the other side of Jonah. Jolene blows out the candle. The three fall asleep in a row.
Scene 9: Hospital, again.
Jonah is in the same position in the bed. It is dark in the hospital. The machines do their work with a soft, mechanical rhythm.
In the next bed over Jolene is in the same straight position, tucked under the covers, her machines working in identical rhythm.
Scene 10: Morning
Jonah wakes up to find Jolene close to him. He gingerly moves her arm and gets up.
Mr. Mint is sitting on a gumball watching the rising sun. He turns when Jonah comes out of the cave.
MR. MINT: Oh good, you're awake. I was wondering if I would have to run in there screaming again.
Jonah smiles and stretches in the morning light. He yawns loud and long.
JONAH: Don't ever scream like that again.
MR. MINT: We should start soon.
JONAH: (yawning again and looking bleary) As soon as Jolene gets up we can go.
JOLENE: (emerging from the cave and shielding her eyes from the light) Hey.
JONAH: As soon as we eat breakfast we can go.
JOLENE: Do you have any food?
Mr. Mint laughs.
MR. MINT: (making a wide gesture with his ax) Almost everything you see is food.
JOLENE: Yeah, stale, sugary, junk. Everything everybody eats in this place is sugar to the core. I'm diabetic, this is like living in a death trap. (to Jonah) Do you have food?
JONAH: No. Yeah, but no. Not really. Plumpy gave me this lizard jerky.
He takes it out of his bag. Jolene pounces on it, ripping the bag from Jonah's hand. She tears it open and starts chewing a strip, and shoves in another before she has finished. She gnashes her teeth and breathes with effort through her chewing.
Jonah stares as the glutinous display progresses.
MR. MINT: (over the noise of Jolene) Who did you say you got that from?
JONAH: Plumpy. He's a sort of green monster. I met him in Gingerbread Plum Tree Forest. Said he got banished there.
MR. MINT: He did get banished. No one has seen him since it happened. That was five hundred years ago.
Lost for words, Jonah turns back to the finale of Jolene and the lizard jerky. Her cheeks are way out at chipmunk capacity and there is no jerky left in the bag. Her face is red as she chews and chews. With a massive gulp, the bulge of her cheeks travels down her throat and disappears.
Jolene burps.
JOLENE: (embarrassed) Excuse me... I was starving.
JONAH: Apparently.
JOLENE: Sorry I ate all your jerky.
JONAH: No worries. I wasn't a fan. And I'm not diabetic.
JOLENE: You will be by the end of this.  (Showtime!) Candy Land!
MR. MINT: You guys want to jibber and jabber all day or are we going to see that King?
JOLENE: Alright. Let me pack.
They sit for a moment and trade glances.
JOLENE: I don't have to pack. We can go.
Scene 11: Mint Heads
The trio travel single file through the Peppermint forest. The growth is ankle level. They follow a thin trail through the grasses. Mr. Mint leads with long strides. Jonah is in the middle, not watching where he is going, looking over his shoulder and chatting with Jolene.
JONAH: You really didn't talk to anyone for two months?
JOLENE: I told you I thought I was insane.
JONAH: Not talking to people would have driven me insane.
JOLENE: They were always chasing me away anyway.
JONAH: I think they're... an enthusiastic bunch. It takes some getting used to, but this place is so strange and beautiful.
JOLENE: You sound like you don't want to leave.
JONAH: There are worse things than being trapped in magical world filled with candy.
JOLENE: Oh yeah? How long have you been here?
JONAH: Three days- two days- this is my third.
JOLENE: (Getting angrier as she goes.) So, for you, this is a great vacation, you haven't been living out in the woods off the tiny pieces of food you dared, getting chased by the natives of a world that might be a delusion of your fractured mind and falling asleep every night alone wondering if you're going to see your friends and parents again, hoping that you could send them one word.
Their group has stopped. Jonah has fully turned around and is opening and closing his mouth with different responses struggling to express that he didn't mean any offense to the person who sobered up the party.
Mr. Mint  looms over Jonah's shoulder.
MR. MINT: Sorry to interrupt-
MR. MINT: (gives Jolene the evil eye for a second) ... to interrupt... I need to take a break from the trail for a couple minutes.
JONAH: We could use a rest.
MR. MINT: That's not what I mean. I need to make a tree fall in the woods.
JOLENE: I don't know that expression. Are you going to chop one down or-
MR. MINT: I'm going to go take a dump. O-o-ver, there. (He points.) You guys wait here.
JONAH: I need to chop my own tree, it's been three days.
MR. MINT: Do you chop trees alone or do you like to chop and chat, casual?
JOLENE: Not an expression guys.
JONAH: I'll go over there. (He points to the other side of the trail. Opposite the direction Mr. Mint pointed.) Let's meet back here.
MR. MINT: Ok. Jolene, keep a look out.
Mr. Mint and Jonah leave the trail in separate directions.
JOLENE: (opening her arms) Look out for what?
Jonah is out of sight of Jolene. He finds a nice spot next to a huge candy cane tree, drops his shorts and squats.
JONAH: (muttering to himself) Vacation.
Jolene is standing in the trail when she hears a creaking and voices.
Down the path a cart drawn by two massive chocolate oxen with two capsule shaped candies riding comes around the curve. The candies are wearing dirty sweat stained baseball caps, yellowy brown tank tops and worn down, tore up jeans with ornate pretzel belts.
It is clear from their voices and mannerisms that she has been spotted. One points at her. The other slaps down his hand and waves to her.
RED CANDY: Heeey there!
JOLENE: Um... Guys!
Jonah hears Jolene call from the path. He gets partially to his feet and hurriedly looks all around him.
JONAH: Uh - (he rips a leaf off a nearby plant) -ugh.
He flings the leaf, pulls up his pants and starts to run back to where Jolene is before he has secured them.
Mr. Mint and Jonah return to the path, pant waists in hand, shuffle running to Jolene's side as the cart comes to a halt five feet away.
Seeing company and no emergency, Jonah and Mr. Mint finish securing their pants while the capsule candies leer from their seat on the cart.
GREEN CANDY: Heh heh! Caught you with your pants down, did we? What're you three doin' out here?
RED CANDY: Hold on. I rec’nize that one. Ain't you Mr. Mint?
The Green and Red Capsule Candies don't look capable of much. Their eyes are incredibly bloodshot. The bags under their eyes suggest they've been awake for days. Their movements are twitchy and their voices are sharp, every word seems to be a demand.
MR. MINT: I'm he.
RED CANDY: You used to be some kinda big deal! What you doin' out here?
MR. MINT: (Clears his throat) I'm guiding these kids.
GREEN CANDY: Those ugly things? How the mighty have fallen.
RED CANDY: (suspicious) Where're you guidin' them?
JONAH: He's taking us to K-
MR. MINT: Through the many natural wonders of our great nation Candy Land.
RED CANDY: That righ'?
GREEN CANDY: Ga' Bless It.
RED CANDY: Mr. Mint is the man to show you. He knows everybody in Candyland. Ain't that right Minty?
MR. MINT: Oh... yeah.
GREEN CANDY: Any way we can help you folks?
MR. MINT: No- no! We're fine, thank you, we've got this. It's under control.
JOLENE: Could we get a ride?
MR. MINT: (talking behind Jolene's conversation) Why? Did I not just say, no?
JOLENE: We've been walking all day without food.
JONAH: (Pressing forward.) Yeah, could we? I'm exhausted.
Jonah does look very pale. He appears to have lost some weight. His shorts hang slightly rather than hug his hips as before.
MR. MINT: (background) How can I be your guide if you don't listen to me?
GREEN CANDY: Of course, you can ride with us, and be our guests for the night. We have plenty of room and tonight is a special celebration.
RED CANDY: Oh it's gonna be a wild time.
JOLENE: That sounds great!
JONAH: Excellent!
MR. MINT: (background) You think there might be a reason why I don't want us hanging out with these guys?
RED CANDY: Climb on in. You can rest in the back.
The Red Candy gestures with a jerk of his thumb.
Jolene immediately runs to the side of the cart. As she goes by the oxen they snort and paw the ground. The cart is constructed of slabs of chocolate. Jolene grabs the rim and hoists herself over the top.
Jonah approaches the cart with Mr. Mint. He reaches a hand up to hoist himself in and Mr. Mint grabs his arm.
JONAH: Come on! They're not so bad.
MR. MINT: It's not that. You've got chocolate on your hand.
Mr. Mint climbs into the cart as Jonah wipes his hand off in the grass.
Jonah tries to hoist himself into the cart and fails. He tries again. Jolene looks over Mr. Mint's shoulder to see what is going on.
JOLENE: Come on, give him a hand.
MR. MINT: Nah. You do it.
Mr. Mint gets out of the way and grimaces when Jonah grabs Jolene's hand and get's hoisted into the cart.
Jonah settles in, catches Mr. Mint's eye and flushes, embarrassed.
MR. MINT: That's right. You're disgusting.
Jonah looks away.
RED CANDY: You guys ready?
MR. MINT: (hits the side of the cart with the flat of his ax) We're good.
The cart starts moving. The sound of the wheels is a pleasant creak, the mixture of the cart motion, the sound of the woods and the breaths of the oxen are relaxing. The group takes a collective breath.
JOLENE: So... what's disgusting?
JONAH: That? That's Mr. Mint, being weird. Weird like he was about getting a ride from these guys. You weirdo. (whisper hissing at Mr. Mint) It was my other hand!
MR. MINT: Me? I'm the weirdo. You don't get it, these guys are mint heads.
JONAH: So what? Your head is mint.
Mr. Mint shakes said head.
MR. MINT: That's not what I mean. These guys are addicted to concentrated mint.
Jonah and Jolene shrug.
JOLENE: What's wrong with mint?
MR. MINT: This isn't ordinary mint, it's super concentrated. It keeps them awake for days. And the pep makes them strange... you don't get a weird vibe from them?
JONAH: I get a lot of weird vibes, I'm from another universe.
MR. MINT: I'm telling you, mint heads are insane, we're going to have to watch our backs. They get all strung out and jumpy, claim that everything sparkles, and every single one of them has a tick that they can't help doing over and over.
JOLENE: Are they dangerous?
MR. MINT: Only if they decide they want to find out what makes you sparkle.
JONAH: Why did you let us get in this cart?
MR. MINT: Oh, now it's my fault that you guys are acting like chumps and climbing into carts with strangers. I'm not your daddy.
The kids suddenly look their age and worried.
MR. MINT: They aren't so bad. They're mostly goofballs.
The kids smile.
    But seriously, we're not getting any sleep tonight.
They are quiet as one for a moment.
JONAH: Were they goofing when they said that you were a big deal?
MR. MINT: Jonah, my name is Mr. Mint. To these people that's the coolest thing in the world.
The cart rolls into a relatively clear area. There are seven shacks of varying hovel size on the outer rim of the clearing. Each structure is more dilapidated than the last. They are constructed from various pieces of material, hobnailed together, sloped and irregular.
More capsule candies mill about than the shacks could possibly hold. They dress like the pair in the cart, stained clothing, shirts with insignias and logons or tank tops, jeans and ornate hats and pretzel belt buckles. The women wear dresses in various states of shabbiness. There are little groups in front of the shacks. Each shack has its own music, acoustic instruments as improvised as the structures. The groups pass jars between them.
Some candies are talking and gesturing excitedly and the conversations are without target because mid speech they will turn to someone else or suddenly walk to another shack without restraining a syllable.
Others are dancing erratically, probably because the combined sound of all the soloist conversations and muti-artist improviso make pure cacophony.
The candies break from their entertainment now and then becoming intensely interested in checking their pockets, removing their hats, bending the rims and replacing them in their proper angles, checking the laces of their shoes, throwing their candy cigarette butt and drawing a new one, picking at the salt of their belt buckles, running their tongue over their lips and teeth, or counting the number of cabins, limbs and clouds in the sky versus ears and noses, branches on the ground and times that guy says yeah in the next minute and always arriving at the same number.
In the middle is the largest structure, large by comparison. It is twenty by thirty feet and built around four Candy Cane trees. A wall of the cabin has collapsed from fire exposing it's innards. Inside is a grand piano.
The piano and a carpet are the only furniture on the sloping floor. The carpet has bits of candy stuck all over it. The piano is missing a leg. The stump of the missing leg is bound to a candy cane tree, holding up the piano and preventing it from sliding out of the shack. It is missing a number of it's chocolate and vanilla keys, and a few are noticeably dead. The lid of the piano is up, and it has been torn raggedly in half. The other half of the lid is nailed on the roof. The seat is a stack of swishy and molded gram cracker. On it sits a purple jellybean with white and yellow flecks, it is playing with it's ear against the piano, but it is hitting only the dead notes, a dead note sonata. No one hears, but the insane smile on the jellybean's face embodies satisfaction.
All over the cabin and the Candy Cane trees it envelops are lights, colored lights strewn up everywhere, artlessly distributed and decorating every surface, secured with crude nails and blinking in scattered sections.
A few candies groove to the music in "front" of the cabin.
They notice the return of the cart first and come over.
RED CAPSULE: We've got visitors.
PINK CAPSULE: We wasn't expecting them until later. Definitely not until later.
ORANGE CAPSULE: (on tiptoes leering into the back of the cart) These ain't the right visitors.
GREEN CAPSULE: These are different visitors.
PINK CAPSULE: Different visitors? How do you get those? They just happen to show up when we're expecting other visitors?
PURPLE CAPSULE: It does seem awfully suspicious.
RED CAPSULE: You think they're up to something?
ORANGE CAPSULE: (still watching the kids) Most definitely. They look guilty.
RED CAPSULE: But.. then... why, I've brought them right too us!
GREEN CAPSULE: Wait. Wait... It could be a coincidence.
ORANGE CAPSULE: (still...) Two Tooth said last week that there ain't no such thing as a coincidence.
PURPLE CAPSULE: You're trying to get off the hook! You brought them here too!
PINK CAPSULE: These aren't Lord Licorice's candies. What do you think they did with the right visitors?
ORANGE CAPSULE: (finally turning from the cart) They didn't do nothing. I watched 'em.
RED CAPSULE: They're ok?
GREEN CAPSULE: They're on a tour with Mr. Mint. They're fine. We rode this whole way here with 'em.
PURPLE CAPSULE: Holy Mint, no way. (She goes over to the side and peers over.) It is, the Mint himself.
MR. MINT: (standing up) I'm glad you cleared up the confusion. You've scared my wards. (he sweeps his hand down)
Jonah and Jolene are huddled together in a corner of the cart, eyes wide fists balled, breathing fast.
MR. MINT: (to the kids) It's OK, they know which visitors we are now.
Jolene gets up first and, being plucky, jumps down from the cart in the midst of the capsule candies. Jonah peers from the edge of the cart after her and evaluates the crowd below. Mr. Mint gets down as well and many of the candies enthusiastically exchange greetings with him, every one of the capsule candies making sure to use his name a few times.
Jonah gets down while the candies are occupied with Jolene and Mr. Mint.
The pianist has finished his silent piece and now a eerie, disjointed, jaunty tune issues from the piano attracting capsule's from their groups in front of the shacks.
MR. MINT: (to the Pink capsule) You said something about other visitors?
PINK CAPSULE: We're expecting a delivery from Lord Licorice.
GREEN CAPSULE: (jumping down from the cart) A much anticipated delivery. (He winks.)
ORANGE CAPSULE: Mr. Mint, extraordinary to meet you. You glow like your reputation.
The Orange Capsule is leaning closer to inspect Mr. Mint's inherent shine.
MR. MINT: Uh, thanks. So... some of Lord Licorice's candies will be by later?
PINK CAPSULE: Yes! How many times do you need to ask? You sure are a curious fellow? What are you about?
JONAH: (approaching from his place apart by the cart) Yeah, who's this Lord Licorice guy?
PINK CAPSULE: Now you! With the question! I can't! I'm over it!
The Pink capsule stalks off, but is immediately cheerful as he passes by a shack, gets engaged in conversation and is soon absorbed in a debate about whether Candy Land is getting hotter or colder every year.
JONAH: (looking after Pink) O.K. (to Mr. Mint) So who is he? You seem edgy.
MR. MINT: I don't know much about him. His lands are in eastern Candy Land, out in the wastelands. No one goes there, but strange rumors get out.
JONAH: What kinds of rumors?
MR. MINT: Oh, that Lord Licorice is a crazy dictator obsessed with the arts,  occult and sciences and he that oppresses and controls his candies in order to galvanize a nefarious and blasphemous goal into reality.
MR. MINT: Exactly, I can't understand that much less believe it.
JONAH: Should I be worried?
MR. MINT: About what?
JONAH: About these guys coming here tonight?
MR. MINT: (distracted) No, they won't care about you.
JONAH: That's a relief. I have enough to worry about. (looking around) Where has Jolene got to?
Mr. Mint points over to the piano where the song is in a frenzy. She dances wildly in a swirling storm with the capsule candies. They laugh and shout and the tempo of the song increases until they fall down tired from the frantic motion and dizzy from spinning.
Jonah goes over and helps Jolene to her feet. In the background Mr. Mint is frowning and looking off to the east.
JOLENE: Hah! (breathing heavy) Thanks. These candies are a lot of fun. I feel stupid about not talking to anyone now.
JONAH: They may be crazy, but they know how to have a good time.
MR. MINT: Hey, Jonah, Jolene, I feel out of it. I'm going to find a place to lie down.
BLUE CAPSULE: (ducking into their conversation out of nowhere) What ails you, friend?
MR. MINT: (narrowing his eyes at the intruder) I don't feel well.
BLUE CAPSULE: We can find a spot for you, friend. (to a different Green capsule) Hey, friend, do we have a spot for a friend?
O. GREEN CAPSULE: There's a bed in those shacks. He points out three shacks in turn. If there ain't nobody in it, it's yours.
BLUE CAPSULE: There are beds there, friend. (He points to three different shacks.)
MR. MINT: Thank you, I'll figure it out.
The Blue capsule stands there smiling, making a fourth member in their group. Jonah and Jolene look at the capsule standing between them sideways.
MR. MINT: Thank you.
The Blue capsule smiles, remains another awkward second, then turns and injects himself into another conversation.
MR. MINT: See what I mean. There are at least forty candies here, they have three beds.
JOLENE: I think that's impressive. Economical and ecological. You know how much space in landfills mattresses make up?
MR. MINT: Landfills?
JONAH: It is something. What though I can't say.
JOLENE: You can't say or you won't say.
JONAH: It's gross.
MR. MINT: Economical, ecological or gross, I am going to find one of those beds and lie down.
JONAH: Be careful.
Mr. Mint walks off to the shacks and pokes his head into two before he finds what he is looking for and disappears inside.
Jolene and Jonah are left standing near the piano man who has switched to a dirge driving the capsule candies in all directions to their shack groups.
They look down and around but not at each other, fidget and look interestedly at the goings on around them. Jonah does this for a little longer than Jolene. When he turns to her she is already looking at him.
JOLENE: Want to go for a walk?
JONAH: Sure.
JOLENE: Good. The smell of mint is overpowering.
Jolene takes the first step, a random direction. She and Jonah walk straight out of the clearing and into the Peppermint forest.
Jonah can sense that there is something on Jolene's mind. Her stride is long, loping and fast. Her hands are tucked into her sweater. Her feet pick out their ground like little birds. Jonah is pressed to keep up by walking alone.
Jolene pulls ahead.
Near a cluster of young Candy Cane trees, at the beginning of a small hill she stops and plops down to her knees on the ground,
JONAH: What is- oh?
He reaches her. Reaches out a hand, but stops short of touching her shoulder.
Jolene is crying.
Jonah stands by her awkwardly.
Hesitant, he extends a hand to her shoulder.
She pulls him down into a hug.
He's shocked and holds her panicked and unsure.
Her crying subsides quickly, she sniffles and sits up. Jonah let's her go.
JOLENE: Sorry. (sniffs)
JONAH: It's cool.
JOLENE: (a long sniff) I've been here alone for so long. Feels far longer than what two months is. I didn't realize until I relaxed, but I am very very tired. (she smiles, a tear goes down her face)
JONAH: It must have been exhausting.
JOLENE: You have no idea. My sleep was never sleep and my mind kept repeating the same thoughts and none of them were any good and... and I'm glad you showed up. I'd be insane right now if you didn't. Thank you.
JONAH: I haven't done anything.
JOLENE: You're right.
She scoots over to a nearby fallen Candy Cane tree, leans against the trunk and pats the ground next to her.
JOLENE: Come sit by me. I am going to take a nap and you can keep a lookout for me.
Jonah complies. He sits down next to Jolene.
She leans her head on his shoulder and yawns.
JOLENE: You have no idea.... (yawns) so tired...
Jolene closes her eyes and in a minute she is asleep.
Jonah has been looking at the woods, but when he hears a little snore he turns and looks at Jolene.
JONAH: She wasn't kidding. (yawns)
Jonah falls asleep too, mouth open and drooling. Afternoon sunlight comes through the trees making the children's hair shine and turning them orange.
It is twilight.
Mr. Mint sticks his head out of the shack he has been in and looks around.
The mint heads are up to the same old business. The piano player is inexhaustible.
He peers at the crowds looking for a sign of the children.
He doesn't see them.
Mr. Mint slinks out of the cabin, sticks to the wall, goes around the corner and straight into the darkening woods.
Scene 12: Hospital 3.
There is a curtain between the beds. A woman, Jolene's mom, is cleaning her sores with a sponge. She hums to her daughter as she wipes a sore, squeezes the sponge into a hazardous waste container, dips the sponge in solution, squeezes out the excess and wipes again.
Jolene's body is more wasted and skinny than it is in Candy Land. Her hair is dry. Her skin is pallid. The machines loom over her, dwarf her, she is tiny in the hospital bed.
Jonah's mom is sitting by her son the next bed over.
She listens to the humming.
She gets up and goes to the edge of the curtain.
MRS. SACCH: I like your humming.
MS. FOSTER: (turning) Excuse me?
MRS: SACCH: I like your humming. It's pleasant.
MS. FOSTER: Oh, thank you.
MRS. SACCH: I've seen you here before. Is she your daughter?
Ms. Foster nods her head.
MRS. SACCH: What happened?
MS. FOSTER: (choked) She had a hypoglycemic attack in school. She's been in a coma for the last two months.
Mrs. Sacch holds a hand to her mouth and some tears fall from her eyes.
MRS. SACCH: I'm so sorry.
Ms. Foster gives her a sad smile.
MRS. SACCH: (Going forward and offering her hand) I'm Clara Sacch.
Ms. Foster shows the sponge in her hand and Mrs. Sacch's drops her hand.
MS. FOSTER: I'm Marla Foster. Nice to meet you.
Scene 13: You're coming with us.
JOLENE: (shaking Jonah) Hey! Hey!
Jonah jerks awake. Jolene is in his face.
Jolene takes a step back.
JOLENE: Some lookout you are.
JONAH: Could you not wake me up like that?
JOLENE: Why not? That was fun. Come on, it's dark, Mr. Mint is probably worried about us.
It isn't very dark. The vanilla moon is larger in the sky than the night before. The ground is coated in a shimmering light. Unseen animals call to each other in the forest. The sound of the piano and the chatter of the mint heads comes from a distance away. The lights of their encampment can be seen in patches between the trunks of the trees.
Per usual Jolene sets out leaving Jonah sitting against the Candy Cane log.
Jonah get's to his feet and pats the debris off his clothes as he sets out after Jolene.
JONAH: (muttering) I didn't volunteer to be your lookout.
He jogs a little and catches up to Jolene.
JOLENE: Do you think they have food? You know, other than candy.
JONAH: I don't know.
JOLENE: I really hope they do. I'm starving. How far do you think it is to King Kandy?
JONAH: I don't-
JOLENE: Because I don't know if I can make it. I'm already exhausted.
They reach the edge of camp.
Jolene stops and Jonah almost knocks into her.
JOLENE: Where is that Mr. Mint? I don't see him with the dancers or in front of the shacks. Maybe he's still sleeping. Hopefully he's not out looking for us.
Jonah opens his mouth, but shuts it tight looking pissed as Jolene walks off along the edge of the circle of shacks peeking into each one as she passes.
Instead of following her Jonah watches disgruntled from the edge of the forest.
Jolene follows the path in front of the shacks, chattering to Jonah who she thinks is behind her.
She gets to the last one, stares in for a while longer than the others.
JOLENE: (turning to Jonah) He's not-
Jolene looks around and spots Jonah back where she left him. He is glaring at her from across the camp. She waves for him to come over but he doesn't move so she runs back over to him.
JOLENE: (panting) He isn't in any of them. Where do you think he's gone?
JONAH: ....
JONAH: Are you actually asking me a question this time?
JOLENE: Jonah... what?
JONAH: (brusque) Ask the candies.
This time Jonah goes first, pushing past.
Jonah walks up to the crowd of mint heads dancing in front of the piano and asks the first candy he comes to.
Jolene walks by Jonah looking at him warily, disconcerted by his strange and aggressive behavior. She heads deeper into the crowd looking for Mr. Mint.
JONAH: Excuse me! Excuse me!
The candy turns to Jonah and continues dancing in place while keeping constant eye contact with Jonah.
JONAH: Have you seen Mr. Mint?
YELLOW CAPSULE:  Oh yeah! Mint is everywhere tonight.
The candy whoops and resumes dancing far wilder.
He turns to the next candy on the left, away from Jolene who is questioning a Blue candy closer to the piano and deeper in the dancing mint-head crowd.
JONAH: Have you seen Mr. Mint?
JONAH: Where is he?
JONAH: You're an idiot.
BLUE CAPSULE: (stops dancing) (manacling) That's not cool.
JONAH: (backing away, hands up) Sorry.
He continues to the left in a hurry to get out of sight of the Blue Capsule.
Jolene's inquiries have gone no better. She is deep in the crowd. The candies bounce into her. It is hard to tell sometimes whether they are dancing erratically or fighting. Objects fly through the air as a Red Candy nearby attempts to juggle whatever he can find and fails.
Jolene approaches a pale yellow candy who isn't dancing around like the others. The mint-head is hunched over, rocking offbeat, and possessing a unique amount of space around his person.
JOLENE: Excuse me?
The Pale Yellow candy turns. His face is twitchy, his posture stays hunched, his eyes dart with suspicion under narrowed brows.
JOLENE: Have you seen my friend, Mr Mint?
PALE YELLOW: I've got him right here.
The Pale Yellow candy opens the left side of his coat revealing a row of vials containing a substance so bright a green it seems luminescent. From the belt of the candy hangs a cruel looking shard of candy cane with a wooden handle.
JOLENE: Oh... no.. that's not... no thanks.
PALE YELLOW: (advancing on Jolene, left side of his face twitching) You don't like what I've got?
JOLENE: That's not what I'm looking for!
PALE YELLOW: You're not going to find any better!
Jolene turns to get away from the candy, but he grabs her arm.
PALE YELLOW: You think you can insult me and walk away?
JOLENE: Let go of me!
Jonah hears Jolene scream as do all the candies. The dancing stops and the candies turn to the conflict and form a circle around Jolene and the Pale Candy. Jonah is confused, he can't see what is going on, nor can he get through to Jolene. He does not try very hard.
JOLENE: Let go of me!
Pale Yellow doesn't respond to her. There is a maniac gleam in his eye. With his free hand he draws the knife. It flashes in the moonlight.
He slashes at Jolene's face.
She pulls back, but gets a cut on her cheek.
She is at arm length now.
The candy lunges and she jumps at an angle back and away. Her sleeve rips and both fall on the ground.
Jolene scrabbles back from Pale Yellow, touches the cut on her cheek and looks at the blood frightened. She gets to her feet as Pale Yellow does. He turns to face her, knife first.
Jonah is on the outskirts, trying to get in, but making little impact on the thrilled crowd reveling in the match between the girl and the mint merchant.
The Pale Yellow capsule closes the distance to Jolene slowly, matching her movements left and right until she is trapped by the leering press of mint-heads behind her. Cornered she stands like a hockey goalie waiting for a free kick.
On the other side of the crowd there is a hubbabbalo. The candies cheer and move back to admit someone.
A group of riders on chocolate steeds with vanilla patches and flowing manes of caramel break the circle open. The riders are wiry, licorice men, they bear a flag showing two black licorices bent to form Ls, one on top of the other on a field of blood red. All the riders wear the same black and dark red uniform and wear swords at their sides. They are almost undifferentiable. The ornate helm of the lead rider sets him apart. He is the Captain of the party.
The riders reign to a halt and the leader opens his face mask.
CAPTAIN: What's all this?
    (sees Jolene, draws his sword, points)
    What in sweet candy is that?
A purple capsule comes forward, eager and speaking with the breathy voice of supplication.
PURPLE CAPSULE: They arrived here earlier today with Mr. Mint?
CAPTAIN: Mr. Mint brought these ugly things here? But, I don't see him. Where is Mr. Mint?
Jonah still can't see what is going on. He can't make his way through the circle, so he begins walking around the circumference looking for an opening.
Jolene, seeking an avenue of escape from her attacker, steps forward.
JOLENE: He went on an errand?
CAPTAIN: It talks! An errand you say? What is your business with Mr. Mint?
JOLENE: (moving closer to the rider as she speaks) He is taking me to your King.
CAPTAIN: (eyes widen) The King!
    (pensive) The King, the King...
The lead rider narrows his eyes at Jolene.
CAPTAIN: No. I can't allow that. Arrest her.
Two Licorice Knights dismount and grab a protesting Jolene.
Jonah has made his way around the circle in time to see Jolene getting arrested. He is behind the knights and in the back of the candy crowd. When he sees them grab her he makes a motion to go to her, but freezes, his awkward halting motion draws the eye of the Captain.
CAPTAIN: (pointing with his sword again) Look, another one of those spies.
Jonah remains frozen.
CAPTAIN: You cannot hide. Come here.
Jonah complies but before he is halfway to the Captain two more knights grab him and throw him down. Jolene is tossed to the ground with him.
The Licorice Knights bind Jolene and Jonah hand and foot with black licorice and leave them on the ground while they conduct their business with the mint heads.
The Captain dismounts and takes a satchel from his saddle bags. The Pale Yellow Candy and a few others in the camp eagerly come up. The Captain opens the bag and the candies lean in sniffing. The mint heads lean in, the Knights mask their faces. Ten feet away, on the ground, the children cough from the overwhelming stench of concentrated mint.
The Captain takes a vial out and holds it as chest level between his thumb and forefinger.
The effect the shining green vial has on the faces of the capsule candies is frightening.
CAPTAIN: Lord Licorice's scientist has doubled the concentration. You'll get this quality as long as you keep us informed of the activities in your borders. Keep a watch over the Peppermint Forest. Keep those villagers out of Lord Licorice's business.
The Capsule's nod and their eyes gleam green with anticipation.
CAPTAIN: Do you understand?
CHORUS of assent.
The Captain drops the vial he is holding back in and holds the bag out.
The Capsules take a handful in turn, fidgeting, restraining the urgency to get their hands on the mint. Each melts away after they have a share, pursued by a cackling gaggle of capsules to their shacks.
On the ground, Jolene and Jonah have righted themselves into a sitting position facing each other.
JOLENE: You were hiding?
JOLENE: Thanks for leaving me high and dry.
JONAH: I wasn't hiding. I couldn't get to you.
JOLENE: I bet you didn't even try.
JONAH: Jolene...
JOLENE: I was better off without you. Now look at the mess we are in.
JONAH: Better off? You were being chased like the Frankenstein monster!
JOLENE: But I wasn't bound and helpless in a camp-full of lunatics!
JONAH: The rope they used is made of licorice. We can chew our way out.
JOLENE: Go for it.
Jonah chomps into the licorice, but his teeth get stuck, he tries to tug free, but can't. Jonah struggles hard with muffled, panicked grunts. Jolene laughs at his attempts. Their display draws the attention of the Captain.
He breaks off his conversation with an orange capsule with an annoyed look at the kids. He strides over and picks up the laughing Jolene by the back of her sweater, walks to the cart and tosses her in the back.
Jolene bounces and rolls on the bottom of the cart.
The Captain returns a moment later with Jonah who is still clamped on the licorice. He throws Jonah into the back of the cart. Jonah and Jolene collide headfirst, freeing Jonah's teeth from the licorice but leaving both rolling with lamentations.
CAPTAIN: Quiet! It's a four hour ride to Licorice Castle. Any bellyaching and I'll toss you into the Raging Gelatine River.
The green capsule that gave the kids a ride appears at the Lead Rider's side.
GREEN CAPSULE: Excuse me, this is our cart.
CAPTAIN: I'm sure you can spare it.
GREEN CAPSULE: We really can't. It's our only one!
The Captain turns to the Green Capsule, putting a hand on his sword and loosening it in it's scabbard as he does.
CAPTAIN: You can spare it.
GREEN CAPSULE: Sure can. Have a good trip, friend.
    (Walks over and mounts his steed in one smooth motion.)
    (To the knights.) Mount up!
    (He points to a knight.) You there. Tie your horse to the back of that cart and take control of those beasts. You're in charge of the prisoners.
The knight complies.
CAPTAIN: (to the Green Capsule staring forlorn at the cart.) Send word if your guest reappears or if you see anything else out of the ordinary. Otherwise, we will see you in a week.
He reigns his horse around and rides to the beginning of the road leading to Licorice Castle.
CAPTAIN: Riders form up! I want two of you behind that cart. Everyone keep an eye out for that fool Mr. Mint.
The riders get into file.
CAPTAIN: Alright, forward!
He spurs his horse down the path. A column of riders follows, then the cart and the two rear guards.
Behind the capsules are resuming their boisterous, loud activities all the more emphatically for the presence of extra concentrated mint and absence of strangers. The lights twinkle and the piano clangs.
The moon lights the forest, the path, and the children bound and huddled in separate corners of the creaking swaying cart.
Scene 14: The path to Licorice Castle.
The group travels through the forest holding formation. No one speaks. All that is left to the children are the sounds of the horses and oxen, the creaking of the cart, and the Peppermint forest.
The children honor the silence. They lie side by side on their backs. Their view is of the tops of Candy Cane trees, cream puff clouds, the scoop of moon and the sugar sprinkled sky.
A river forms the border at the end of the peppermint forest, it flows, not with water, but a syrupy red, chunky liquid. An ornate arched bridge woven of licorice crosses from the forest into a wasteland marked sparsely with gumdrop boulders. Small patches of sugar coated gummy rope grow in the wake of the boulders.
The wheels of the cart crunch on the brown sugar desert. The children have an unobstructed view of the sky.
They fall asleep.
Some time later they awake to the sounds of rumbling. There is smoke filling the sky.
They roll to their knees and stare open mouthed at the stark landscape.
Licorice Castle stands in front of them on a projection of rock in a valley. To their left, the east, a mile away, an active volcano bubbles and froths. The volcano spews molten candy and intertwining rivers of red-hot candy plasma flow from the volcano through the valley beneath the castle. A long incline runs up to the castle, another from it, supported by thick columns of licorice. The bases of some of these licorice columns are melted away where molten candy flows. There are no other roads.
Licorice castle is four square, crenelated walls with spires jutting out in every direction, some leaning at dangerous angles. The largest of these spires extends well beyond the others and touches the clouds of smoke.
Beyond Licorice Castle are the Gumdrop Mountains. The path on the other side of the castle runs down to meet the foothills of the Gumdrop Mountains whose colorful peaks remain frosted year round.
Near the beginning of the ramp is a crude gram sign, indicating Licorice Castle, Licorice Woods and Licorice Forest with arrows for each.
JONAH: Licorice narcissist.
Jolene laughs, but when Jonah smiles at her she stops ad turns away.
The Lead Rider circles back, draws his sword and swing it high at the kids. They fall back into the cart to avoid the blow.
LEAD RIDER: I told you to be quiet. One more time and I'll have you thrown from the causeway. And we always aim for the magma.
    Got it?
Jonah nods.
The Lead Rider grins and trots back to the head of the column.
JONAH: (under his breath) Licorice sadist.
He looks over at Jolene but she is lying flat on the cart and makes no indication that she heard him. Jonah lays down.
The group traverses the long incline to the gates of Licorice castle. The whole bridge is made of licorice and soot covers everything in a thick layer. The cart jounces over the licorice planks.
They cover the distance in silence. Jonah and Jolene stare up into the smoky sky and watch the ash drift down. Ramparts appear above them and a licorice knight looks out from the battlements.
GUARD: What's that you've got with you Captain?
CAPTAIN: Shut up and lower the draw bridge!
Jolene and Jonah get to their knees and see Licorice Castle before them. The view is staggering from the height of the incline. In the distance, but looming closer than anyone would like, Licorice Volcano coughs more molten candy into the sky with an accompaniment of thick black smoke.
With a heavy creak the drawbridge makes its descent from perpendicular to parallel.
GUARD: You're late for the briefing, sir.
CAPTAIN: Come on, the gate! Open the gate!
GUARD: Oh yeah. Yes, sir.
The guard bends down and there is a scraping sound as he withdraws a bar through the eyeholes where the doors meet. He then descends a ladder and removes a second bar that lies across the gate and pulls the gate wide open.
Scene 15: Lord Licorice
The Captain leads the group through the gates into the courtyard. Well, it must be a courtyard, it is open, but irregular. The spires clutter the view of the sky and add curves. There are torches scattered in brackets, and not with any particular order to their height or distribution.
The gate closes behind them.
After strafing two towers the courtyard opens up somewhat. Before them lies the largest structure of Licorice Castle from which the tallest spire projects.
The Captain halts the group in the center of the open space.
A sudden shadow crosses the group with a heavy whoosh.
Jonah and Jolene roll to the side corners of the cart.
JONAH: What was that?!
The Captain dismounts, walks to the cart, draws a knife and roughly cuts the bonds from the children's legs.
CAPTAIN: Don't worry, the Lord's dragon won't eat you unless commanded.
    But she does have a way of knowing.
He chuckles, plucks Jonah from the cart and drops him.
Jonah tries to catch himself, but his feet are numb, and his hands are tied. He falls and scrapes his jaw.
The Captain removes Jolene from the cart in the same manner.
She catches herself with a wobble. Her face is pale and her gaze far away.
JONAH: Are you ok?
JOLENE: (snapping back to the moment) Worry about yourself. I didn't fall on my face.
JONAH: Sorry, you look-
JOLENE: I'm tired!
CAPTAIN: You'll have time for your lover's quarrel (draws gasps of disgust from the children) in the cell. On your feet.
The captain pulls Jonah up by his arm.
Jonah keeps his feet this time. He shifts from one to the other wincing from the pins and needles.
The Guard jogs up to the Captain. As he speaks he tilts his head to get a view of the children.
GUARD: What kept you? The Lord wasn't happy. What are those things? He told me to send you to the armory when you returned. Where did you find them? ... Sir?
CAPTAIN: I have my orders, as do you. To your post soldier.
The Guard retreats the way he came.
The Captain dispenses orders gesturing to each knight in turn.
CAPTAIN: You two, bring the beasts and that cart to the stables and see what use we have for them.
    You two, guard the prisoners and accompany me.
    The rest of you, return to the barracks and see your sergeant for your sentry assignments.
The knights step-to and comply with the Captain's orders.
The Captain strides off toward the large structure, his boots clicking and echoing in the courtyard.
The knights assigned to the children push them into motion after their Captain. The pair of children make their way side by side with the knights on their heels.
A guard opens the door to the building before the Captain reaches it.
Inside is a hall. It is large and ovular. Two long tables line the walls and a third, perpendicular, at the end. Between the tables the floor slopes to a flat plane, a stage.
Contrary to the set-up, the hall does not appear to have been a place of entertainment in generations. There are faded tapestries in moth eaten disrepair, a row of portraits so faded that the faces are indiscernible from one another. Even the coat of arms set above the head table is shabby. The tables themselves are covered in dust but for the spaces used recently. Only the weapons mounted sporadically about the hall gleam with attention.
The torches flicker in their posts illuminating with a sickly orange light.
The Captain takes a course along the left side of the hall. A guard moves aside to let him pass through a door behind the head table. The children follow the Captain, the guards follow the children.
Past the door is a circular room occupied by a suit of armor and a staircase that spirals up and down. The Captain takes the steps down.
As the Captain descends followed by the children and their guard they have a view into each of the rooms under the hall, built into the column on stone on which Licorice Castle stands. The rooms are cavernous.
The first has a fifteen foot high ceiling, inside it is filled with candy machines of war. There are cannons (mounted party favors), trebuchets and catapults constructed from gram, mint and licorice, turtle shells, battering rams, segments of siege engines, stacks of spears, swords, bows, maces, shields, armor, flails and daggers. Personnel bustle around the vehicles and weapons, some performing inspection, others inventory, some with barrows going from pile to pile filling up supply for their unit.
The floor below has higher ceilings. The sounds of candymen training echo. In the distance the wagon is being lowered with the oxen on a large platform operated by pulley, an elevator. There are men on horseback charging down stacks of bound licorice. There are soldiers on a firing range practicing with bows. On another range soldiers are being drilled in cannon, a large boom follows them down.
There is a low green luminescence filling the room from no apparent source. It is a holy place, a cathedral of benches, giantesque statues and two rows of column slanted away from each other lead to an alter where a ceremony is taking place. There are soldiers in prayer and a priest, decorated in a billowy metallic garb, from the center of his back projects a sphere of straight licorice sticks, he wears a single circlet of licorice on his head and holds a sword straight out before him. He is intoning a prayer is a deep hum that resonates with the light. Behind him is the crest of the Lord Licorice, only this banner is massive, takes up the length of the wall and the red shows black in the unearthly light.
The steps stop here. The downward spiral is resumed by another well adjacent to the first. There is a guard at the entrance. Unlike the others, this guard is armored, visor down, and bears his weapon unsheathed, he also does not move immediately upon seeing the Captain headed his way.
The Captain stops before the guard and holds up his fist with his thumb tucked and his four fingers intertwined in pairs. The guard returns the signal, nods and steps aside for the group to pass. As soon as they are by he pivots back into position, stalwart.
This room is the largest. The floor is forty feet below.  The center of the room is occupied by scientific equipment surrounded by a frame topped with a clawlike device; there are computers, welders, machine parts, a scrap pile, a chemistry lab in a greenhouse, large standing tubes of chemicals in an array of colors bubble and cast their shades on the faces of the group gathered by a heavy, squat vehicle beleaguered with attachments. To their right a device is being constructed and fused together by a laser and robot arms on autopilot. This is Lord Licorice's weapons research lab.
As they descend, the children shiver. Jonah's teeth chatter.
JONAH: It's chilly down here.
The Captain stops and turns on the children. They stagger to a halt on the stairs.
The Captain glares up at them, jaw squared.
CAPTAIN: Not another word unless you are asked a question. The Lord Licorice is a great candy. Any disrespect or impudence toward him will be severely punished by me. And no more of that annoying clicking either.
Jonah attempts to still the chatter of his teeth, but failing to do so curls his lips to deaden the sound.
They reach the level of the lab and make their way through the labyrinth of gear to the party waiting for them.
There are five gathered.
The Count Cigarette stands a head above the rest, pale, chalky and skeletal, he has a candy cigarette (constantly) and sucks at it intermittently until it is halfway, flicks the remainder and draws a new one from the pack. He is quiet, nods rather than talks. He is dressed in a pinstripe suit and a fedora. When he finishes a pack he crushes it in his hand and tosses it, always having a new box on hand from an inexhaustible inner pocket.
The Wafer Baron is evenly round, but thin, equally chalky as the Cigarette Count, but loud, booming unnecessary comments, or making bold proclamations. He quails under the gaze of Lord Licorice.  His profile is a line, but he is the widest present by far, so that when he turns it is as if he folds into himself. He is dressed in a suit of black velvet.
The Licorice General is of the same mold as the Captain, but he is larger, impressive and foreboding in size, his armor is ornate, spirals and flares, and scarred from battle. He speaks rarely and his deep, hollow voice commands silence.
The Bubblegum Scientist is dressed in a soot stained lab coat. Her bubblegum-pink hair is tied up but some has fallen in front of her  weary face, she is wearing goggles, her hands and feet are bound with long thin chains. She watches the group approach with an inquisitive gaze on the children.
The Lord Licorice stands tall and straight. He is garbed in a light leather armor of high quality, the colors: red and black. He wears a crown that glitters with rubies and shoots up and out in imitation of his castle. His skin is pallid gray. He chews when he doesn't speak, his mouth moves as if he is chewing, from the right corner oozes a thick black substance that drips unchecked and goes unremarked. The Lord Licorice is thin, like the coiled whip hanging from his belt, his movements and voice are sharp and precise, with an edge but not grating. He is in command.
The group waits as the Captain and children approach, the Lord Licorice with glaring eyes and hands clasped behind his back.
CAPTAIN: (Saluting his lord and general, a solute unreturned by LL) Sir!
LORD LICORICE: You're late.
CAPTAIN: I was delayed, sire.
LORD LICORICE: So I see. You can dismiss the guards.
CAPTAIN: (To guards) You're dismissed. Return to barracks.
The guards turn and leave. Lord Licorice waits until they are out of earshot to resume talking.
LORD LICORICE: What are these creatures?
CAPTAIN: I haven't interrogated them as of yet, sir. I thought you might like to do so yourself. They were reportedly traveling to the Candy Court with Mr. Mint, though I saw no sign of him.
LORD LICORICE: Candy Court? Mr. Mint?... First things first, what are you?
LORD LICORICE: (Turns to Bubblegum) You would know. But I didn't ask you. Keep your mouth shut.
    (to children) My little human friends, tell me what your mission is?
Jonah and Jolene exchange looks but say nothing.
LORD LICORICE: I don't have time for this, I have a war to run.
The Captain steps quickly behind Jonah. He grabs his bound hands and pulls up.
The pain in his shoulders forces Jonah down and forward. He cries out as he is thrown on his face for the umpteenth time.
The Captain follows through with the motion and brings a knee down on Jonah's back, driving the air from his lungs in a gasping moan.
LORD LICORICE: (to Jolene) What is your mission?
Jolene responds with a defiant glare.
LORD LICORICE: (nodding to the Captain) Finger.
The Captain (still holding Jonah's bound arms behind him at an uncomfortable angle and kneeling on his back) uses his thumb to push Jonah's left pinky finger back.
The snap is audible. With the little air he has Jonah cries out in pain.
LORD LICORICE: (evenly over the sounds of pain) What is your mission?
Jolene looks queasy.
JOLENE: You're a bully.
LORD LICORICE: (to the Captain) Arms.
Jonah struggles a "No!" out from under the weight of the Captain and the wracking pain.
The Lord Licorice nods to the Captain again. The Captain stands and pulls Jonah up by his arms and hair to face Lord Licorice.
Jonah's face is distorted in pain. Tears stream down his face. He sobs as he tries to recover his breath.
WAFER BARON: Ugh! And I thought it was ugly before!
LORD LICORICE: (takes a step closer to Jonah) What is your mission human?
JONAH: (intermittent with sobs) We're going to see King Kandy.
LORD LICORICE: (sharp) Why?
JONAH: (sob) We want to go home.
LORD LICORICE: And Mr. Mint? Why was he guiding you? What did he want in Candy Court? Where is he?
JONAH: I don't know-
The Lord Licorice backhands Jonah. The Captain's grip on Jonah's hair and arms keeps him in place.
LORD LICORICE: I want answers! What is Mr. Mint's business with King Kandy?
JONAH: I don't know!
The Lord Licorice nods to the Captain.
Jonah's right ring finger makes a crack as the Captain breaks it. Jonah screams.
LORD LICORICE: Are you Queen Frostline's spy?
JONAH: (beyond tears, breathing heavy with pain) Who?
Before any more pain can befall him, Jonah struggles sideways and manages to get free of the Captains grip, and (bound as he is) falls sideways.
JONAH: (screaming from the ground) Stop! Stop! I don't know! I don't know! I don't know!
The Cigarette Count flicks and draws, disinterested. The General watches, unchanged. The Baron and Bubblegum appear sickened, the first by the creature, the latter by the display of cruelty. Jolene is looking away, quietly shaking and crying. Lord Licorice watches Jonah with disgust and anger.
JONAH: I don't know! I don't-
LORD LICORICE: Captain, silence that creature, it sickens me.
The Captain, expediting his order, kicks Jonah in the stomach, once more knocking the air from his lungs and effectively shutting him up but for the sounds of his gasps.
BARON WAFER: (jovial) I think it doesn't know anything.
BARON WAFER: Come, my Lord, cease wasting time with these creatures. We must finish the briefing.
The Lord Licorice finally looks away from Jonah removing the look of malice from his face replacing it with placid calm.
LORD LICORICE: True, Baron Wafer, the war must go on. Where were we?
GENERAL: Weapons.
COUNT CIGARETTE: (smokes, nods)
LORD LICORICE: (scintillating) Ah yesss, the weapons. Bubblegum, you had better have good news or you are going to end up on the floor next to that human.
LORD LICORICE: No need to be cute, out with it.
BUBBLEGUM SCIENTIST: (flat) I continued production of the distortion wave guns bringing the total to thirty. I finished the weapon harness for Bessie, and as you said made sure it won't interfere with either of your ranges of vision. I upped the mint lab to thirty x, but if anyone were to consume it-
LORD LICORICE: I did not ask for your opinion.
The Bubblegum Scientist takes a huffy breath, but goes on.
BUBBLEGUM SCIENTIST: The weapon has been completed according to your specifications. In addition, I installed a device that allows you to release either a cinnamon, nutmeg or hazelnut fragrance to combat the incredible stench of burning candymen that will result from it's use. The only remaining issue is the fuel source, none of the crystals you gave me have enough power and without proper testing I can't vouch for the performance, I mean-
LORD LICORICE: The power source is none of your concern. Captain!
LORD LICORICE: Do you have any leads?
CAPTAIN: Sir, I have scouting parties ranging the south overturning every rock and pebble sleeping but four hours a day, we've raised the reward for information, I have personally conducted interrogations on eighteen candies who claimed to know of his whereabouts, my men and I vow-
LORD LICORICE: Vow? I did not ask you for excuses Captain.
CAPTAIN: Sir, please forgive me, but, it's been five hundred years. How do you know he is alive?
LORD LICORICE: The gem. The power of the gem has many properties. Many properties... I must have it. King Kandy thought it could be protected, he gave it to his guardian and sent him far away, but I will find Plumpy.
The gasp that comes from Jonah is not one for breath, but of surprise.
The General turns his head and looks at Jonah who makes an obvious effort at composing himself.
LORD LICORICE: That green oaf can't stay hidden forever, someone, somewhere has-
GENERAL: The human knows.
Lord Licorice stops talking and looks at the General. The General, keeping his eyes on Lord Licorice, makes a small nod at Jonah.
The Lord Licorice looks at Jonah. He doesn't say anything, but watches Jonah's face and waits until he observes the nervousness that gives away the truth.
LORD LICORICE: (shrill) He knows!
In a vain effort Jonah squirms like a worm to get away, whimpering. The sight makes the Baron and the Count laugh. Bubblegum princess watches Jonah, open mouthed, shocked, terrified.
The Captain takes two steps and plucks Jonah from the ground and spins him face to face with the Lord Licorice.
LORD LICORICE: (chewing, oozing) Where - is - Plumpy?
Jonah doesn't answer immediately, he looks left and right as if searching for an escape, a rat in a trap. His face is dirty and tear streaked, he is a scared child.
LORD LICORICE: Does the Captain need to break another finger, perhaps an arm this time?
Lord Licorice looks from Jonah's face to the Captain's behind him.
Lord Licorice leans down in Jonah's face.
LORD LICORICE: Oh, you're answering questions now?! Where is Plumpy?!
JONAH: (crying) I don't know exactly! He found me in the Gingerbread Plumtree Forest! He lives in a tree, a day's walk in!
The Lord Licorice squeezes Jonah's face in one long fingered, gloved hand.
LORD LICORICE: (almost a whisper) Thank you, my boy. If we find him I'll make sure we use a sharp ax at your execution. If not... well, Bessie likes to play with her food.
    (to the general) General, take Bessie, use the new harness and the energy locator. I expect your return before sunrise- with the gem... and Plumpy.
The General turns and starts to walk away.
LORD LICORICE: General (The General stops but doesn’t turn.), alive.
The General laughs a hollow, deep, raspy bark of a laugh and leaves, lifting some equipment off a table and shouldering it smoothly as he walks by.
LORD LICORICE: This changes our timetable. Count, Baron, let us retire to my chambers. We must discuss an accelerated strategy.
CAPTAIN: Yes, my Lord.
LORD LICORICE: Your prisoner’s weren’t useless after all. Tomorrow we'll promote you in front of the men, execute them and begin our campaign in high spirits. Take our sweet scientist and these humans to the dungeon. Dismissed.
The Captain solutes, draws his weapon and rounds up the scientist, Jolene and Jonah. The latter is in an awful state, broken body and spirit. He leads them to the stair well and they descend.
The Lord Licorice walks to his war machine and pats it, his eyes running across it's surface.
LORD LICORICE: Good-bye, Queen Frostine.
Scene 16: The Dungeon
Bubblegum leads, Jolene, Jonah and then the Captain, sword drawn, follows.
They descend the staircase, lit by the sick light of torches, silent but for the scrape of feet on stone. This time they descend for a while before arriving on the next level.
The room is much smaller than the other levels. It consists of an antechamber and a cell. It is dank, dripping, stark stone with no embellishment or furniture. A guard leans on the far (not that far) wall, when he sees the prisoners he stands with a sound as his back leaves the wall.
DUNGEON GUARD: Am I relieved? I'm getting all sticky.
The guard sees the Captain and solutes.
DUNGEON GUARD: Captain! I didn't see you back there.
The Captain returns the solute.
CAPTAIN: Maybe if you spent less time leaning against walls you wouldn't be so sticky or here in the first place.
DUNGEON GUARD: Sorry, sir.
CAPTAIN: (to the prisoners) Come on you lot, into the cell.
They file in. The guard watches them for a moment before feeling the Captain's glare on him. He hurries forward, closes the door and locks it with a key hanging from his neck.
The guard turns and in a lowered voice addresses the Captain.
DUNGEON GUARD: Captain, sir, please, how much longer do I have to stay down here? It isn't even necessary.
CAPTAIN: Let's figure it, a shift for me catching you leaning on duty again, a shift for asking how much longer, and a shift for questioning my orders. Three shifts.
He turns and leaves.
The Guard immediately returns to his position leaning against the wall.
CAPTAIN: (echoing down the stairwell) Four shifts, at attention, soldier!
The guard moans and stands.
SCENE 17: Jail time.
The prisoners stand in separate corners of the cell.
JONAH: What am I standing in?
He looks at the bottom of his right shoe and scrapes over, to Jolene. She moves away from him as he approaches.
JONAH: Oh, come on, it doesn't smell that bad...
He notices her look of disgust is not for the smell.
JONAH: What? Are you still mad at me?
JOLENE: Yeah, I'm mad at you.
JONAH: Ok, what for now?
JOLENE: That was really great, what you did up there, selling out your friend.
JONAH: Who, Plumpy? He's not exactly my friend. I met him and-
JOLENE: And he let you stay at his house, and you said he saved you-
JONAH: They were torturing me! Loo--
He holds up his bound hands and tries to splay his fingers and breaks off in a yelp of pain. He takes a deep breath and holds his hands in front of Jolene. His pinky and ring finger on his right hand are crooked.
JONAH: (breath) See.
Jolene looks past his hands into his eyes.
JOLENE: I see a coward.
Jonah stays quiet, looks away, looks back and finds Jolene still glaring at him.
JONAH: What?!
JOLENE: I'm just wondering when you're going to sell me out.
JONAH: As soon as possible!
JOLENE: Great! Go back to the corner you came from, you belong there. And don't talk to me!
Jonah returns to near the corner with a sideways glance at the waste on the ground. He leans against the wall. Neither of the children look at each other.
BUBBLEGUM: (walking to Jonah) Harsh, bro. Let me see those fingers.
Jonah holds out his hands.
Bubblegum takes his hand, Jonah winces.
BUBBLEGUM: Don't be a baby, Coward.
JONAH: I'm not ‘Coward’, my name is Jonah.
BUBBLEGUM: I know a coward when I see one... Sorry. I'm Bubblegum.
She lets go of his hand, rips off a piece of her hair, sticks it between the two fingers, pushes them together (Jonah bites his lip), rips a piece of her lab coat and wraps the fingers as one.
JONAH: So you are.
BUBBLEGUM: They broke in different places, so they should be able to support each other, take some aspirin and ice it, you can remove the bandage in four weeks.
Bubblegum smiles.
JONAH: Thanks.
BUBBLEGUM: Yeah, whatevs. I don't think much of what you did either. The human I know would never, ever, not in a million years sell out a friend.
JONAH: You know other humans.
BUBBLEGUM: (distracted, rubbing her hair where she pulled the piece from back into shape) Oh, yeah, just the one. He should have been here by now.
JONAH: Does he know how to get out of here? Not here here, but, the whole universe? ... It's hard to explain. I'm not from... here.
BUBBLEGUM: You're not from here either, huh?
JONAH: You're not from here?
BUBBLEGUM: Why'd ya say it like that?
JONAH: Well, you're a candy person and this is Candy Land.
BUBBLEGUM: A Candy Land.
JONAH: What's that?
BUBBLEGUM: A Candy Land. I come from the Candy Kingdom in the land of U.
JONAH: There are other worlds?
BUBBLEGUM: Sure, infinite. I had developed a theory to travel between them, I was in my lab testing the machine I built when it went off while I was calibrating and I wound up on the volcano out there.
    The next thing I know a bunch of yahoos were dragging me back to this Lord guy. I tried to tell them I was Princess in my kingdom, but I think all he understood from my explanation was that I could engineer.
    BAM! A year later here we are: I build a weapon of mass destruction that can't work without a mythical, magical, super-power stone that's been missing for five-hundred years and you deliver it to him on my very date of completion. Life is funny.
JONAH: Oh. Why did you build it so it would work?
BUBBLEGUM: (angry, first shaking) Because I've got pride you spineless lump!
GUARD: Stop your gobs in there! I'm trying to get me some sleep!
The prisoners are silent, there is nothing more to be said.
SCENE 18: The General Takes
Plumpy is out on his porch cooking up another lizard in his pot. He hum-growls to himself as he cooks.
There is a rustling in the canopy above him.
Plumpy stops cooking, looks up and smells the air. The rustling gets louder, plums and branches start raining down around Plumpy's tree.
The Licorice Dragon, Bessie, breaks through the canopy and stabilizes its flight. The General sits in a harness. He spots Plumps and reigns Bessie toward him.
PLUMPY: Oh, no.
He jumps from his porch to the side of the tree a second before a blast of fire takes out his entire home. He descends the tree rapidly and a string of shots from two distortion guns hooked up to the bottom of the harness follow him, making the tree bubble, ooze and liquefy where it hits.
Near the bottom he pushes off, clearing the burning wreckage of his home smoldering at the base of the tree.
As soon as he lands he is running.
The dragon flies overhead. Plumpy jumps sideways in anticipation of an attack that doesn't come. As he rolls left there is a heavy thud.
It's not a plum.
Plumpy turns to find the General facing him. He turns again to run the other direction, but the dragon is landing there. It blows a line of fire in front of itself, blocking Plumpy, forcing him to face the General.
Plumpy turns back to the foreboding figure waiting in the gloom of the forest.
GENERAL: Come with me.
Plumpy is fast, ferocious. He roars, charges, en route he grabs a rotting plum and throws it. The General blocks it and it splatters off his armor, before he can resume his position Plumpy is on top of him with a tackle. The pair roll, the beast clawing and snarling, the General quietly defending himself.
They come to a rest with Plumpy on top. Plumpy's claws and fangs are bared. The General holds both of Plumpy's arms by the wrist preventing the curved claws from reaching him.
Plumpy tries to bite the General's neck, but his teeth are met with a helmed head butt. As he recoils in pain the General leverages his legs and launches Plumpy with a heave that throws Plumpy back first onto a projecting root.
Plumpy is dazed, but gets up and takes a swipe at the General.
The General dodges the swing with ease, grabs Plumpy's arm and uses his momentum to throw him down.
Before Plumpy can recover the General is standing over him. The last thing he sees is the mailed fist descending.
Scene 19: Escape
The children, Bubblegum and the guard are asleep.
There is an explosion above, a rumbling, bits of stone and dust fall from the ceiling. A rock hits Jonah on the head when it breaks loose. He snaps awake.
JOLENE: (groggy) What?
JONAH: You threw a rock at me!
JOLENE: No I didn't.
JONAH: Yes, you di-
BUBBLEGUM: Ssshh. (puts a finger to her lips) Listen.
They hear the small sounds of explosions and a commotion from far away. They watch the ceiling, straining their ears. The guard snores.
JOLENE: What is it?
BUBBLEGUM: I don't-- Oh! Hello! (she gives a small wave.
A troop of gingerbread men return the wave from the other side of the bars. Behind them the guard is bound, rolling on the floor and issuing insults that don't make it past the gag. Behind the guard is an open passageway that wasn't there before.
The Gingerbread Men, G-men, are all wearing barrets. Each one of them is strapped to the nines with weapons: gingersnap grenades, bubblegum ball bombs, hunting knives, throwing knives, and other equipment attached to bandoliers and belts. The G-Men have tattoos, frosted symbols. Some have candy cigarettes, others chocolate bar cigars. They are an imposing group despite an average height of three feet.
Behind them, emerging from the passageway, comes Mr. Mint with a huge smile on his sooty face.
MR. MINT: There you guys are. Come on, the diversion won't last forever.
JONAH: But, how?
G-MAN 1: All castles have secret passageways. We've known about this one for months, but we've never had an opportunity to use it.
G-MAN 2: Yeah, no reason, on account that good for nothing Lord Licorice has our men executed immediately upon capture.
G-MAN 3: Sick son of a lemon drop.
JONAH: But, Mr. Mint, who are these guys?
MR. MINT: Jonah, you want to do this now or later?
Another, louder, explosion and rumblings issue from above and more stones break free in the dungeon.
JONAH: Later works for me.
G-MAN 2: Alright. Stand back!
He attaches a device to the door of the cell. The G-Men and Mr. Mint retreat into the passageway. The kids and Bubblegum crouch in the corner together and cover their ears.
The explosion is small, the blast throws the door open as well as fills the room with smoke.
Bubblegum, the kids, G-men and Mr. Mint all cough for a couple seconds.
G-MAN 4: (to 2) (coughing) You know, we got the key from the guard. (He holds it up.)
G-MAN 2: (snatches key, throws it) Yeah, like that's any fun.
G-MAN 5: Come on. We gotta move.
JONAH: Can you cut me and Jolene free?
Jonah holds out his bound hands. G-man 3 steps up and saws through in a second.
G-MAN: 3: Which one is Jolene?
Jolene raises her hand. It is unbound, only the smudges of licorice on her wrist remain.
JONAH: Hey. How did you-?
JOLENE: Jonah, it was licorice, I chewed through.
MR. MINT: Let's get out of here.
FINN: Hey yall! Hiya P.B.
A wild looking boy in blue, with a white hood made from a bear head, with strands of golden hair hanging down, and holding a sword is standing in a second passageway that wasn't there a moment ago.
G-MAN 5: What the-?
BUBBLEGUM: There you are Finn! You're late!
FINN: Sorry, Peebs. We can talk about it later. Right now, we gotta boogie!
BUBBLEGUM: Just a second. (to the children) Listen. I secretly installed a self-destruct device on the machine I built for Lord Licorice. There is a panel on the bottom that is a different color than the rest, the button for the self-destruct is under that. You have one minute after you press it to get away. Good luck, guys. Stop that licorice lunatic.
The children nod. She hugs them together and goes into the passage with Finn.
FINN: (as the passage closes behind them) Bye yall!
G-MAN 4: Well... that was weird.
G-MAN 1: There goes our intel.
G-MAN 5: Quit with the chit chat we've gotta split.
As if to punctuate this statement more explosions are heard above. The ceiling cracks, dust fills the room.
G-MAN 5: Into the passageway. Go go!
There is noise and confusion as the detention level starts to cave in. It is too dusty to see. They flee into the passageway as the ceiling collapses. The passageway is completely dark.
G-MAN 1: That was close. What are they doing up there.
G-MAN 5: I told them, distraction. Distraction. It sounds like they started the war.
JONAH: I can't see.
MR. MINT: There is only one way. Down. And it's stairs. You have stairs where you come from, right?
JONAH: Yes, we have stairs.
MR. MINT: Well then, no problem.
The troop descends in the dark jangling.
SCENE 20: Make for the Mountains
As the group reaches the exit they are greeted by light and the sounds of explosions. There is debris falling from above. They pile out, stunned for a second by the sensory shock of going from relative silence and dark to the flashes and bangs of a war zone.
There is a fight going on above them around the gates of Licorice Castle. Gingerbread Men are lobbing explosives left and right and firing small shot with their slings. The licorice troops attack with party-favor cannons, swords, bows and catapults, but the speed and ferocity of the G-men keeps them one step ahead.
Explosion after explosion rocks the walls and gates, some of the G-men bombs sail over the walls to land in the courtyard, where they detonate among the weapons the licorice men have been preparing, causing chain explosions, smoke, confusion.
G-man 5 pulls out what looks like a  popscicle and pulls the string dangling from it. A flare fires up and explodes in a hail of colorful sprinkles. It is the signal for the G-men to retreat.
Above, on the walkway, the G-men assault group strips their bandoliers and throw them at the base of the gate. They retreat, running down the walkway, as fast as their little legs can go, and since they are gingerbread men, that is fast.
The explosions from their discarded weapons shake the entire column of rock on which Licorice Castle stands. Towers collapse, half the castle is in flame. A tower falls, crushing the wall, and continues down, descending toward the group at the base.
G-MAN 1: Wow. We gave them more explosives than I thought.
They watch for a second, awed, before they realize that the tower is going to crush them if they continue standing around.
G-MAN 5: Run! Run as fast as you can!
The Gingerbread men take off and Mr. Mint and Jonah are fast on their heels.
They take a path under the walkway, the only approach that could offer them cover. They have built makeshift bridges over the rivers and streams of molten candy that run through the valley. The Gingerbread men pull ahead of Jonah and Mr. Mint steadily.
The tower shatters on the ground behind them.
G-MAN 3: (looking back) (to Mr. Mint and Jonah) Hurry! We've rigged the column's to blow!
The Gingerbread man turns back and continues running, but after a second whips back around.
    Where is the Jolene?
Mr. Mint and Jonah look around. Jolene isn't with them. She's nowhere to be seen.
Jonah stops and goes to turn back. It is then that the first set of columns is blown. Mr. Mint and Jonah are thrown to the ground. G-man 3 runs back and helps them up.
JONAH: We have to go back for Jolene!
G-MAN 3: We can't! This whole thing is coming down!
JONAH: She's my friend!
G-MAN 3: She's gone! Come on!
G-man 3 pulls Jonah forward. The troop of Gingerbread men are far ahead. G-man 3 stays with Jonah and Mr. Mint as they run.
Above, on the platform, the G-men run as well, the two groups fleeing the explosions of the columns.
Jonah, Mr. Mint and G-man 3 run together. They are barely making it past the columns before the explosions and as the walkway begins to collapse and the towering columns fall, they are in a rain of debris.
One of the makeshift bridges has been taken out by debris. Mr. Mint jumps and clears the lava. He turns back and catches Jonah who lands on the edge. They both reach and catch G-man 3 who would have fallen short.
They run.
Jonah is numb. He can't feel or think. He is legs pumping. They are ten feet past the last columns when the explosives there go off. It throws them down. There are only a hundred feet to go. The walkway is collapsing on top of them.
Mr. Mint is the first to his feet. He pulls the other two up, dragging them to the side, running, until they are upright on shaky legs. The walkway is going to crush them. They jump as it crashes to the ground behind them with a massive plume of dust.
They land feet from a lava flow. Jonah's head hangs over the lava bank, he looks down into the heat, panting.
The second group of G-men were on the end of the walkway when it fell. They get to their feet.
G-MAN 6: I thought for sure we'd clear the whole thing before it collapsed.
One of the G-men from the second group did make it to the end. He is standing with the rescue group getting patted on the back and looking smug. He calls back to the others on the walkway.
G-MAN 7: I made it!
G-MAN 8: (dusting himself off) We all made it.
G-MAN 9: Where's Mr. Mint?
MR. MINT: Over here!
Jonah, Mr. Mint and G-man 3 are helped over the side of the collapsed walkway by the strike team. They rejoin their fellows standing at the end and everyone looks back at the smoldering Castle Licorice.
G-MAN 10: That ought a keep old Licorice occupied for a while.
JONAH: (frantic, panting) We have to go back!
G-MAN 1: Back? No, we can't go back.
JONAH: Jolene is in there!
G-MAN 8: Then she's probably dead.
JONAH: (stares for a second) What?!
G-MAN 5: We've all lost friends, son. This is war. When we found Mr. Mint, he gave us the same bit you're pulling right now, and I'm going to tell you the same thing. Not my business.
    (to the G-men) Now, move out.
The G-men head as a group for the foothills of the Gumdrop Mountains, leaving Mr. Mint and Jonah behind.
Jonah jogs to catch up.
JONAH: (to 5) But you did come, you came and got us.
G-MAN 5: Nope. This incursion was already planned. We knew there was a meeting and we knew Licorice was preparing to move. This was a stop measure and intelligence mission. Mr. Mint happened to stumble into a surveilling party and we recruited him, that's it.
JONAH: You're not going to help her?
G-MAN 5: Not a chance. I've got a report to make.
JONAH: Then I'm going.
He turns to leave the group and G-man 5 whips around, kicks out his knee and bends his arm behind his back.
G-MAN 5: Can't let you do that either.
JONAH: What? Why not?
G-MAN 5: Momma G's got to know what you know.
JONAH: (trying to get up, but G-man 5 pushes his arm further up) I don't know anything!
G-MAN 5: We'll see. Honestly, we wanted the scientist, but we make due with what we have. You were in that castle and until Momma G questions you, you're sticking with us like icing on a cake.
JONAH: (looking up at Mr. Mint) Help me. Help, Jolene.
Mr. Mint shrugs and looks away.
JONAH: Great. Some friend you are. Where were you anyway? Do you always disappear when there is trouble?
G-MAN 5: (releasing Jonah and standing) Oh, he's famous for that. (spits)
    (to 3 and 1)You two, guard this thing and make sure it doesn't do anything stupid.
G-MEN 3 & 1: Yes, sir.
They take flanking guard positions on Jonah.
G-MAN 3: (quietly, to Jonah) Sorry, kid.
G-MAN 5: Let's make it to those hills before the sun is fully up! Gingermen, move out!
The troops begin a steady march continuing in the direction of the foothills. G-Man 5 remains, facing the castle, where the smoke has already begun to diminish, though the volcano looms and sends it's own smoke ever upward.
As Mr. Mint is going by he stops him roughly with a club he draws from his back.
G-MAN 5: You told me Lord Licorice had captured great warriors.
MR. MINT: I did? I was sure I said, 'great worriers."
G-MAN 5: Don't be coy with me Minty (Mr. Mint grimaces). You lied to me. Do so again, I'll take your head off with this club.
MR. MINT: That club?
In a flash Mr. Mint steps back, drawing his ax and swings it through the air and slices the club just above the handle. The top half clatters to the ground.
MR. MINT: A little short for the job, don't you think?
G-man 5 smirks and drops the handle. He is composed and says nothing. He turns and heads after his men who are already a good distance away, leaving Mr. Mint behind.
Despite the bravado, once G-Man 5's back is turned, Mr. Mint looks back, disconsolate at the smoldering Castle Licorice before reshouldering his ax. He follows after looking downright dismal.
Scene 21: In the Shadow
The Throne room of the Lord Licorice. It is not a large room, but designed for small council. The room has no adornment. The sole furnishing is the throne which stands on a raised dais. Behind the throne is a fireplace. It casts the shadow of the throne in a straight line, cutting the room in half and forcing anyone who stands before Lord Licorice into it's darkness.
Lord Licorice sits in his throne facing his shadow. He broods, chewing his mouth.
There is a knock on the door.
The General enters the room closing the door behind him. He kneels in the shadow, crossing his right arm across his chest.
GENERAL: I captured him, my lord.
GENERAL: As you commanded.
LORD LICORICE: And the stone?
In reply the general removes a fist sized object wrapped in cloth and hands it to Lord Licorice.
Lord Licorice unwraps it, lighting his face in the unearthly, purple glow of the stone.
LORD LICORICE: Good. We have pressing matters.
GENERAL: My lord?
LORD LICORICE: As you no doubt saw, the G-men assaulted us and took out the northern walk.
GENERAL: We can rebuild it within the week.
LORD LICORICE: That isn't the problem. The attack was also a diversion. They robbed us of the scientist and took the humans as well. Doubtless, they are taking Bubblegum to Queen Frostline as we speak. We cannot give them time to develop a defense against our weapons.

GENERAL: What do you command?
LORD LICORICE: We must form up the army and march immediately. Send word to Baron Wafer and Count Cigarette. We will depart tonight. Forced march. How is our supply of mint?
GENERAL: We have enough of the stimulant to keep the soldiers awake for five days.
LORD LICORICE:  That will do. I don't want to them to close their eyes until they see Frostine's castle crash into the Ice Cream Sea!
GENERAL: Will that be all?
LORD LICORICE: No. Send the Captain and four men on Bessie to the foothills of the Gumdrop Mountains. Tell him to kill the escaped prisoners or die trying.
GENERAL: That small a force is certain to be decimated.
LORD LICORICE: So be it. I feel the Captain is somehow responsible for this mess, he brought those... hu-mans.
GENERAL: As you command, my lord.
The General stands, bangs his fist on his breastplate and leaves the room.
The Lord Licorice stares into the green glow of the stone.
SCENE 22: The Sneak
Jolene peaks up from the stairwell into the lab above. She is garbed in loose fitting Licorice armor, the helm she holds at her side.
In the lab are soldiers. She watches as two cart the machine onto the elevator and another pair
pack a chest with the concentrated mint from the lab.
The pair collecting the mint are the last to leave.
SOLDIER 1: Is that all of it? The general said take all of it.
SOLDIER 2: Yeah. Yeah. We got it.
SOLDIER 1: Come on man, I'm serious, He's serious. Did you see that green guy he dragged in? He barely had a face left!
SOLDIER 2: We got every vial. Let's just get it upstairs and take a snooze while we still can.
SOLDIER 1: I can't believe-
There are the muffled sounds of a person trying to yell in the stairwell below Jolene. She turns from the pair and makes her way down the stairs quickly and quietly to the Licorice Guard she stripped of his uniform but not the gag.
JOLENE: (hissing at the guard) Do I have to knock you out again? I save your life and this is how you repay me?
Wide-eyed the guard vehemently shakes his head which is sporting a prominent bump.
JOLENE: (hissing) Good!
She goes back to the top of the stairs and peeks out.
The two soldiers are disappearing up the staircase, not without some difficulty, with their chest full of mint. They spill some and in their bickering don't notice. The tubes fall and break, below, one lands on it's stopper and survives.
Jolene returns to the guard.
JOLENE: Scream and I'm going to stomp you with your own boot. Understand?
The guard nods vehemently. She pulls down the gag.
JOLENE: Where can I find Plumpy?
JOLENE: Plumpy, your General captured him? Where is he?
GUARD: How should I know?
JOLENE: I'm going to give you one more chance. Where do you take prisoners?
GUARD: Well he isn't down here.
Jolene steps back and raises her foot over the guards head.
GUARD: Wait! Wait!
JOLENE: (with foot still hovering) Well?
GUARD: Maybe- the tower next to the barracks! There are holding cells there for unruly soldiers. He could be there!
Jolene brings her foot down, fast, causing the guard to wince in anticipation. But she doesn't stomp him. She replaces the gag and dons the helm.
JOLENE: How do I look?
The guard gives her a muffled response that sounds positive.
JOLENE: Excellent.
She heads up the stairs. By the broken test tubes she has trouble breathing for a second and notices the unbroken tube. She picks it up and with a shrug pockets it before continuing up the stairwell.
She goes straight up. There are no longer guards at the posts. Where there are soldiers they are hurrying about on business. At most they glance at the short soldier, but go on with their duties.
She reaches the surface and crosses back through the hall which is as empty and desolate as before, but when she leaves the hall into the courtyard she is greeted by the sights and sounds of an army preparing for war as well as the scene of destruction at the Northern Gate.
Smoke still rises from the area of explosion. Soldiers are extracting what weapons they can from the mess. Once again, everyone is already too busy with their task to take any notice of Jolene.
She makes her way through the chaos until she catches sight of what must be the barracks, given away because it is the only area where any soldiers seem to be at ease, smoking, joking, playing cards and talking of the battles to come in promises of valor and crude comments about their enemies.
She heads for the small tower to the right of the barracks, there is a guard out front.
She stops in front of him.
JOLENE: (adopting her deepest voice) I've come for the prisoner.
GUARD: Are you sure you can handle him? He's a beast that one.
JOLENE: Lord Licorice commands that Plumpy be brought before him. (less officious, she leans in and whispers) He isn't in a good mood.
GUARD: Right you are. Up you go.
The guard stands aside for Jolene to enter. The first and second level are empty cells. On the third level she finds Plumpy pacing behind the bars.
He stops when he sees the small Licorice soldier standing there. Jolene is shocked for a moment, taking in the Green monster whose face is puffy and bloody.
PLUMPY: You're a little short for a soldier aren't you?
JOLENE: What? Oh, the armor!
She removes the helm.
    I'm here to rescue you.
Plumpy laughs the sound scares Jolene a bit.
PLUMPY: You? Rescue me? How?
JOLENE: I'm- I'm not sure.
Plumpy laughs again.
PLUMPY: You can start by letting me out of this cage.
JOLENE: Oh, I - um - ah-
PLUMPY: The key is on the wall behind you.
Jolene retrieves the key. Fumbling, unsure and intimidated by the large creature in the cage she unlocks the door and steps back.
Plumpy chuckles, which still seems threatening, and pushes open the door, but as there is little space in the room and Jolene is clearly afraid of him, he stays in the cell and breathes a sigh of relief.
PLUMPY: That's better. I hate nothing more than cages.
    So, what next?
JOLENE: I don't know. I had to do something, this boy, Jonah, he-
PLUMPY: (smiling, distorting his wounded features and showing his teeth) Jonah? You know him? Is he here? Is he alright?
JOLENE: (angry) Oh, he's all right. And he isn't here. He got out clean with his Gingermen friends. Don't worry about Jonah, he's the one who gave you up. That's why I'm here.
PLUMPY: Because Jonah gave me up?
JOLENE: To rescue you.
PLUMPY: Who is going to rescue you?
JOLENE: I- I wanted to do right by you. Jonah told them where you were after all you'd done for him...
PLUMPY: I'm sure he had his reasons. We all do.
JOLENE: But look at you.
PLUMPY: (smiling more) I'm fine. I'm over seven hundred years old and have seen far worse than this.
JOLENE: But you-
PLUMPY: I will be fine. What is your name?
JOLENE: Jolene.
PLUMPY: Jolene, where is Jonah now?
JOLENE: I don't know.
PLUMPY: Does he know where you are?
PLUMPY: Don't you think leaving a friend without any word, or any information, leaving them in the dark to wonder and worry what has become of you, to imagine the worst possible thing about the state you may be in, to be left in doubt as to whether you are alive, to be gnawed by anxiety-
JOLENE: Ok, ok. I get it. I get it. Sheesh. I too have harmed a friend. Two wrongs don't make a right. Or something like that.
PLUMPY: Something like that.
JOLENE: So, what now?
PLUMPY: You're asking me?
JOLENE: You're the one who's seven hundred years old.
PLUMPY: You're in disguise. Walk out of here and don't look back. Find, Jonah.
JOLENE: You make it sound so easy. What will you do?
PLUMPY: I'll bide my time and see what happens.
JOLENE: For a guy who got beat up and imprisoned you sure are easy-going.
PLUMPY: Thanks for stopping by.
Plumpy closes the door and sits down.
JOLENE: I don't envy the next guy who comes up here.
Plumpy laughs ferociously, more so when Jolene puts her helm back on and solutes him.
JOLENE: Good luck, Plumpy.
She clomps back down the stairs in her oversized armor leaving behind a growl-humming Plumpy in an unlocked cage.
SCENE 23: The Imposter
Jolene, in camouflage strides out of the tower, taking a smooth step past the guard.
He takes a second and a blink to realize that it's her. She is five feet away when he calls out to her.
GUARD: Where is your prisoner, soldier?
Jolene takes her time turning around. When she walks back it is unusually close to the guard.
JOLENE: You were right. He's scary. He's too big. I mean, I'm too small. Either way, I need help... Please, don't tell anyone.
The guard chuckles.
GUARD: Not a soul.
JOLENE: I'll be back.
GUARD: And I'll be right here.
Jolene gives him a half-solute half wave and retreats into the crowd, taking one look back at the guard who gives her another wave.
Once the crowd has swallowed her, which doesn't take long, she skirts the eastern wall keeping her head down.
A sergeant overseeing the loading of a weapons wagon notices her shady behavior.
SERGEANT: You there, short stuff.
Jolene halts and solutes.
JOLENE: Yes, sir?
SERGEANT: Sergeant.
JOLENE: Sergeant, sir?
SERGEANT: Just Sergeant.
JOLENE: Yes, sergeant?
SERGEANT: What are you doing, soldier?
JOLENE: This soldier? Nothing, Sergeant.
SERGEANT: Why so shady, soldier?
Jolene doesn't respond right away. Her silence is a good enough answer for the sergeant.
SERGEANT: You sneaking, soldier?
JOLENE: Sneaking, sergeant?
SERGEANT: I don't like sneaking soldiers. I get suspicious when I get such shady answers. Answer me soldier, where you sneaking?
JOLENE: In a manner of speaking, Sergeant.
SERGEANT: In a manner of speaking. Stop wasting my time! Go to barracks, sit down and await further instructions. Those are standing orders! Move, soldier!
JOLENE: (to herself as she walks away) (mocking) You're in disguise, walk out of here, find Jonah. (sarcastic) Great plan, Plumpy.
Jolene has no choice but to head back to the barracks in sight of the tower guard. He waves to her again. She waves back and pretends to approach a table of guards playing cards for help.
JOLENE: Guys. Guys. Guys. Hey, guys. Dudes. Yo bros. Guys. Guys.
As she says this they all turn from their hands to look at her, some opening their mouths to speak, but waiting for her to stop as she making nonsequiter gesticulations indicating how big Plumpy is, her size and the tower.
JOLENE: You guys playing cards?
They wave her off. The closest takes a swing at her. She evades and catches the eye of the tower guard again giving him a shrug and shaking her head.
There is a sudden shadow overhead and men clear out for the dragon to land. The Captain dismounts and strides up to the barracks.
CAPTAIN: Attention!
The soldiers stand and solute. Jolene follows a moment behind.
CAPTAIN: Form up!
The soldiers form a line in front of the Captain, due to her delay and size, Jolene is left shoving and failing at that she hurries to the end.
The Captain walks down the line inspecting the men. When he reaches Jolene he stops.
CAPTAIN: I didn't know soldiers came this small.
JOLENE: I may be bite-sized, sir, but I'm every bit as tough as any licorice.
CAPTAIN: Is that so?
JOLENE: Yes, Captain.
CAPTAIN: Well, let's find out. (to the soldiers) I need four more brave men to accompany me on a retaliation mission. Who wants to turn the G-men to crumbs? Or is this minuscule, soldier the only one with the jawbreakers?
Put in such a way, all the soldiers volunteer, and the Captain has his pick of the men. In stark contrast to Jolene, the other four soldiers he picks are huge, the largest available.
The five 'chosen' stand in a line in front of the Captain.
CAPTAIN: Congratulations! You five will be remembered in the historical forging of the Licorice Empire.
FOUR: Thank you, Captain!
JOLENE: Thank you, Captain.
CAPTAIN: We have the privlidge of riding Bessie into battle. Mount up warriors.
The soldiers approach the dragon tentatively. It too observes them with doubts and cranes it's neck to sniff Jolene.
CAPTAIN: I said, mount up!
The four soldiers climb into the saddle behind the rein position. The Captain mounts and takes hold of the leads. Jolene is still trying to get a foot up.
Finally the rear most soldier offers a hand and pulls her up to sit behind him.
CAPTAIN: Hang on!
The dragon beats it's wings driving the soldiers in the courtyard back further.
As they fly up and to the north, ascending to an altitude just below the volcanic clouds, Jolene watches the castle recede and the waves of the tower guard and Plumpy, bowling him over, making for the gap in the wall and scaling down the northern face if the spire like a spider too big, fast and scary to be stopped.
SCENE 24: Pursuit and Capture
The troop of gingerbread men walk along a trail that winds through the foothills of the Gumdrop Mountains, Jonah and his guards are at the rear, with Mr. Mint trailing behind them.
The morning is clear and bright.
G-man 8 continuously looks over his shoulder and scowls at the sky. He stops and stares. The G-man-9, following him, stops and looks upset.
G-man 9: What? You've been scowling over your shoulder for the last five minutes.
G-man 8: We're being followed.
G-man 7: (stopping, chiming in) You're paranoid.
G-man 5: (from up front) What's going on back there?
G-man 7: Eight says we've got boogeymen after us.
G-man 5: What do you see?
G-man 8: That dragon is coming this way.
G-man 5: Someone with binoculars, get on that hill and tell me what you see.
G-man 2 and G-man 7 race for the hill.  7 pushes 2 down at the base and rapidly makes she ascent. He removes a pair of binoculars that looks like ice cream cones from a case on his belt and looks south. In a second he catches sight of the dragon flying their direction wit six soldiers on it's back.
G-man 7: (still looking through the binoculars) He's right! The dragon with six knights! Scratch that, five-and-a-half!
G-man 5: Six? They take us that lightly? How long you think?
G-man 7: Twenty, half-an-hour if they have trouble locating us.
G-man 5: Then we're going on. We should be able to reach the pass. The dragon can't assault us there, we'll have the advantage.
The G-men resume their march through the hills at a quickened pace. Jonah squints back at the smokey sky above Castle Licorice, but he can't see a thing.
G-MAN 3: Come on.
They head deeper into the hills.
The Gumdrops loom larger around them, the path maneuver around the boulders and sometimes through the crevices where they meet. The sunlight appears in patches on the ground. The G-Men and company, move faster, the approach of a dragon induces such a reaction.
Bessie's scream comes through, not far behind them. She swoops overhead and screams again. There is no area large enough for her to land on the gumdrop boulder strewn slope. She circles back, roaring in frustration and beats her wings sending gusts of wind between the channels of the boulders.
After circling one more time she sets down on a large boulder ahead where she can see the G-men and continues to beat her wings, kicking up dust and wind. The G-men take cover around the curve of a gumdrop until the wind subsides.
G-MAN 10: It's flying away.
G-MAN 7: (binoculars out again) The soldier's are gone.
G-MAN 5: Where are they?
G-MAN 7: Not on the dragons back.
G-MAN 5: Great. They're up there somewhere setting up an ambush. But this is our land, our advantage.
    Two, Four, you go wide, come around their left flank. Six, Eight, same thing from the right flank. Signal with whistle pattern bravo.
    OK. Go.
The two groups start in the wrong directions and collide with each other.
G-MAN 5: What's wrong with you guys? Don't you know left flank from right flank?
G-MAN 8: I flunked flank, sir. We all did.
G-MAN 5: You flunked flank? Flark! Do you know the whistle pattern? Whistle for me.
They all start whistling different tunes.
G-MAN 5: Stop! Stop! (sighs) And these are my best men. Two, four, you go that way (he points). Six, Eight you go that way. And when you're in position... whistle whatever you want. Now go!
The groups head off in the proper directions this time.
G-MAN 5: (to 7) I swear, they're incompetent.
G-MAN 7: You trained 'em.
G-man 5 opens his mouth, for a response, but is cut off by a hissing noise.
G-MAN 7: What is that?
Multicolored clouds fill up the area, emitted from canisters thrown by the Captain and his soldiers.
The G-Men, Jonah and Mr. Mint are lost inside the fog.
G-MEN ??: Help! We're under attack.
As the call comes from one side it breaks out from another and another. The soldiers have snuck around and are engaging the G-men from all sides. The sounds of battle echo off the broad faces of the massive gumdrops.
The G-men and Mr. Mint break off in the directions of different battles while Jonah remains shrouded in the mist, abandoned by his guards, scared and unsure. He sees a figure in armor sneaking through the fog and is taken by a sudden righteous rage.
Jonah charges and smashes the soldier to the ground striking out where he can.
SOLDIER: Hey, get off!
Jonah continues striking the armor which is mostly hurting him, but he is reacting with a fury.
The soldier strikes Jonah with a wide swing and gets to his feet panting. It is a short soldier, but Jonah doesn't seem to notice as he is after the soldier again, tackling and knocking the soldier to the ground once again.
JONAH: You killed my friend!
He rolls and knocks into a boulder two feet in diameter. He pushes himself up using it and as he watches the figure on the ground, struggling against the armor to rise, he gets an idea.
The soldier has to roll to his stomach , to get on all fours and then to his feet. Jolene has figured this out. She rolls onto her stomach and sees Jonah lift the boulder from the ground, and holding it at chest level proceed toward her.
JOLENE: Drop that rock!
Jonah makes no reply but to move closer.
JOLENE: Don't drop the rock!
JONAH: Jolene?
JOLENE: Jonah! (she whips off the helmet)
Jonah drops the rock to the side and helps her up. He is embarrassed having been caught in a high state of emotion by Jolene.
JONAH: Sorry I almost crushed your head with a rock...
JOLENE: It's fine. (mocking, twisting up her face) You killed my friend! Arrrrgh!
JONAH: I thought you were dead!
JOLENE: I'm fine. And you know what, attacking me was brave, in a way. You may be less of a coward than I thought.
JONAH: This again, look, I-
An explosion ahead interrupts him and the push of air dissipates the fog enough to see a fight on the slope of one of the gumdrop boulders. Two fights.
Jolene and Jonah run closer to get a view of the battle.
A trio of G-men against two soldiers are ascending the slope from either side. In both fights, one G-man with a long hunting-knife is attacking the soldier while the other two hurl cherry bombs with their slings. The coordination of the G-men is a dance that pushes the soldiers constantly back to avoid the bombs.
As they near the top, the two flanking groups arrive, on the opposite side of where they should have, having passed each other in the fog of war. The flanking pairs take down the soldiers from behind, each group subdues their soldiers.
G-MAN 3: Hey, Jonah, is that tiny soldier there with you Jolene?
G-MAN 3: Alright, she's alive! Where's Mr. Mint?
JOLENE: Yeah? And where is the Captain?
G-MAN 8: (hand shielding his eyes) Down there.
Jolene and Jonah have to run further up the gumdrop to see.
In a path below, the Captain and Mr. Mint fight, sword versus ax respectively. Mr. Mint blows are ferocious and whenever the Captain tries to close with a swing, Mr. Mint blocks with the ax handle and jabs with the head, forcing the Captain back to wait for an opening.
But Mr. Mint is too fast with his ax. He soon hacks the Captain's shield to pieces and the repeated blows drive the Captain against the face of a Gumdrop, where, with only a handle left to his shield and a sword that seems insignificant to the broad, heavy head of the ax, he surrenders.
The G-men and the children cheer from their vantage point.
Mr. Mint looks around and seeing them, smiles and takes a bow.
The Captain takes the opportunity to tackle Mr. Mint, only to be knocked out by the back of the ax head as Mr. Mint sweeps his arms wide for a deeper bow.
Mr. Mint takes a surprised look a the unconscious Captain on the ground and holds his ax high in triumph.
The G-Men cheer again, except for G-man 5 who looks at the flanking pairs and says-
G-MAN 5: You guys are still on the wrong side.
SCENE 25: Mamma Gingersnap
The tied up soldiers and their Captain follow two G-men, then six of the troop, then Jonah, Jolene and Mr. Mint and two more G-men taking up the rear come over the top of a ridge to look down into a nook that is naturally closed off on the sides and with one huge gumdrop looming on top.
Under the huge gumdrop, looking as though it will be crushed at any moment, is a gingerbread house.
G-MAN 3: (to the children) There we are, Mamma Gingersnap.
They raise their eyebrows at him and remain halted as the rest of the group descends toward the house.
G-MAN 3: What is it? What's wrong?
JOLENE: It's not- we- uh
JONAH: We have stories about houses like this in our world.
G-MAN 3: Really? You must tell me some.
JONAH: The thing is, they're all bad stories. Nothing good happens to the people who go into these kinds of houses.
G-MAN 3: Come on! Don't be superstitious!
JONAH: Alright.
Jolene looks at him dubiously as they proceed onward.
JONAH: It's Candy Land, a lot of people live in gingerbread houses. We can't be weirded out. This one only happens to be in the middle of nowhere. There is no evil witch.
As he is saying this they are already walking down and are getting close to the house.
G-MAN 3: (from ahead of them) Of course not! Mamma G is a good witch!
They stop again and take in the house, giving each other a significant glance.
Everybody has gone inside. It is dark and gloomy in the nook under the gumdrops.
G-man 3 sticks his head out the front door.
G-MAN 3: Come on! She wants to meet you.
They climb the porch stairs together but stop short of the doorway.
JOLENE: You first.
JONAH: It's ladies first.
JOLENE: Don't be a coward.
Jonah walks through the door, Jolene follows.
Inside the soldiers are kneeling before a large figure in a chair. There is a lit fire place and lanterns all about the one room house. It is cluttered with all kinds of old lady nick-knacks and there are different sections including a kitchen, a dining room and an area in a corner serving as a bedroom.
And Mamma G is a kindly looking old woman complete with glasses, a bonnet and a knitting project resting in her lap.
JONAH: She seems nice.
MAMMA G: Tell me what Lord Licorice is up to or I'll have my G-men twist your licorice fingers into pretzels!
The scream hits the children like a physical blow. Mamma G seems to grow large and the shadows dark as black holes, the deepest her pupils, everything shrinks away but those eyes.
The children find themselves being helped to their feet by the G-men. Mr. Mint is standing and looking dazed as well.
JOLENE: What happened?
Mamma G is knitting, and smiling, looking far smaller than she has seemed so far, squinting at them over her glasses.
MAMMA G: I'm sorry kids. I didn't think.
JONAH: Yes, but what happened?
MAMMA G: (squeezing his cheek) I caught you a little bit with the spell I used.
JONAH: What did I say?
MAMMA G: Oh, so much. (she winks)
JONAH: What did I say?
MAMMA G: It would be tedious and embarrassing to repeat. Let me tell you about Queen Frostine instead. She's the one you have to warn about the machine and the army and the impending destruction.
     She lives in the summits of the Gumdrop Mountains, in the Crystal Palace on the shore of the Ice Cream Sea, and is the sole member of Candy Court opposing Lord Licorice. The  residences of the Candy Court are farther north on the other side of the Gumdrop Mountains and they don't pay much attention to the affairs on this side. It is a good and bad thing.
    If Lord Licorice gets rid of her he can do anything he likes to us, and tell the Court anything he wants to. They are one naive bunch. Lord Licorice wants to turn the people of Candy Land into soldiers, conquerors and those who don't want that, his slaves.
    Candy Land is a kind, simple place. His own soldiers are reflective of the haphazard positivity of our people. Their loyalty is out of good faith.
    My G-men can take out that machine and the Lord Licorice, but they can't fight a war.
    You tell Queen Frostine that. And you tell her in time.
JONAH: (to the G-men) You guys can really take out that machine?
G-MAN 8: Yeah, different colored panel on the bottom, one minute, how hard is that?
JONAH: Fair enough. What are you going to do with these soldiers?
MAMMA G: I am going to convince them of their wrongs.
JOLENE: How are you going to-
The look in Mamma G's eyes freezes them, but her warmth returns in a flash.
MAMMA G: I'm afraid you must be going. Lord Licorice's troops are on a forced march, they won't rest until the fight is won. Five, please find some winter gear for the children, we mustn't let them catch a cold.
JONAH: One thing, before we go?
JONAH: Do you know  how Jolene and I can get home?
He and Jolene turn to follow the G-men out.
MAMMA G: But I do sense that you're on the path to that answer. My apologies that I can't be of more assistance. These are strange times for an old woman like me.
She gives them a friendly smile, waves a hand to her G-men and resumes knitting while the group exits. Mr. Mint is last in the party.
MAMMA G: Good luck to you as well, Mr. Mint.
He makes no acknowledgement other than a brief pause before closing the door behind him. The soldiers and the Captain are left alone with Mamma G whose visage begins to shift...
SCENE 26: Snow camp.
The G-men outfit Jolene and Jonah with backpacks, winter gear and provisions from a shed behind the gingerbread house. Jolene immediately discards most of it because it is candy. She fills the bag with weapons instead, ignoring the protests of the G-men and the sideways glances from Jonah. Light flickers in the windows of the house as though a television were on inside.
Mr. Mint looks ridiculous in the largest cold weather gear they have for him. He cuts the legs off another set of pants and tapes them to the bottoms of the pair he is wearing, which is around his knees. He does the same with the elbow length sleeves.
Thus prepared the group leaves the shadow of the Imminent Gumdrop and heads deeper into the Gumdrop Mountains. They pause for rests in fifteen minute intervals every two hours and rotate a rear and forward scout. There is no pursuit.
The path meanders and ranges in it's slope, but is ever upward. Toward nightfall they enter the snowy regions and after the addition of some scarves and thicker socks continue on until Jolene, breathing frost, pale as the snow, passes out in a drift and Jonah trips over her legs.
G-MAN 5: That's the signal. Five hour rest. We sleep in shifts. Two men on one hour guard duty. First shift will be me and Ten. Second shift, Six and One, and so on.
The G-men break up and begin to build camp.
Jonah pulls Jolene upright and starts brushing snow off her.
JONAH: Are you alright? You look like a corpse!
JOLENE: (hitting his hand away) I'm fine! Worry about yourself!
She stomps off and after kicking snow for a while, begins setting up her camp in the area she has cleared.
Jonah attempts the same. He clears his area easily enough but has trouble setting up his tent.
Jolene appears at his side and knocks his hand out of the way as he aimlessly picks up another pole and looks from it to the scattered pile of other pieces.
JOLENE: There's a diagram on the tent. (she brandishes a tag attached to the canvas skin)
    Find the corner pieces first.
As she sets to finding the pieces Jonah glares at her.
JONAH: Why do you have to be like that?
JOLENE: (absentminded, picking through the pieces) Be like what?
JONAH: Go worry about yourself, Miss Worry About Yourself.
JOLENE: Come on, I'm just tired.
JONAH: You're always acting like you know what's best.
JOLENE: I freed Plumpy!
JONAH: You're righteous!
JOLENE: Don't analyze me!
JONAH: And controlling!
JOLENE: No, I'm not!
JONAH: And in denial!
JOLENE: Excuse me?!
JONAH: Why are you such a jerk to me?
JOLENE: Because you're a useless, pampered baby who has no idea what its like to be alone! You've got your parents for everything! I bet your mom doesn't even work! My mom works three jobs! Three jobs! And my dad, got shot at a gas pump when I was five! How is that for your Dr. Phil education in psychology?!
He looks down and away and is choked up. He is crying, but trying pretty hard to hide it from Jolene, who did call him a baby.
JOLENE: Seriously? Come on. Hey, I didn't mean to be that harsh, I'm tired and- and, you told me I looked like a corpse. You must be terrible with girls. I would have thought it was common sense not to say to a girl she looked like a corpse... unless she was goth.
That makes Jonah chuckle a little through his tears.
Jolene pats him on the back.
Jonah turns and hugs Jolene tight.
She embraces him back, shortly and pulls away.
JOLENE: You don't have to set up your tent.
JONAH: I'm not going to let you set it up for me!
JOLENE: You can sleep in mine.
Jonah blushes.
JONAH: Oh... thanks.
JOLENE: No problem. It'll be warmer. You can tell me stories until I fall asleep.
JONAH: Great!
He abandons his tent project and marches his things to Jolene's.
SCENE 27: Fireside story.
The G-men have finished setting up their tents and are arranging their things within.
G-man 7 walks from tent to tent, collecting a log from each G-man as he does.
He returns to the rough center of their tents and sets the logs up cabin style.
He notices the children watching him.
G-MAN 7: Check this out. These are special logs from Momma G.
He claps out a short sequence and the logs burst into flame.
G-MAN: Magic logs! How great is that? Have you seen anything so amazing?
JOLENE: Kind of.
G-MAN 7: (disappointed) Oh.
JONAH: We have plenty of stuff like that where we come from.
JOLENE: Yeah. What we don't have are dragons or witches or evil dictators that try to enslave everybody... at least not since Hitler.
JONAH: Candy Land is crazy! We're going into battle tomorrow! Battle! How many wars have you guys been in?
G-MAN 3: This makes one.
JONAH: One? But you guys are so tough…
G-MAN 5: We've been raiding Lord Licorice for the last couple years. He's always been unruly, but we've never needed to do more than observe until the last couple months. This is the closest our land has been to war in over a thousand years.
JONAH: You've got us beat there. We come from a country that's always at war.
JOLENE: What happened last time?
G-MAN 5: Well, as I said it was-
G-MAN 7: Oooh, me! C'mon, let me tell it! You're awful with stories.
G-MAN 5: OK.
G-MAN 7: Everyone gather around the fire, get warm. I'm going to tell a story.
The Children and the G-men form a semi-circle around the fire and figure out where to sit in the snow. They clear off areas, unearth snow covered perches and plop bags down. When everyone is sat near the fire and is looking up at G-man 7 expectantly he begins his story.
G-MAN 7: You may notice that the moon is full and has been full for some time now.
In response to his words they take the time to look up into the clear mountain sky and watch their breaths billow like steam vents pointed at the moon and the stars. Their view is obstructed only to the north by the apex of the mountains. To the south Candy Land flies out before them in forests, hills and fields.
JONAH: I thought it was always like that.
G-man 7 gives Jonah an impatient smile. And pauses obnoxiously to indicate his desire for complete silence.
JONAH: Ok. I'm done.
G-MAN 7: This is a natural phenomena of Candy Land that occurs every thousand and eleven years. This full moon lasts a year.
And it was during a moon year, such as this year, that the First king of Candy Land, The Crystal King, was taken by a strange and sudden illness.
To him, it felt like the full moon was a straw, pulling at him, all the time. His head ached and pounded with pressure.
At night he would stay awake, staring from his observatory at the moon as it moved in the sky.
During the day, while engaged in matters of the kingdom, he would break off and rub his temples in pain, or else look up into the sky, searching for the object of his nuisance.
The moon was his obsession. He soon refused to discuss any subject but the glowing orb. In his sleepless madness, he became jealous of the dreaded moon. He loathed the way it danced over his head, pulling at his newly forged crown.
He began a project, a tower.
We can't be sure what the intended goal was. Some said to reach the moon, to eat it and remedy the pain in his skull, to supersede it in the sky, to be as omnipresent and undeniable, whatever the reason, he strove to no end in constructing that tower.
He commissioned the people of Candy Land to build it from the height of the Gumdrop Mountain. There was only the one mountain back then, gigantic, and from it's peaks he started his upward climb. He lived in the every changing top floor as it was being built.
The people strained to help their King, to harvest the resources, transport them great distances, and use the huge engines of construction to levy them up and up. But the project only grew, becoming more intensive with every foot. There may never have been a plan to stop.
The people were at their wits end, starving, doubtful, ready to tear apart Candy Land if it meant working another day. They had formed a nation to support each other, and that nation was falling apart trying to support a structure that served no one.
As they prepared to set fire to their torches of rebellion, a wail came from the height of the tower.
Stories say it was the tower scratching the moon as it passed by, others the final scream of our first King as his head finally exploded from the tremendous pressure it was under.
Whatever that horrible call meant, it was heard by all in the Kingdom.
They turned their eyes on the greedy beast they had helped climb so high and watched as it collapsed on itself.
When it reached the ground it kept going.
The tower shattered the Gumdrop Mountain, breaking it into the Gumdrop Mountains you sit on at this very moment.
At the center of the collapse, from the depths of the hole, an Ice Cream Sea burst forth and there it is in the heights of these mountains. We'll see it tomorrow.
The King was lost.
When a search party was sent to find him, they discovered the Ice Cream Sea and growing beside it, a magnificent, crystalline, sugar tree of such proportions that it was hollowed out and made into a castle, which is the seat of Queen Frostine today.
People believe the Tree grew where the tower, where the Crystal King collapsed and was buried. A lone symbol of a beautiful, proud and ambitious notion.
G-man 7 pauses for dramatic effect.
G-MAN 8: The end.
G-MAN 7: Why do you do that every time? Can't I say 'the end' once.
G-MAN 8: Be my guest.
G-MAN 7: And, that was the first and last strife our country faced. The end.
G-MAN 8: Until now. The end.
G-man 7 looks as if he is about to draw his hunting knife and cut up Eight.
G-MAN 5: The end and go to bed. We've stayed up long enough for stories. We still have distance to cover, and don't forget, Gingermen, licorice to be licked.
The G-men and Mr. Mint disperse to their tents with the exception of the two on guard duty. They sit down near the fire.
Jolene and Jonah get into their tent and lay in their sleeping bags side by side.
JOLENE: You know, this isn't a story.
JONAH: What do you mean?
JOLENE: This won't take care of itself. We're not going to be handed a happy ending.
JONAH: What's your point?
JOLENE: Jonah, we're in this. We could die.
JONAH: But, you could die at anytime. We could be dead right now.
At that Jolene laughs.
JOLENE: Or we could be dreaming?
JONAH: Dreaming the same dream?
JOLENE: When you put it that way there doesn't seem to be anything left to worry about.
But Jonah and Jolene lie awake looking at the roof of their tent and not talking for a long time before they fall asleep.
Scene 28: The Hospital (Again)
And Jonah and Jolene are lying in their hospital beds, neighbors in the same room, laid out and unresponsive.
Now it is Jonah's mom who gives him a sponge bath behind the curtain. His flesh is pallid and his skin is already looser from days without food.
As she dips, wipes, squeezes and redips she hears the doctor talking to Ms. Foster. She slows in her task as she unintentionally eavesdrops.
DOCTOR: We have new results from her brain and blood work.
MS. FOSTER: Well, what is it, has there been a change?
DOCTOR: There has.
MS. FOSTER: Do I have to pry it out of you? What is going on with my daughter?
DOCTOR: Ms. Foster, she has high, very high brain activity for a patient in a coma. This led us to believe that this would be short term. But your daughter hasn't come out. According to her latest blood work, well, her organs are beginning to fail.
MS. FOSTER: What does that mean? Does she need transplants? What?
DOCTOR: This isn't an issue of dead tissue or dysfunction. Her body is shutting down. It's shocking to see in a patient so young, but if she doesn't come out of this soon... she'll technically die.
MS. FOSTER: Technically?
DOCTOR: We can keep her blood pumping and air flowing with these machines, but we can't automate the rest of her organ functions. She'll be dead.
Ms. Foster starts to cry and the Doctor mumbles a sorry before exiting the room as fast as he can while still walking.
Mrs. Sacchs gets up and looks around the curtain at Ms. Foster who is now laid over Jolene sobbing.
She opens her mouth to say something, is at a loss for any words that could have meaning to a woman hearing that her only child is dying and returns to sit by Jonah.
She holds his hand and watches his face, wondering if she's going to hear the same news.
MRS. SACCH: Wake up, Jonah, wake up.
SCENE 29: Paths
Jonah wakes up first for the day. Jolene is sleeping. She looks pale and frail, more so because of the dim morning light filtered through the material of the tent.
Outside the Gingermen are already moving, packing up.
G-MAN ??: (scratches their tent) Wake up, time to move out!
JONAH: Jolene, wake up. We've gotta go. Jolene?
He shakes her a little, but she doesn't wake immediately.
JONAH: Jolene? Come on, let's go!
She finally rouses, eyes out of focus.
JOLENE: What? Where am I?
JONAH: Come on Jolene, we've got to go. The G-Men are already packed up.
JOLENE: Jonah... I was having the weirdest dream. Everybody I know was calling out to me, but their voices faded, and I was fading too. Everything was fading from every direction. It felt weird. I still feel it.
JONAH: Huh. Dreams are weird all right.
He watches her for a moment. She is incredibly unfocused and she stares at something only she can see, something very far away, something she is trying to hear though the call grows in silence.
JONAH: Are you ok?
JOLENE: (shaking it off) I'm fine. Let's go.
She hops up, wobbles a little, takes a breath and starts packing.
Jonah watches her with concern.
JOLENE: Well? What are you waiting for?
Jonah shrugs it off, packs, helps dismantle the tent, packs the tent.
Provisions are offered by the G-Men and the children turn them down. The group waits for a moment when packed, staring up into the heights they will reach and cross today and wondering how long it will be before they sleep again, and how many of them will be left alive.
With G-man 5 in the lead, the group treks into the mountains. They make their own path through the snow, trudging along, breathing icy breaths that crystallize in the scarves wrapped around their faces.
Once again they take a break every few hours. Jonah keeps a watch on Jolene. She is noticeably weak, but pushes one, she moves numbly, like a person in limbo, listless, she drifts with the group.
They reach the heights, crossing over the great curves of the Gumdrop Mountains and shortly after mid-day they reach the decent toward the Ice Cream sea and Castle Licorice.
JONAH: Wow. Jolene! Check it out!
JOLENE: Huh? Oh... wow.
Before them the mountains descend, far more broken and jagged than they have been, as if something shredded them. The slope descends rapidly directly in front of them, and now more than a few miles away, a pale, gigantic tree, branches bare and sparkling in the mid-day sun, stands on a cliff at the edge of the ice cream sea where colors swirl, rising and falling with the tide, and sprinkles drift in aimless patches.
G-MAN 5: We don't have time to stand around in awe. Look.
G-man 5 points off to the left, where an army is emerging from a pass and beginning to form up into ranks. They have all manner of siege engines, and trebuchets and cannons. There are thousands of them, Licorice knights, Neco warriors and Cigarette soldiers, the worst of the candy forces banded together.
In front of the Crystal Castle there is nothing but a small town. They sit, unaware, unprepared for the army a few miles away, jacked up on mint and intent on destroying them.
JONAH: How did they beat us here? We took a short-cut.
G-MAN 2: Short-cut? Over the mountains?
G-MAN 8: We took the long way. They got the road.
JONAH: We're never going to warn Queen Frostine in time.
G-MAN 3: Don't be so sure of that.
JOLENE: By the time we reach the castle, they'll be reaching the castle.
G-MAN 3: Not if you take the luge.
JONAH: The what?
G-MAN 3: The luge. This area is basically a resort. Candies visit here to chill out for a little while, dip in the Ice Cream Sea, and of course, enjoy the slopes of the Gumdrop Mountain.
G-MAN 5: We'll divide. You two, (he gives Mr. Mint an odd look) and you, take the luge, get to Crystal Castle as fast as you can! We'll take the path down to the road and see what can be done about the machine.
JONAH: But, I want to help you. I want to fight with you. All you have are ten men, there is an army down there.
G-MAN 5: Ten men who have never been caught! The best ten gingerbread men there ever were!
G-MAN 3: And how!
G-MAN 2: We can take out that machine! We'll blow it to smithereens!
G-MAN 8: And then we'll get overwhelmed by superior forces.
G-MAN 3: You've got a serious-attitude issue.
G-MAN 5: Cut it out and move out!
G-Man 5 starts off down the trail. The rest follow. Eight and Three exchange unfavorable glances.
In a short time they reach a divide in the trail, one path leading left (West) down to the road and the army below, the other to the right (East).
G-MAN 5: That's the trail that will take you to the slopes. Mr. Mint, humans, I'm counting on you.
JONAH: You guys be careful.
G-MAN 7: We'll be fine. We're excellent at causing chaos and confusion.
G-MAN 5: We'll take out the machine if possible. If not, we'll provide the best delay we can and hope Queen Frostine can organize some resistance. Good luck.
JONAH: Good luck.
They part ways. The G-Men move at a faster pace down the slope. Mr. Mint strides down the right pathway, ahead of the children.
Jonah jogs to keep up.
JONAH: Hey guy, you're so quiet I almost forgot you existed!
MR. MINT: You again?
JONAH: What's up with you, why are you so solemn? Are you feeling sick? Are you nervous?
MR. MINT: Kid, you are way too cheery. It isn't me you should be worried about.
MR. MINT: Jolene. Look at her. You can see it, I can see it.
Jolene trails behind them, following, but not at a fast pace, she is well behind them, but doesn't seem to register anything.
JONAH: She's just tired.
MR. MINT: If you say so.
Annoyed, Jonah lets Mr. Mint pull ahead and he goes back to Jolene.
JONAH: Jolene, hey yoo-hoo? Jolene?
JOLENE: (snaps to) What?!
JONAH: Er... nothing. But could you walk a little faster? Mr. Mint is leaving us behind.
This seems to rouse her somewhat.
JOLENE: Hey, Minty, (he stops and stares back, annoyed) are you planning on abandoning us again?
At this Mr. Mint actually looks guilty, he says nothing, but slows down and let's them catch up to him.
MR. MINT: Sorry, I never apologized for disappearing on you guys back there. Those mint-heads and the Licorice Knights... my situation is complicated, ok.
JONAH: Not OK, dude.
Jolene gives him a look.
JONAH: What? You lectured me on sticking with friends! (To Mr. Mint) I know you won't tell us what is going on, but you have to help us, you said you would, we can't do this alone.
 MR. MINT: Alright. Alright. We're here.
The path has opened up to a little resort area. There is no one around. It's the off season. Mr. Mint continues past the buildings to the slopes beyond. There are a few cleared pathways leading down the right side of the mountain, steep, but accessible. On the left hand side is the luge, with a warning sign, blocked off.
The children and Mr. Mint stand on the edge of the luge, the children read and reread the sign warning them to be safe, to keep their arms at their side, that the resort isn't responsible for lost articles of clothing or limbs, that they must ride at their own risk, one risk at a time.
MR. MINT: Well?
JONAH: You go first.
MR. MINT: What happened to sticking with friends?
JONAH: Somebody has to go first.
MR. MINT: (grinning) OK. (he steps onto the platform and grabs the bar) See you at the bottom.
In a single smooth motion, Mr. Mint lets his feet swing forward, he releases the bar and flies down the shoot, whooping as he takes the first corner. His cry of exhilaration fades at an incredible rate.
JONAH: Wow, he was really moving. Ok, I'll go next.
Jolene grabs his hand.
JOLENE: Don't, please, can we go together?
JONAH: The sign says one at a time...
JOLENE: Please... I'm scared.
Jonah raises his eyes in surprise but does nothing other than nod.
They step up to the platform holding hands.
JONAH: Lock legs as soon as we're going.
Jolene nods.
JONAH: On three?
She nods again.
They count together: One, two, three! And they swing down the shoot, locking legs as soon as they are horizontal to the slide. As they pick up speed Jolene starts to scream and Jonah squeezes her hand tighter. By the first curve they wear looks of elation mixed with terror. By the next curve they are laughing and whooping.
As they fly down the slide they pass under formations, go through tunnels, through an entire section of lights.
Near the bottom the slide levels out. It makes a few lazy turns to reduce speed, but they still fly off the end of the slide and tumble into the snow drifts.
They stand, laughing and brushing the snow off and catch sight of Mr. Mint whose taped extensions have flown off, returning him to an absurd, lanky creature in a children's size snow suit. His awkward, self-conscious stance enhances the hilarity.
The sight causes the children to laugh even harder.
Mr. Mint bears with it for a moment before becoming irritated.
MR. MINT: We have a job to do, remember?
JONAH: (sobering up) Yeah, of course, but who knows if we'll ever see something this funny again.
And the children take one more laugh before running after Mr. Mint, pelting him with snowballs as they pass, heading for the shining Crystal Palace whose branches loom larger and larger.
Scene 30: Warn the Queen, Sound the horn
Around the base of the tree/ castle is a moat, but the bridge is down. No one even guards it. The children continue their run right up to the archway entrance of the Castle. There is a guard here, one of Frostine's Popsicle people. When he sees the humans, a strange grotesque sight to him, he steps in front of the door, lowering his pike as to bar the way.
GUARD: What are you creatures?
Breathing rapidly Jonah and Jolene come to a halt a few feet from the guard. Jolene's breaths are laborious and shallow.
JONAH: We're humans.
GUARD: And what is your business coming to the Crystal Castle?
JONAH: We need to see the Queen immediately.
GUARD: The Queen's Court is open to solicitors between sunrise and high noon. You may return tomorrow, if you wish to-
JONAH: I've had enough of this.
He pulls Jolene by the hand, and walks into the pike, continues walking, pushing it aside, turning the guard, who has never seen anything like this and isn't sure how to respond to the refusal of his refusal.
GUARD: Hey, you can't- Oh, Hello, Mr. Mint.
MR. MINT: (as he walks by) They're with me. We have to see the Queen. Have a nice day.
GUARD: A nice day to you as well, sir.
With that he seems to let everything go and resumes looking out over the plains and at the mountains, waiting for the next unlikely guest.
The children stride ahead, purposeful and determined.
MR. MINT: Yo... kids, this way.
They stop and turn to see Mr. Mint headed up a staircase. They run after him to catch up.
The inside of the Castle is as beautiful as the inside. The walls are carved with depictions of all manner of creatures and plants of Candy Land and seem luminescent as the sun imbues them with light. The ceiling is a myriad of leaves. Some of the reliefs are stories. The children are in awe, looking left and right as they climb the stairs, but they keep up with Mr. Mint as he continues to ascend.
The top of the staircase opens up into a great hall. From the hall extend many branches, stretching out and up. One is wider than the others, Mr. Mint follows this branch.
The reliefs are even more ornate, with gold and silver lining some of the figures and embedded gems for animal eyes.
The end of the branch is the throne room. It is large enough for a hundred, and is somewhat furnished with sitting areas near the entrance. The throne itself stands alone and behind it is a clear view over the cliff and into the ice cream sea.
Queen Frostine stands looking out over the sea. She is a lemon pop. Pale, with very little tint to her color. Her gown is the most ostentatious and beautiful thing about her, it shimmers in imitation of the tree that encloses them. Her crown is made of ice. It is non symmetrical, ugly, cruel, the middle spire the largest with icicles descending from there. Each icicle is embedded, asymmetrically with gems, polished, but uncut.
When she speaks it is level, not quiet, not harsh, not loud, but as cold and serious as the crown she wears. Alone among her family, she rules, by choice, in a land of naive, whimsical, fun-loving people who never need much direction.
MR. MINT: You're facing the wrong way.
Frostine turns and leaves the window. Looking suspiciously from the oddly dressed Mr. Mint to the children, analyzing the urgency of their posture, their rapid breaths and haggard look.
FROSTINE: Mr. Mint, I was not expecting you, or your... friends. What brings you before me?
MR. MINT: If you looked to the South, I am sure nothing need be explained.
But Frostine has enough to go on simply from the look on Mr. Mint's face.
FROSTINE: The Lord Licorice has come.
MR. MINT: Yes.
FROSTINE: Follow me.
She strides back down the branch and turns right in the hall.
As they walk, they talk.
FROSTINE: Give me the details.
MR. MINT: There isn't much to say-
JONAH: Yes there is! He has a weapon, some kind of mass destruction device built by a scientist from another universe.
FROSTINE: What does it do?
JONAH: I don't know...
FROSTINE: So what good are you?
JONAH: It can be destroyed. The scientist told us about a self-destruct she installed. The G-men
are out there right now trying to take it down!
FROSTINE: The G-men? The ten of them? How many are the enemy?
JONAH: They have other stuff too, they have these 'distortion guns', they have that dragon mounted up with them, all the soldiers are hyped up on concentrated mint, and-
FROSTINE: How many soldiers?
JONAH: I don't-
FROSTINE: Useless.
JONAH: Hey, we came all the way out here to warn you!
FROSTINE: (ignoring Jonah) I'll find out for myself.
The new branch leads out to a view of the village, but from here Lord Licorice's army can be seen, at the end of a branch off the main branch, a small observatory is set up, with a telescope (also looks like an ice cream cone), luxurious four-legged chairs, and a giant waffle cone mounted and pointing over the village.
Frostine gets behind the telescope and aims it at Lord Licorice's army, scanning over the troops as they form up and at the weapons they have brought.
FROSTINE: Two thousand, at least.
JONAH: You can take out the machine and then-
FROSTINE: And then what? Do you see my army down there? (she gestures to the town)
Queen Frostine moves to the waffle cone, pushing Jonah (who was following her quite close) out of her way as she does.
She takes a deep, deep breath, puts her mouth on the end of the cone and blows.
The waffle horn sounds deep and loud, the air is shaking. She sounds it three times.
FROSTINE: That is all I can do. Now we hope.
She notices the hurt look on Jonah's face, the transparency of his face says he thought that they were doing something good, he thought they were important, and here they are, sitting in a castle, impotent to the army advancing on them.
FROSTINE: (to Jonah) You've done well. Thank you for your efforts. It is my people who did not take my warnings to heart. Not one Duke, Count, Baron, not one minor Lord or fool believed that Lord Licorice intended war.
JONAH: Will that horn bring help? Did you call your army?
No, we use it to signal the approach of the Ice Cream Kraken.
I did gather a host. But for lack of threat or a soldiers discipline, it became a festival. They celebrated nothing for a week and returned to their lives. The people of Candy Land are not made for wars and battle.
At least we have warned them. They have a chance to get away before Lord Licorice's army swallows them.
JOLENE: What do we do?
FROSTINE: You are free to go. I will wait here for Lord Licorice.
MR. MINT: He'll kill you. He's lost his mind.
FROSTINE: I know, I knew. I believed you when you warned us. If only more of the court had...
MR. MINT: Now isn't the time to rehash the past.
FROSTINE: True. Look, here he comes, too eager to claim victory to wait for his army. Please, go.
Below, Bessie has flown out ahead of the army, unopposed she soars through the town, blasting a line of flame through the Candy people who have only just realized their danger.
In the tree they see the devastation but don't hear it. The scene is strangely peaceful to them.
The dragon doesn't loop back. From the town it turns up, toward the Crystal Castle where Mr. Mint, Jolene, Jonah and the Queen watch, waiting for the inevitable.
SCENE 31: G-Man Blitz
The G-men are all gathered behind a projection of gumdrop on a steep incline. They are hunched down and keep their voices low. They are at a position in advance of the coming army, which is a mere few hundred feet away. Close enough to hear the sounds of the soldiers.
The line of troops is long, extending from the road, still not completely situated for battle.
The soldiers are organized in three ranks with the two outer ranks advanced ahead of the middle column. In the middle is the weapon drawn on the ox cart, a siege engine, a trebuchet and riding with a phalanx of knights, the General.
G-MAN 5: Do you understand the plan?
G-MAN 3: Yeah, but they're still going to crush us from the sides.
G-MAN 5: I didn't ask for your opinion.
    I asked, do you understand?
The G-men respond in various forms of affirmation. Eight simply nods and chews the end of his cigar.
G-MAN 5: Alright, G-men, try not to die out there.
G-MAN 7: We made it this far.
G-MAN 5: (he looks over the side of the rock at the position of the enemy) Close enough. On my mark, one, two... three.
All the G-men with the exception of One and Ten sprint out from the rock, running parallel to the advancing enemy line.
As they do so, One and Ten, climb atop the gumdrop they were hidden behind and launch barrages over the heads of the two columns. Ten has the far side, one the near side. The explosives detonate over the heads of the soldiers, knocking them down, driving them, scattering them in confusion. And One and Ten don't relent.
The chaos begins too quickly for the outer columns to take note of the emerging group of Gingerbread men. The Gingerbread men are fast. They sprint down the open lane at the middle column. The two rearmost G-men fire their own bombs scaring a majority of the knights and their horses. Those who aren't carried off on a frightened steed are thrown to the ground.
The General dismounts (his horse runs off) and draws a mace as long as the body of a G-man with a head sized knob at the end. He waits, silent, weapon held by his side, as the bombs explode all around and his army tries to reform.
Scene 32: Here's the dragon.
The dragon flies to the tree and begins indiscriminately shooting fire, melting and distorting some of the smaller branches.
Lord Licorice can be heard screaming for Queen Frostine.
JONAH: What do we do? Are there soldier's here?
FROSTINE: There is nothing to be done. I sent them away.
JONAH: What about weapons?
FROSTINE: Not that I know-
LORD LICORICE: (outside, flying around, screaming) Come out, Frostine!
MR. MINT: Holy sugar I hate that guy.
LORD LICORICE: I'm going to melt that crown from your head when I find you!
MR. MINT: Ok, that's it.
Mr. Mint strides away from them, down the branch.
The children follow. Queen Frostine remains behind. She watches as explosions break out in the vanguard of the approaching army.
JONAH: Where are you going?
MR. MINT: (walking as fast as his long legs will carry him) To find Lord Licorice.
JOLENE: What are you going to do?
MR. MINT: I don't know yet. I'll see when I see him.
He reaches the main hall and takes one of the branches up and after following it a short way it ends with no outlet. As soon as he walks into the closed room he turns on his heel and walks the other direction. He does this so quickly it takes a second for Jolene and Jonah to turn and catch up with him.
When he reaches the hall again he takes the next branch that leads up, the children chasing after him.
This branch opens up at the end into a huge veranda. It is decorated with scattered ice sculptures on pedestals. Mr. Mint walks straight to the knee high rail and looks around.
Bessie is circling below them, shooting fire while the Lord Licorice raves at the walls of the Crystal Palace.
After seeing this Mr. Mint turns and with the same stride and purpose, walks to the nearest ice sculpture and tries to pick it up. It is too heavy for him.
MR. MINT: Jonah, come and help me with this.
Jonah comes over and picks it up and together they shuffle to the rail. As they are doing so Jonah asks
JONAH: What are you going to do?
MR. MINT: We're going to chuck this at that maniac down there. Ok. Set it on the rail.
They set it down. Jonah appraises the Sculpture which is a beautiful and detailed depiction of a Candy person frozen mid-pirouette, a vague look of ecstasy on their face.
JONAH: But, it's art.
MR. MINT: Whoever said art couldn't be a weapon? Alright, on three heave. One, two, three.
Together they shove the sculpture and then lean over the rail to watch as it falls and smashes off a branch slightly above the dragon and Lord Licorice, showering them in volleyball sized chunks of ice.
The Lord Licorice looks up and shakes a fist at them and shrieks. There are four big soldiers behind him. Seeing their Lord make the gesture, they imitate him.
JOLENE: Did it work?
MR. MINT: But we did get his attention.
JOLENE: Is that a good thing?
Mr. Mint and Jonah retreat from the rail a moment before fire melts away a five foot circle from it. Followed by the fire comes the head, neck and body of the dragon with Lord Licorice's sneering and mad face glaring at them.
SCENE 33: Ice Cream Kraken!
From Queen Frostine's vantage she can see the army, the town and the sea.
The townspeople are gathering in front of their village, and not in panic. Through her scope she can see that they are arming themselves. Some of them point to the battle ahead, others point to the sea..
Queen Frostine turns the scope to the sea but finds it unnecessary. She stands up, walks around and looks out.
Tentacles of caramel, chocolate, molasses and peanut butter are on the shore, dragging a huge body out of the sea. The Ice Cream sea bulges for a moment and then the Ice Cream Kraken breaks through.
The Ice Cream Kraken has tens of tentacles in a variety of flavors. It has a waffle shell and a beak like an ice cream scoop. It's cries are both sharp and deep. It drags itself out of the ocean, a residue remains wherever it's tentacles touch. It does not make for the village, but the castle, easily pulling itself on top of the short cliff. It is roughly a third of the size of the Crystal Castle.
QUEEN FROSTINE: The warning horn for the people is a welcoming horn for the Kraken. And I thought I was helping...
She watches as the creature draws nearer, swinging it's tentacles and screaming.
SCENE 34: G-men vs General
The General is joined by the few knights who weren't carried away or knocked unconscious falling from their horses. They rally behind him, swords drawn, some with distortion guns
The G-men don't break stride as they rush to meet the General.
A few shots from the distortion guns are fired, but the G-men are too fast. Where they hit, the snow melts and the ground bubbles.
And then the G-men are on top of them. As before they use quick fighters getting in close with knives while half stay back, firing bombs strategically to disable and disorient the enemy fighters.
The General is engaged by Two and Seven. The rest scatter to the knights.
The fighting with the other knights doesn't last long. Four has his left arm melted as he gets in close to one of the distortion guns, but ignores it, and takes down his man. The bombers finish whoever falls while also keeping the other forces away from the skirmish.
Soon there are only two knights left and the General himself. Seven has taken a wound on the leg and tries to continue fighting, but the pace of the warriors and the nature of the Generals weapon keeps him back, so he switches to crowd control.
Two is acting like a maniac. Going in close with the knife, dropping a bomb between the pair and dodging out. The General is fast on his feet and well armored. He also is fearless and unintimidated. He knocks the bomb away with his mace, it sails like a golf ball into his already harried troops. And two is back in swinging again.
G-MAN 5: Two! Two! The machine! Get the machine!
Two silently complies and, having already circled the General, starts for the machine.
GENERAL: The machine? I thought you wanted to fight. If you want the machine, here you go.
From his breast plate he pulls a remote with an obscene opaque crystal jutting out the top. He keys a few buttons and then presses the big one. The device starts up.
The device flies. As it ascends and makes toward the village and all the villagers it emits destructive waves on the ground. It goes over the ox. They rear in pain and run off cart and all into the columns of soldiers.
The General and all the G-men all bail out of the path of destruction which is clearly marked by the melted snow and the ground that fizzles for a moment.
G-MAN 2: (to Five) Now what?!
G-MEN 5: Get that remote.
The General laughs.
GENERAL: Let's have fun.
SCENE 35: Dragon vs. Kraken, Mr. Mint vs Lord Licorice
The Dragon looms over the balcony and fires again, destroying another statue. The children and Mr. Mint run around frantic to avoid the blasts. The three run in different directions, zigging and zagging around the statues.
JONAH: (as he runs) What now?
MR. MINT: Nothing's coming to mind.
They become aware of a strange noise.
JOLENE: What's that screeching?
JONAH: It's getting closer!
The dragon stops firing and screams down. Lord Licorice and his knights panic and jump from the dragon's back as a tentacle whips out from below. The dragon tries to dodge as well, knocking two of the soldiers off course. They fall from the great height and are batted away by the Ice Cream Kraken.
The Ice cream Kraken is clinging to the trunk of the tree with most of it's tentacles. It is halfway up. It continues to bat at the dragon. Without riders the dragon is much faster. It rolls and dodges, pulls a distance away and fires at the Ice Cream Kraken. The Ice Cream Kraken makes an odd gurgling noise and fires a scoop of mint chocolate chip into the fireball, canceling it out in a spray of melt.
Lord Licorice lands smoothly with a roll. He draws his whip and a cruel, short sword (with a long open fuller down the middle) as he stands. The two knights are far more ungainly. One has the misfortune of falling. The other tumbles but follows the motion through to a standing position and draws his weapon.
Mr. Mint is fast. He runs straight toward the landing party, dodges under the whip as Lord Licorice lashes out and plows into one of the remaining statues, knocking it off the pedestal and onto the head of the fallen knight before he has time to get up.
The other knight lunges in with a killing stroke. Off balance from the speed and force he used to take down the statue, Mr. Mint falls to avoid the swing, mere feet from Lord Licorice and the knight.
Lord Licorice bears down, slashing at Mr. Mint's face with the whip. He shields himself with both arms and his skin is flayed where he is hit.
Both the knight and Lord Licorice move in for the easy kill, when an inoccuous explosive device bounces in-between them and Mr. Mint. The source is Jolene, rifling through her bag to pick out the next one.
Mr. Mint crab scuttles back to get away. The knight and Lord Licorice run the opposite direction. The blast is small but blows a good chunk of the floor away.
Jolene lobs another bomb at the pair. Lord Licorice scoops it with his whip and throws it back.
It flies, fast, past Jolene and explodes, taking out another statue.
LORD LICORICE: Get the humans! I'll get Mr. Mint.
The knight charges at Jolene, she runs toward Jonah and he joins in being the pursued with her.
Mr. Mint is on his feet. His ax is drawn.
Lord Licorice swings the whip around his head. The two analyze each other for a moment.
Mr. Mint starts in, but as soon as he takes a step in range Lord Licorice brings the whip to bear, swinging for his head again. Mr. Mint blocks with the ax handle and the whip curves around and catches his right shoulder. It rips through the fabric.
Mr. Mint takes a step back. Takes a few fast steps on the perimeter of the swinging whip and goes in again. This time when the whip comes down Mr. Mint blocks with the handle held out as he steps to the side. The whip wraps around the handle this time.
M. Mint pulls down and back. The force pulls Lord Licorice's arm across his body and drags him forward into the jab of the ax head. He is knocked back, but refuses to let go of the whip. Mr. Mint pulls again, trying to land the move a second time, but he aims high and the quick, wiry Lord Licorice ducks the ax and gives Mr. Mint a head butt. It breaks his nose and sends him reeling.
Lord Licorice frees his whip with a little flick and takes a low swing at Mr. Mint's legs. He jumps just high enough and springs forward when he lands covering the distance so that he is inside Lord Licorice's effective range. He is hit by Lord Licorice's swinging arm as he strikes with an ax jab to the chest, the whip wraps around him and hits its wielder without any power.
Mr. Mint's eyes go wide and he staggers back quick as he can. The short sword slides out and blood spatters the crystalline terrace. The wound isn't mortal. Lord Licorice wasn't able to bring the sword fully to bear, but Mr. Mint bleeds considerably on his right side and his breathing is haggard with pain.
The children are playing a game of tag with the knight.
They hide behind the statues and run around them in circles. The knight swings his sword at them in frustration, the very effort of which slows him down and makes it easier for the children to stay a step ahead.
JONAH: Do something!
JOLENE: Why me?
JONAH: You've got bombs!
Jolene makes a face expressing her joy for the simplicity of the solution.
But of course, the soldier has heard them. Jolene runs for the bag and the soldier closes on her. She tries to keep quick as she stoops to grab the bag, but fumbles it. She turns in a crouch to grab it as the soldier makes a step swinging down
JONAH: Jolene!
Jonah runs pell mell at the licorice knight.
Jolene screams in the way that only a little girl can.  The shriek stuns the knight. Before he can commit to chopping Jolene in half, Jonah plows into his back, Jolene curls up completely as the knight stumbles forward, trips over her, drops his sword in an attempt to grab what isn't there and goes over the railing flailing his arms.
JONAH: We did it!
JOLENE: (screaming, eyes clenched) We didn't do anything!
The sounds of Mr. Mint's agony reach their ears. They turn and see Lord Licorice over Mr. Mint with murder in his eyes.
JONAH: Mr. Mint!
Mr. Mint is in terrible shape.
Lord Licorice exclusively swings the whip at the wound. He advances at his own pace, grinning maniacally.
Mr. Mint backs away, ax held in front of him.
The rhythmic pattern works to Lord Licorice's advantage. He lunges, surprising Mr. Mint. The whip flashes across his side.
Mr. Mint cringes in pain, a luxury he cannot afford. Lord Licorice closes the distance and stabs at his chest. Mr. Mint blocks with the ax. He is too slow. All he manages is to turn the blade down. It opens a gash in his left thigh. Lord Licorice goes for his head with the backswing and misses as Mr. Mint loses consciousness.
The children rush in, Jonah with the fallen soldier's sword. It is too heavy for him, but the swing demands a parry.
Lord Licorice blocks lazily and aims a punch at Jonah's face. Jolene leaps and clings to his body and is struck in Jonah's place. She holds on for a moment before Lord Licorice can dislodge her. She falls to the floor, looking up at Lord Licorice. He raises the sword.
Jonah stabs him in the back of his left leg.
Lord Licorice screams, drops his sword and backhands Jonah. Jonah falls and releases the sword.
He bends down to pick up his sword. Confident that the children are already beaten. He grins to Jolene as he bends down practically nose to nose.
Jolene grins back. She pops the cork on the vial of concentrated mint and splashes it in Lord Licorice's face, getting a great deal of it in his eyes.
Blinded, he shrieks and feels the ground for his sword. Jolene kicks it out of his reach, backs away clutching the bag, stands up and helps Jonah to his feet.
They watch as he thrashes hands at his eyes.
The children appear concerned.
Lord Licorice freezes, hands on his face.
He bursts out laughing throwing his hands up. His pupils are fully dilated, his eyes are bloodshot. He chews his cheek furiously and glares at the kids. The thrashing begins anew, this time with the whip. He advances rapidly on the children, making a figure eight that slaps the ground in sonic menace.
The children flee.
Lord Licorice pursues laughing.
Scene 36: G-forces
The General kicks down G-man 9 and breaks his legs into pieces with a single blow of the mace. Whirling afterward, he forces the G-men to keep their distance.
G-man 5 and 2 persist in their attack, but they no longer have bomb support. The attention of the others is entirely on keeping back the army with a wave of unending concussions. And their supply of bombs is rapidly depleting.
They continue their dance for another minute, coming to no decisive end.
G-MAN 2: Forget this.
He pulls a bomb off his bandolier, strips the wrapper and pitches it onto the General's chest.
He isn't the only one.
Seven and Nine, both wounded by the mace, throw their own bombs as well. One sticks to the General's back, the other his hip.
The General tries to pull the bomb off his chest, but it remains, as if glued.
He looks up at G-man 2 eyes full of wrath, mouth in a snarl.
G-MAN 2: Sticky bombs.
The General is blown to smithereens. The explosion knocks down the nearby G-men.
Two stands wiping himself off, wiping the General off himself. G-man 5 rushes over and shakes him.
G-MAN 5: Again with the bombs! Do you realize what you've done?!
G-MAN 2: (nonchalant) It wasn't just me.
G-man 5 turns him around to face the device, high in the sky and rising, melting a much larger area and halfway to the village.
G-MAN 5: How are we going to stop it now? Tell me!
G-MAN 2: Any problem started by a bomb can be ended with one.
G-man 5 makes a disgusted sound and pushes G-man 2.
G-MAN 3: I have an idea!
SCENE 37: Ice Cream Kraken vs. Licorice Dragon 2
The Dragon circles the Kraken. The two exchange fire. The Kraken fires a different flavor of ice cream each time. The tentacles flail like independent creatures at the dragon.
Bessie gives up the frontal assault and dives down, gliding past the tentacles with half-folded wings and unparalleled grace. Before the ground she levels out, wheels around and fires at the Kraken.
Shots make contact. The ones that hit the waffle shell simply make burn marks. Other shots make contact between the tree and the Kraken at the bases if the tentacles. It screams in pain.
Bessie fires more shots at the contact point and the Kraken releases the Crystal Palace, falling backward, crashing, it shakes the ground and lays underside exposed.
More shots hit the tender area and the Kraken loses a few tentacles as it rights itself.
The creatures scream at each other.
SCENE 38: Take it Down
The Gingerbread Men are around the trebuchet. G-man 3 is loaded in the basket. G-man 5 stands by the lever looking nervous. The rest of the troop fends off the soldiers around them.
G-MAN 5: Are you sure about this?
G-MAN 3: Do you see another way?
G-MAN 5: I asked you a question!
G-MAN 3: Jeez, I'm about to die. You've chewed the last crumb. I'm gone.
G-MAN 2: Ten and One have stopped bombing.
G-MAN 3: Pull the lever.
G-MAN 5: Are you s-
G-MAN 3: No time!
G-man 5 makes a quick adjustment to the trebuchet, solutes him and pulls the lever.
G-man 3 is launched into the air, saluting as he flies above the battle. He has a moment of peace above the chaos. The dragon is fighting the kraken. The villagers are watching the approach of the device and army with deer in the headlight eyes. Crystal Palace sparkles in the tundra.
He spreads his arms out.
G-MAN 3: Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhmmmmmmmm
He reaches the height of his parabola. And then down he goes, right at the device.
G-MAN 3: And I was sure 5 botched the angle- oooof.
He smashes into the device, bounces, catches himself on the edge and hauls himself back on top.
He takes out several sticky bombs and attaches them as handholds by stripping only one side of the wrapper. He gets to the underside and sticks himself by his belt so that he can face the panel. The panel is forward of the two conic sections emitting heavy doses of radiation. It is a lighter
color than the rest of the machine.
He removes a screwdriver from his belt. Per usual the screwdriver he has is not the one he needs. He lets it drop. It is turned to dust before it hits the ground.
He draws his knife and turns away.
One, two, three screws, there is no fourth. The panel smacks him in the face, falls, and is dissolved. Beneath the panel is an unnecessarily large button with a drawn on smiley face.
G-man 3 pushes the button. A beep starts on an interval of one a second. He detaches his belt and climbs back to the top of the device. He stands as the machine floats onward, oblivious to the meaning of the beeps coming from it's underside.
G-man 3 places a hand over his heart and sings away the beeps.
G-MAN 3: O Candy Land, O Candy Land!
    What do you mean to me?
    All we do is fun, no oppression
    We live from day to day
    It's freedom for sugar men
    It's much more than a country
    O Candy Land, O Candy Land!
He holds up his hands to the sky.
G-MAN 3: Here I come great sundae in the sky!
A series of small explosions go off inside the machine, but the shell remains intact. Smoke starts pouring out from all the crack and the device faulters then plummets toward the earth.
G-man 3 observes the rapid descent. He crouches and instead of counting to three he says
G-MAN 3: Beep, beep, beep.
And he jumps up and out right before impact. The machine's enclosure is still intact.
After rolling for twenty feet, G-Man 3 gets up, whoops and starts shouting and waving to the other G-men who are running toward him (the injured, carried or supported), out of bombs and retreating from the army.
G-MAN 3: I'm OK! I'm O-
The sticky bombs he set to climb go off, one having been tripped in the crash and the rest exploding in a chain reaction.
Instead of blowing up, because of the armor, and because the charges were set down one side, the machine is launched and tumbles across the plain.
G-man 3 gets up and spits out a mouthful of ground.
G-MAN 3: Pleugh. (he resumes waving) I'm still OK!
SCENE 39: Ice Cream Kraken vs Licorice Dragon: 3
The Kraken is getting bombed. The dragon fires from a position and shifts. The Ice Cream Kraken blocks as many as it can with it's ice cream scoops, but it is too massive to be able to compete with the nimble Bessie.
It screams in frustration as the dragon severs more tentacles from it's body.
The Kraken swings at Bessie, but she is keeping out of reach. It fires ice cream, but the dragon either dodges or cancel it out with a blast of its own.
The Kraken picks up one of it's molasses limbs and flings it as Bessie.
The tentacle itself is almost the size of the dragon and it was thrown horizontally.
Bessie shoots a fireball, but succeeds only in cutting the molasses tentacle in half. The two pieces fly right on target. The dragon tries to dodge. One piece flies by. The second piece slams into her left wing and sticks.
Bessie falls frantically flapping her one unimpeded wing. But it's over.
The Kraken catches the dragon and uses several limbs to constrict her, including clamping her mouth shut.
Then making a much deeper, far more content noise, the ungainly Ice Cream Kraken returns to the sea with it's prey, leaving a trail of flavor sludge in it's wake. It disappears beneath the surface.
SCENE 40: Observant Queen
Queen Frostine watches from the same room.
She sees the machine go down and the dragon go down and the hint of a smile graces her stern face.
As she looks out, dots, many dots, appear from all sides of the valley leading to the Ice Cream Sea and the Crystal palace. She turns to her telescope and scans the horizon.
Now she is smiling.
SCENE 41: The Capture of Lord Licorice
The concentrated mint has turned a real-life lunatic into a real-life surrealist nightmare. He pursues the kids, whip in hand, slashing indiscriminately, wildly, knowing that he won't hit them and all the while making yelping noises that could be laughter or pain. He is a candy possessed.
The children reach the main hall.
JONAH: Which way?
Jolene pushes him.
JOLENE: Who cares, go!
They flee across the hall and head down a straight branch on the other side, Lord Licorice fast on their heels, until a relief on the wall catches his eye.
It is a depiction of King Candy himself.
Lord Licorice stops, is silent and still, stares at it for a second with a cocked head, then snarls and starts slashing, taking long chunks out of the wall with every swing and making those high pitched noises.
When the King's head is nothing more than a gouged scar in the wall , which takes a considerable amount of time and leaves Lord Licorice out of breath, he makes a satisfied sound and sprints after the children.
All branches are dead ends. This branch has a terrace like the statue branch, but instead of scattered statues there is a large, columned, red rotunda occupying the center.
Jonah stops when he sees this. Jolene doesn't. A mania has seized her. She breathes far harder and faster than mere fear. She runs into the red rotunda and her legs sink in. She is stuck.
Inarticulate with fear, fatigue and frustration she screams.
Jonah hurries up behind her, grabs her around the chest and falls backward. She comes unstuck with a deep slurping sound.
Jonah is freaked out by the way that she is breathing. He extracts himself from under her and stands up, but she doesn't get to her feet. She lies on the ground staring up, ghost pale, breathing the rapid desperate breaths of adrenalin fueled anxiety.
He kneels down next to her.
JONAH: Jolene, what is it? Jolene! Hey, Jolene, snap out of it!
    Alright... you'd better forgive me for this.
Jonah slaps her across the face. She blinks for the first time in a minute and her breathing starts to slow down.
JONAH: There you are? What’s wrong?
JOLENE: It's Jello.
JONAH: What? No, not 'what the Gazebo', 'what Jolene'. Wait, did you say Jello?
JOLENE: It's Jello.
Jonah looks up at the dome of the rotunda, at the bowed columns, his eyes go wide.
JONAH: I think we can use this. Do you have charges in that bag?
Jolene nods. Her breathing is even, but her eyes are glassy, glazed over. She didn't quite make it back.
Jonah pulls her to her feet. It's more like she accepts the verticle position than actual standing.
The weird yipping echoes down the branch at them.
JONAH: He's coming!
Jonah digs into the bag.
Lord Licorice races down the length of the hallway. Pumped up and fueled. Making wild high pierced barks that precede him. And clearly getting worn from it all.
He sees the kids through the column of the rotunda.
Jonah is holding Jolene at his side, functioning as a crutch. She would collapse without him. He looks around left and right over the balcony and right and left.
LORD LICORICE: Nowhere to run now, ugly little things. Come taste my licorice whip.
Jonah turns and opens his mouth wide in mock surprise.
 Lord Licorice snaps the whip and makes a sonic boom. He charges.
Due to his lankiness, momentum and being jacked up on mint, Lord Licorice barely notices he's trudging through the Jello. His stride is a series of suction noises.
When he gets to the middle Jonah raises his right hand with a smile. He presses down on the detonator. Four of the eight columns blow. The other four collapse.
Lord Licorice realizes what is happening and screams piercingly as the ceiling of the rotunda crashes on him. But it's Jello. He is not crushed, but trapped, encased like a bug in amber.
He struggles in his Jello prison while Jonah watches.
JONAH: Would you look at that?
Lord Licorice continues to scream and struggle with no result other than to jiggle the Jello a little.
JONAH: Pretty sad, don't you think? Jolene?
He squeezes her and she doesn't respond. She collapses, her torso coming to rest against the ruined rotunda.
Jonah holds her hand and looks at her face, lost.
SCENE 42: End of the War
The forces of the Lord Licorice are baffled, stunned, blitzed. The flash attack killed their general. The weapon that promised them victory is gone. The dragon, and presumably their Lord along with it, has been dragged into the Ice Cream Sea. Now Candies emerge in swarms from the hills and mountains around them.
The Candies are of every form, substance and flavor. As different as each is from the other, they share one thing, they are armed. A few are mounted. As before, when Jonah was captured, they don't bear conventional weaponry. They carry whatever they could find that appeared to have potential as a weapon. These are a people vague on the details of fighting.
They come in no particular formation and make their way straight toward the enemy.
The villagers, seeing reinforcements made up of friends from neighboring towns, cheer and charge pell mell.
The G-men are in between the villagers and the disconsolate army.
G-MAN 7: What's this?
G-MAN 8: We're getting stampeded.
G-MAN 3: After all that? Nah.
G-MAN 5: Who are they? Is that the Captain we captured?
They follow his gaze to where the Captain is reaching the lines of the army he would have been a part of and takes on all comers. And the other four men they captured are with him. Their area of battle is somewhat coordinated. The Candies rally behind the friendly Licorice knights who have obvious combat training.
G-MAN 2: Oh, yeah. Weird.
But not many of the Licorice, Wafer or Cigarette soldiers are up for fighting. Their spirit has already been routed and they are as shocked as the G-men to see a resistance. Many of them stand there as a wash of civilians armed with blunt objects wash over them, knocking them down with haphazard swings that do no damage through the armor, and moving on without making sure their opponent was truly defeated. This leads to some of the soldiers being knocked down several times before compliantly remaining earthbound.
The few that do fight are ganged up on and forced to surrender.
The villagers reach the point of the G-men.
One: Hello, there.
Two: Great Job!
Three: We'll take it from here!
As they run by, they shout greetings and appreciation. Soon the entire village is past them.
G-MAN 8: Should we help?
G-MAN 7: I think they've got it under control.
The army fades before the villagers, some surrender, dropping their weapons and holding up their hands. The troops in back, who never knew what was going on to begin with, are pushed back down the road they came and become a part of the flight.
The rag tag group of citizens, watching the retreat of the antagonists, cheers and celebrates.
G-MAN 9: (legless, dangling between 10 and 1) That was easy.
G-MAN 3: Now what?
G-MAN 5: G-Men! Round up the defeated and escort them to the castle!
A couple of them groan. G-man 5 gives them a sharp look.
Soot faced, wounded and battle worn, the G-men head for the celebrating Candies. Some of whom are helping the captives to their feet and dusting them off.
SCENE 43: In Crystal Hall
The entire group of villagers, G-men, other Candies and the prisoners of war are streaming past
the guard who stammers on about Queen Frostine's hours for holding court. They fill up the lower hall of the Crystal Palace.
The G-men are in the middle keeping a close watch on the prisoners, though the prisoners are a listless chalky bunch left without motive to fight.
Queen Frostine rushes down the staircase. She stops one flight above them.
The roar of the crowd greets her. They cheer and send up all manner of upbeat salutations (those with instruments for weapons play them). She has composed her face into triumphant, but at the sight of her people, the resounding exaltations and above all their victory, she breaks into a big smile and cheers herself as tears like tiny diamonds fall from the corners of her eyes.
When this has gone on for quite some time she raises her hands bringing the crowd down to a tolerable volume.
QUEEN FROSTINE: My people, you make me so proud. You have shown me in my hour of need that the spirit of our people can surmount the most malicious enemies and the darkest of intentions. My subjects you have my gratitude. My friends, you have my love.
RANDOM CANDIES: We love you, Queen Frostine!
They all cheer again.
Queen Frostine hushes them again.
QUEEN FROSTINE: But tell me, how did this come about? I tried to gather you weeks ago.
CHOCOLATE: There wasn't anything going on weeks ago.
CAPTAIN: Shush, you! My Queen, Mamma G showed my men and I the error of our ways and sent us to warn the people.
CHOCOLATE 2: (sarcastic) Yeah... and some of us noticed the huge army marching straight for the Crystal Palace.
CHOCOLATE 3: And your guards showed up telling us you'd sent them away. They worried for your safety.
CHOCOLATE 4: And the horn! I've never heard the horn three times!
G-MAN 5: (clears throat loudly) My Queen, what do we do with these prisoners?
The Queen stares at the would be conquerors. Her eyes pierce them. None can look at her, they are ashamed and listless.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Release them. They may return to their comrades.
G-MAN 5: My Queen-
QUEEN FROSTINE: They will do us no harm. It is the Lord Licorice who must face justice. The Lord... Licorice... oh no!
She turns and sprints up the stairs, holding up her dress and taking the stairs two at a time.
The group swarms up after her.
The remnants of the host are left to slink out of the castle in shame.
SCENE 44: The Captured, The Wounded
Queen Frostine reaches the top of the steps ahead of the group. She pauses and hears the screams in a second.
JONAH: Help!
Queen Frostine sprints down the branch following the call. The G-men catch up with her in the straightaway. They emerge together onto the terrace.
Jonah is clutching Jolene to him. He has his back against the rail and he faces the collapsed rotunda with the Lord Licorice.
Persistence is paying off. The Lord Licorice's struggles and constant motion have allowed him to churn through most of his Jello prison. In perhaps another minute he would break free.
Queen Frostine runs between Jonah and the Lord Licorice. He sees her and sneers.
The G-men swarm around her. G-man 2 grabs an explosive off 5's vest and makes to toss it into the Jello around Lord Licorice.
Queen Frostine grabs his hand.
QUEEN FROSTINE: That isn't what I meant by justice.
G-man 2 shrugs and tosses it over the side of the rail. A moment later it explodes.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Do you have rope?
G-MAN 5: Yes, my Queen. From Lord Licorice's own stores.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Then bind him.
The G-men get out their ropes. They throw one over the dome on each side of Lord Licorice, then drag them down into the Jello, then cross, exchange ends diagonally and across. They repeat the process a few times until the loops are in place and then pull them tight.
As they are doing this-
Jonah is holding Jolene. He stares at the Lord Licorice, through Queen Frostine, but sees nothing. His face is pale and scared.
Queen Frostine bends down to put her face directly in front of him. She shakes his shoulder.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Jonah, it's ok. Jonah.
JONAH: (hoarse from screaming) I can't wake her up.
The rest of the crowd floods onto the terrace, coming from both sides of the terrace, drowning out the conversation with Jonah. They witness Lord Licorice being dragged forward through the Jello.
Queen Frostine squeezes Jonah's shoulder. She stands turns and faces Lord Licorice. The terrace goes silent.
The Lord Licorice's eyes are still frightening. He can't keep a steady gaze on Frostine, he makes little noises as he struggles against the ropes and darts his head left and right as if making a plan to attack them all.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Your war machine is destroyed, your dragon eaten and your army scattered. What do you have to say for your actions?
Lord Licorice coughs and spits a black, mucus like substance on Queen Frostine's dress. Her face turns frigid and she clocks him hard enough in the jaw to make the G-men holding the ropes stagger to keep Lord Licorice and themselves upright.
The Lord Licorice is dazed for a second. When he recovers he laughs like a maniac. Queen Frostine shakes her head.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Please, remove him from my presence. I don't care where you stick him, but don't be gentle. He's lost the privilege of his position.
G-MAN 5: Double time, G-men!
The G-men pull Lord Licorice through the crowd. They make room for him and spit as he passes. When they reach the hall they take off running. At first Lord Licorice keeps up, but he trips and is dragged, bouncing, out of sight.
Queen Frostine bends back down to Jonah.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Jonah. He's gone. We'll take care of Jolene. You can let go.
JONAH: (still clinging) Mr. Mint... he killed Mr. Mint.
MR. MINT: (staggering onto the terrace using his ax for a crutch, coughing and holding his wounded side) I'm fine.
Jonah smiles.
JONAH: Minty!
Mr. Mint's face goes sour.
JONAH: Something's wrong with Jolene...
Mr. Mint makes his way next to the Queen and the children. He looks down at Jolene, concerned.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Jonah, it's ok, we'll help her. Let go.
Queen Frostine places a hand on his. Jonah breathes deep and shaky and stops clutching her.
QUEEN FROSTINE: She'll be fine. (to the group) Bring the wounded to the throne room. We'll set up an infirmary there. All doctors, nurses, medicine women, witches and shaman report to me.
The G-men remaining on the terrace help get Jolene up. The requested parties swarm enthusiastically to Queen Frostine's side.
SCENE 46: Hospital (4)
Marla Foster is with the Doctor. She is sitting on the bed next to her daughter. The Doctor stands a few feet away from her, beyond the end of the bed. There is no curtain between the children.
And all the machines, are beeping and breathing around the tiny boy and girl.
Jonah is alone.
Marla is crying.
MARLA: Please, don't- please, don't say that.
DOCTOR: We've tried to rouse her. We've done everything we can. An adrenaline shot to her heart, music, pain, every stimulant we could risk,.. I'm sorry Ms. Foster, she's dying.
Marla cries harder and struggles to compose herself.
MARLA: H-how lo-, how much-
But she breaks off unable to finish.
DOCTOR: Days... maybe. Once her liver shuts down the rest of her organs will follow.
Marla breaks down to an inconsolable level. She folds herself over Jolene and weeps.
DOCTOR: (bitter) I'm sorry.
He leaves the room.
Marla sobs.
SCENE 47: Infirmary, Plans
There are makeshift beds atop piles of gram crackers. The wounded are either being treated or already have been. G-man 9's legs are being glued back together with frosting. G-man 7's leg has been set. G-man 3 is telling his heroic story to a crowd enthralled.
Queen Frostine is standing next to the bed where Jolene is laid out with Jonah and Mr. Mint. Mr. Mint's wounds are bandaged. Jolene is covered and unconscious. A wild looking candy with nerd ropes for hair is humming and waving his hands over her.
QUEEN FROSTINE: The doctors couldn't find anything physically wrong with her. I have a medicine woman preparing a potion of rejuvenation. But, that won't address the real issue.
JONAH: Which is?
QUEEN FROSTINE: Shaman Ticky-Tak says that her soul and her body are missing one another. He said she needed to return home but that she is lost. Do you understand?
JONAH: Kind of. I mean, we are from another world, somewhere else. We were hoping King Kandy would be able to help. Can you?
QUEEN FROSTINE: This is new to me, I have no abilities like Mamma G or Ticky Tak. Of course, King Kandy may know, but then it's a question of whether he wants to help.
JONAH: (incredulous) Whether he wants to?
MR. MINT: King Kandy is... complicated.
QUEEN FROSTINE: That's one word for it. He's a nincompoop, then again, well... you can judge for yourself. The Shaman says if she doesn't return home soon then she will be lost forever.
JONAH: What does that mean?
JONAH: What?! But... I'm here too. Does that mean I'm dying?
MR. MINT: Probably.
JONAH: But, I'm fine. Jolene seemed sick but-
MR. MINT: Well, you haven't been here as long have you? Maybe a week. She's been here for two months. And, to be honest, you don't look so great, you've lost at least fifteen pounds since I met you.
Jonah plops down, left elbow on his leg, hand holding his head.
MR. MINT: See.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Are you alright?
JONAH: Am I? I don't know. I guess I have time.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Yes, but Jolene doesn't. You must leave immediately. I'm sending you over the Ice Cream Sea to the Candy Court on my boat, Icicle. Mr. Mint?
MR. MINT: Yes, my Queen?
QUEEN FROSTINE: Would you continue in your roll of guide and protector and accompany these children to the Candy Court?
Mr. Mint seems pained by this question.
MR. MINT: If you wish it, I will.
QUEEN FROSTINE: I do. (softer) I know your resentment, but do not worry. I am going to transport the traitor Lord Licorice by land to face judgment in Court. (she places a hand on his shoulder) We'll sort this out together.
MR. MINT: OK, but make sure to drag him through the Chocolate Swamp. I hope Glompy swallows him.
Queen Frostine laughs lightly.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Alright, it's a deal. Now let's make haste. I'll have Jolene and the supplies loaded onto the ship. You two prepare as you see fit and meet me at the dock in an hour.
SCENE 48: Sailing the Ice Cream Sea
It is as if a giant icicle were cut in half and then a sailboat were built from the remainder. The sail is red and made out of the same material as fruit roll-ups, with shapes and all. Icicle shines in the afternoon sun.
Jolene is being loaded on board Icicle. Jolene is being carried on board on a stretcher by the two crew members that have been commissioned by Queen Frostine to sail the boat to the Candy Court.
A small party is at the dock to wish good luck and say farewell to Jonah and Mr. Mint, among them the G-men and Queen Frostine.
QUEEN FROSTINE: It is a day's journey. I hope that Jolene can hold up until then.
A nub of a candy tugs at Queen Frostine' sleeve and hands her a bottle with a bright blue liquid.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Ah yes, (to the nub) thank you. (to Jonah) This is the rejuvenation potion I promised you.
Jonah takes the bottle. He holds it up to look at closely.
JONAH: It looks like that mint stuff Lord Licorice used on his soldiers.
QUEEN FROSTINE: What Lord Licorice used was a perversion of this potion. This is it's true and most beneficial form.
JONAH: Thank you.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Thank you, Jonah. You've done well. Mr. Mint, I'll see you in Candy Court.
MR. MINT: If you don’t show I’m going to look the knave…. Again.
She smiles, gives them a small bow and leaves, followed by a number of candies. The G-men remain with Mr. Mint and Jonah.
JONAH: Uh, thanks guys. I guess this is goodbye.
G-MAN 8: Bye.
G-MAN 7: We had some fun.
G-MAN 3: Tell King Kandy about my exploits. I need some kind of medal.
G-MAN 5: Good luck, don't screw up.
Jonah turns to leave and gets swarmed by the G-men who give him a big group hug, before backing away and watching as he and Mr. Mint board.
They wave to each other as the boat sails out into the Ice Cream Sea.
The sea rises and falls in short swells, breathing like a gigantic beast. Icicle glides across the surface, sail puffed out. The sailors play with the rigging and run their checks while Mr. Mint and Jonah sit in the bow. The wind fluffs Jonah's hair.
They don't speak to each other. It is quiet and peaceful on the boat and the steady motion is calming. Jonah falls asleep.
SCENE 49: Storm
Mr. Mint wakes Jonah with a shake.
The sun is about to set, but it is darker than it should be. There are clouds ahead of them and the water is getting choppier. The sailors are already taking down the sails.
JONAH: (as he clears his eyes) What? What is it? What's going on?
Then he sees the storm clouds.
JONAH: Come on! Can't we catch one break?
MR. MINT: We'd better get below deck.
They enter the storm. The storm engulfs them in gusts of wind and falling sprinkles that make a racket on the deck. The two sailors finish securing things and come down below, and light some candles held in secure brackets on the walls of the cabin.
They wait as flashes of lightening illuminate the entirety of Icicle and swells of ice cream throw the ship up and down in dramatic arcs.
Jonah watches Jolene.
JONAH: How can she sleep through this?
MR. MINT: She's dying.
JONAH: Dude, that was rhetorical!
He gets up and goes to leave the cabin.
MR. MINT: Where are you going?
JONAH: I have to pee.
MR. MINT: Pee in a jar.
JONAH: (bland) In front of all of you?
The sailors give him an odd look.
JONAH: No thanks. I'll risk it. It seems calmer anyway.
He opens the latch and heads out before anyone can stop him.
The boat is still being rocked, but not as violently. At least it isn't hailing sprinkles anymore. Jonah can barely see anything on the deck, as he makes his way to the deck a swell causes it to tilt and move Jonah forward faster than anticipated. He trips over an object in the dark, hits the railing and flips over.
A hand catches his and pulls him back on board.
MR. MINT: I told you to pee in a jar.
JONAH: (scared) Sorry. Thank you.
MR. MINT: You're welcome.
JONAH: You can let go of my hand now.
MR. MINT: Not really. When I'm nervous my hands get sticky. Sea storms make me very nervous. You can pee now though, I've got you secure.
JONAH: Actually, now I feel kind of insecure.
MR. MINT: It's fine! I'm not going to look!
JONAH: All the same I'd feel safer back below deck.
MR. MINT: And you can pee in a jar.
JONAH: You know, I think we should just drop it.
They head back down the stairs to the cabin. The sailors laugh when they see them holding hands.
JONAH: (muttering) Oh yeah, ha ha, laugh it up.
MR. MINT: (holding up his hand and therefor Jonah's) Can you help us out? We got stuck.
The sailors snicker a little more, but they find a piece of wood and using the good old lever manage to separate the pair. Jonah's hand is a little raw and he rubs it, resentfully looking at Mr. Mint as he does so.
They blow out all but one candle and go to sleep.
SCENE 50: Candy Court at Last
When Jonah wakes up it is late in the day, past noon. The sailors are chatting with each other. Mr. Mint is sitting port side lost in thought.
JONAH: (to Mr. Mint) Why didn't you wake me?
MR. MINT: I tried.
JONAH: What?
MR. MINT: You and Jolene. Nothing. Dead to the world.
Jonah sits down in the same pose the last time his mortality was brought up.
JONAH: So it's true. She told me she felt more tired everyday. I thought it was depression or something but.... Hey! Why do you have to use that phrasing?
MR. MINT: It's an expression.
JONAH: I hate it.
MR. MINT: (shrugs) Whatevs.
After one points ahead and says something excitedly to the other, the sailors are suddenly very busy with the sail and the mast. They start attaching new pieces and setting up pulleys. One runs to the stern and sets up a verticle fin and tests the left right directional then runs the lines up to the helm where his partner is attaching the new lines to the mast.
JONAH: What is that all about?
MR. MINT: The waterfall.
He stands up.
MR. MINT: I'd better secure Jolene.
He goes below deck leaving Jonah in a panic.
JONAH: Waterfall?!
He attacks the sailors.
JONAH: What waterfall?!
They only smile and laugh at him.
Mr. Mint returns to the deck.
MR. MINT: If you don't want to go below you'd better tie yourself to something and hold on tight.
Jonah observes the sailors in the midst of doing exactly what Mr. Mint told him to do. Mr. Mint is securing himself as well. Jonah finds a place next to him and ties himself up then grips the rail.
The ship is running faster and ahead, the ocean seems to end at the sky. Soon enough the sound of the heavy rush of water falling is all they can hear.
JONAH: (screaming) We're going to die!
MR. MINT: (screaming back) This is the best part!
Icicle goes over the edge. It plummets for a moment. Jonah is screaming his final scream.
The sailors manipulate a few of the ropes. The sail goes from verticle to horizontal and with another tug opens up two more flaps on the side. With a few more tugs the ship pulls out of the dive and soars away from the waterfall.
Jonah is still screaming a while before he realizes that they are not falling. They are gliding.
Behind them the waterfall descends a thousand feet to crash into a river. The river flows in lazy curves under them and divides a few miles ahead. In-between the divide is the Candy Court.
Candy Court is four sided, a rhombus, a diamond. At each corner is a completely different and uniquely designed castle. The largest castle is positioned at the southern corner. The castles are all connected by structures. In the middle of the Candy Court is a huge courtyard with it's own forest, hills and a lake, as well as low cut, field areas for sport in the corners immediately next to the castles. Beyond Candy Court the river meets again and flows to the base of an even larger sheer cliff face than the one they are descending from.
JOLENE: It's beautiful.
JONAH: (starting) Jolene! You're awake!
JOLENE: (yawns and stretches) Yup. Your scream could have woken the dead.
Mr. Mint starts to say something but Jonah shoots him a sharp look to shut-up. He tries to walk to Jolene and is halted by the rope that ties him to the ship. He struggles untying it.
JOLENE: So I wasn't the only one tied up. How long was I out?
JONAH: (finally free, comes to her side) About a day.
JOLENE: Wow. Sorry if I freaked you out.
JONAH: No! You woke up right on time. We're there! How do you feel?
JOLENE: I'm fine. A little exhausted, but I'll shake it off... Jonah, just look.
At first he watches her, but then she blushes and turns away and he realizes she means the landscape. He looks out over the river, the forests, and the Candy Court.
JONAH: Beautiful.
They soar toward their destination, taking wide turns to avoid building up speed.
SCENE 51: The Candy King Doesn't Care
Icicle swoops parallel to the river getting lower and closer to the water every second. As they near the main castle the sailors manipulate the sail into an angle that lifts and slows them, then they pull the sail in entirely and the boat plops into the river.
In another moment they are alongside the dock. One sailor jumps out and the other throws lines to him. They are secured fast. A plank is lain between the boat and the dock.
Jolene, Jonah and Mr. Mint disembark while the sailors remain behind on the ship and fiddle with the sails.
They approach the entrance to the castle tentatively. The gate is shut. They knock.
An eye slit slides open.
DOOR KEEP: By gum! It's Mr. Mint.
The eye slit shuts and the door opens up.
DOOR KEEP: Come in Mr. Mint, we never expected to see you here again after the unpleasantness. We thought you'd become too bitter to show your face in these halls. But here you are, and you've brought two ugly pets with you.
JOLENE: We're not pets!
JONAH: We need to see King Candy immediately!
DOOR KEEP: Ugh! They talk. Well you pests, the King doesn't allow unsolicited visitors into his court.
JONAH: This is important!
DOOR KEEP: Everyone thinks what they have to say is important.
JOLENE: (to Mr. Mint) What's this guy's deal?
MR. MINT: Nothing. He's just sour.
DOOR KEEP: Sour am I? Tell you what, come to the ball tonight. It's open invitation anyway (that Lolly never discriminates). The King will be there, maybe you can catch his ear with your importance.
JOLENE: (over dubious mutterings from Mr. Mint) Fine! We'll be there!
DOOR KEEP: Good. I suggest you bathe and get fitted for new clothing. I doubt King Kandy will listen to you the way you look now, urchin.
JOLENE: Then he's as much a superficial bigot as you are!
DOOR KEEP: Ugh, ugly and no class. (loud, sharp) Servants!
A hoard of servants, all those within earshot, rush to kneel before the door keep and await instructions.
DOOR KEEP: Escort them to the guest rooms, draw baths, send for the clothes makers. They are to attend the ball tonight and I will not have Lolly shamed with filth! Understood!
SERVANTS: Yes, sir!
DOOR KEEP: Then go! (he shoos)
Jolene, Jonah and Mr. Mint are dragged away by the servants. The gate is shut behind them.
SCENE 52: Preparation
They are led to separate rooms.
Servants throw them into tubs and over their protests they scrub them completely clean Then they scrub them dry. Mr. Mint sparkles. The children are rosy.
Next (wearing smallclothes) they are measured in every dimension, the measurers pull, push and spin them. Seamsters compare different fabrics to their hair color, eye color, skin tones and each other. On the spot they are sewn a new wardrobe from the finest materials by the seamsters.
They try on the clothes and are accosted by a series of pins. The clothes are stripped off of them and adjusted. They put the clothes back on.
The sowers congratulate themselves, clapping each other on the back, whistling and passing OK signs all around. Jolene's hair is extraordinary. They haven't missed anything. They've even provided Mr. Mint with a matching case for his ax and Jonah a complimenting bandage on his fingers.
The children are exhausted by the process. Mr. Mint looks satisfied with himself and rubs a sleeve against his cheek.
After the servants leave.
JONAH: (collapsing into bed) Finally!
JOLENE: (collapsing in bed) Thank god!
MR. MINT: (checking the mirror) I look good!
A moment later servants knock on their doors.
MR. MINT: Yes?
SERVANTS: Time for the ball.
JONAH, JOLENE: (heaving themselves off their respective beds with a deep sigh) Ughhh.
MR. MINT: Excellent!
SCENE 53: Meeting the Court
The children and Mr. Mint simultaneously emerge from their adjacent rooms. Jonah and Jolene fix on each other.
JOLENE: Jonah?
JONAH: Jolene?
They have never seen each other this clean. The clothes and styling take it once step further.
JONAH, JOLENE: You look-
They pause a moment, sheepish.
JOLENE: What were you going to say?
JONAH: You lo (his voice cracks and he has to clear his voice and blushes) You look incredible.
Jolene blushes.
Mr. Mint is looking at them with a strange smile on his face. He dispels the moment.
MR. MINT: We look incredible. And we had better. Candy Court is where you strut your stuff or get out. You two better bring your A game. Show me the walk! Jolene!
She looks at him curiously.
MR. MINT: Show me your stuff! Strut!
She does her best imitation of a model.
MR. MINT: (clapping) Fantastic. Gorgeous. Ok, Jonah!
Jonah imitates what Jolene did.
MR. MINT: (wry smile) Good enough. (pause) Let's do this!
They follow the servants down the hallway. They walk three wide. After a couple left and rights the room opens up in front of them. Jonah and Jolene freeze in awe. Mr. Mint notices two steps later. He stops and grins at the looks on their faces.
The hall is colorful. It is opulent. Ornate chandeliers with gems and crystals positioned to cast color in the light hang from a double domed ceiling, beautiful Corinthian columns with gold and silver filigree line the walls, the walls themselves are covered in murals and kaleidoscopic patterns, a band is playing music on a stage in the middle right side of the hall with a full orchestral accompaniment, there are tables here and there sagging under the weight of the dishes and drinks, servants roam the room with trays and there are already plenty of people flitting from group to group, dressed like the chandeliers, chatting and smiling. All the beautiful people in Candy Land.
On the steps in front of them are servants who announce the names of the personages entering and descending the staircase.
ANNOUNCER: Count Churro and Duke Donut!
The unlikely pair go down the staircase before their group, waving and nodding to the other nobles who look up and wave, smile or acknowledge them in some way.
MR. MINT: It's now or never.
He walks up to the announcer and whispers in his ear (the announcer's eyebrows raise but other than that he is a true professional) then stands between Jolene and Jonah and offers an arm to each.
ANNOUNCER: The humans, Jolene and Jonah and their guardian, Mr. Mint!
At the announcement of Mr. Mint's name the room get's significantly quieter. Candies frees with drinks halfway to their mouth.
As the group descends the staircase, Mr. Mint smiling and nodding to people who look incredulous, a gust of whispers break out as well as some motion to meet the newcomers at the foot of the staircase.
At the bottom of the stairs they are greeted by the Fruitsnack Lords, a group as fake as they are soft. They give deep, sarcastic bows to Mr. Mint who returns in kind. Jolene and Jonah follow suit. Mr. Mint whispers to them-
MR. MINT: These are the Fruitsnack Lords. They rule over the island chain in Great Lake Fructose to the south-east. They're sugar-lickers.
The group of Fruitsnack Lords is four strong. Watermelon, Banana, Grape and Orange, despite the different shapes and colors they are indifferentiable in character.
BANANA: Mr. Mint, so great to see you.
WATERMELON: Yes, absolutely, it's been so long.
GRAPE: I see you've been keeping busy.
ORANGE: Tell us about these, hu-mans, Mr. Mint. They look oh so interesting.
MR. MINT: (in the same false voice) I appreciate your kind welcome. I know I made quite the scene the last time I was here. It was a misunderstanding. These are my friends, (gesturing) Jolene and Jonah. I met both of them when I was tracking a ghoul in a village just north of The Gingerbread Plum Tree Forest.
GRAPE: You keep such odd bedfellows.
ORANGE: A ghoul you say?
MR. MINT: Yes, it turns out it was only a girl, that one (points to Jolene who gives a small wave).
BANANA: Oh my.
WATERMELON: Well, we appreciate your apology.
MR. MINT: I didn't apologize. I said it was a misunderstanding. The misunderstanding was on your part, not mine.
The Fruitsnack Lords are too taken aback to do anything than stammer indignant comments.
MR. MINT: (undertone, to the children) Time to move on. I have lots of people to sleight tonight.
They walk through the Fruitsnack Lords and the people who stand in little groups staring over shoulders and sideways with blatant, affronted, curiosity.
They are accosted within moments by the Duke of Swirl, completely perfect prince looking, pompous voice, huge shoulders made bigger by his outfit. He is taller and broader than most of the people in the room and pushes them aside to get to the Children and Mr. Mint.
DUKE of SWIRL: Mr. Mint!
MR. MINT: Duke! (he bows) My humblest greetings.
DUKE of SWIRL: What are you doing here?
MR. MINT: Excuse me?
DUKE of SWIRL: I know you weren't banished and all, but I thought there was an understanding. I repeat, what are you doing here?
MR. MINT: I am serving these children as both guide and guardian. A far more noble cause than you have any interest in.
DUKE of SWIRL: But, I am noble, Mr. Mint, whereas you aren't and have never been.
MR. MINT: (getting in his face) Look you sycophantic son of a cinnabun, I was around before you, I'll be around after you. I was the Protector of the Realm and all because of some B.S. political maneuvering, a strong chin, and my own bad attitude you robbed me of the ability to do some decent work. But you'll see. I'm going to set it right. I was right.
DUKE of SWIRL: Oh, we'll see will we?
MR. MINT: Yeah! You will!
Jonah tugs at Mr. Mint's sleeve.
MR. MINT: (turning and bending into Jonah's face) What?!
JONAH: (grabbing him by the collar, hissing) We don't have time for you guys to measure axes. Look at Jolene.
Mr. Mint does.
Jolene is lost on the spot where she stands. She is still beautiful, but he eyes say she isn't there, doesn't care, can't even process what is happening around her.
JONAH: (shaking Mr. Mint, still hissing) You said you'd bring me to King Kandy. Bring us to King Kandy, right now!
Jonah pushes Mr. Mint back. The two glare at each other for a moment. Then Duke of Swirl chuckles dumbly.
DUKE of SWIRL: Trouble with your ward?
Mr. Mint's face relaxes. He looks into Jonah's face, which is desperate and angry and at Jolene who can't notice. He sobers.
MR. MINT: (soft) It's nice to see you Duke. Could you point me in the King's direction?
DUKE of SWIRL: (surprised by the change in Mr. Mint) He's over there, mixing with the sweeties, as usual.
He extends his long muscular arm to point over the crowd.
MR. MINT: Thank you.
Mr. Mint takes Jolene by the hand and heads in the direction indicated. Jonah follows. The Duke of Swirl shrugs it off and joins a party of people laughing. Laughing without ever knowing what is so funny.
Mr. Mint pulls Jolene through the crowd. Candies call out to Mr. Mint and he ignores them, diving for the spot where booming laughter is followed by a plethora of giggles.
They break through the mass circled around the King and his consorts.
King Kandy is in the middle of laughing, eyes crinkled, deep, heavy, jolly, tankard wielding, but as soon as Mr. Mint and Jolene come through the outer edge of the hangers-on, he looks straight at them.
Mr. Mint bows low.
MR. MINT: King Kandy, I beseech you for an audience.
KING KANDY: (friendly, booming voice, intelligent calculating eyes cold as Frostine's) Mr. Mint, of course, what is the matter my old friend? You look terribly distressed for a ball.
A few candies laugh, but since King Kandy doesn't, since it is so apparent that King Kandy is completely sincere, the laughing dies away immediately.
MR. MINT: My liege, these two humans are not your people (he ushers Jolene forward and Jonah (late in breaking through the crowd) comes to her side), they are from a distant land. This girl, she is dying, she will die, unless we find a way to send her home and soon. She may not live the night.
The candies are looking around at each other thinking this must be some kind of joke. Some whisper into their neighbors ear and then hide their laughter behind hands. Mr. Mint casts disparaging glances but look to King Kandy, eyes desperate, waiting as he drains his tankard in one go.
When King Kandy is finished he stares into Jonah's eyes. Jonah glares at him, but the King's gaze is level, nonaggressive, analytical. He takes his time and then turns to Jolene. He watches her for a while and concern grows on his face.
KING KANDY: I think you may be right Mr. Mint, this young lady is drunk!
The group laughs. But it stops all the sooner for the brevity of the King and Mr. Mint's insistent stare.
MR. MINT: King Kandy, I implore you to help them.
KING KANDY: There is nothing I can do at the moment. (to the general audience) I must have another tankard. This girl has outdone me. (he flicks Jolene in the forehead)
The flick jolts something into her. It pisses Jonah off.
Jolene shakes her head, comes to, see's Jonah rush forward and grab the King's Arm as he accepts another ale handed to him by a sugar-licker, it sloshes onto his sleeve. The crowd collectively groans in outrage at the insolence of this stranger.
King Kandy calmly observes Jonah's anguished face.
JONAH: You must help us. We have to go home. We don't belong here. We don't belong!
RANDOM: No, you don't!
KING KANDY: (low growl) Let go of me boy. You've grabbed my personage and soaked my sleeve, offenses punishable by death.
Jonah lets him go but continues looking up a him with increasingly forlorn features.
KING KANDY: (suddenly jovial) No worries lad. We all make mistakes.
The King's amiability out of the sudden tension brings a slew of released, false laughs.
KING KANDY: (leaning, to Jonah) I can't help you now. (he winks)
Jonah isn't sure if he saw the wink, and he backs off as the King re-engages with the subjects desperate for his attention.
Mr. Mint is slumped and dejected.
JONAH: What now?
MR. MINT: That was it. I need a drink.
Mr. Mint slinks off through the crowd searching for the nearest beverage, ignoring the people who call out to him.
JOLENE: What you did was very brave.
Jonah turns to her, surprised that she is once again cognizant.
JONAH: Jolene. I'm sorry. I could have done more. I don't know what, but I could have done better for you... (he takes a sharp breath)
The lights dim.
KING KANDY: Ah, yes! The dance! Everyone pick your partners!
JOLENE: (close, very close to Jonah) Don't worry about it. We'll figure something out.
JONAH: That buffoon (King Kandy) was our only plan.
JOLENE: Something will come up.
Jonah looks like is going to cry or lose his mind.
JOLENE: Will you dance with me?
JONAH: What?
JOLENE: Dance with me. If there is nothing else, let's dance.
For some reason this makes perfect sense to Jonah.
The music starts with a striking chord. Jonah nods and takes Jolene's hand.
SCENE 54: Love it or Leave it
The children, the hall, dances to the music.
(Author's note: This whole scene is optional. Of course it can be worked around. But this movie could use a dance scene. It is an opportunity to display all the madness, the contradiction, the confusion at the end of a journey that had such vague motives to begin with and the absolute beauty and flair of the people of Candy Land and the Candy Court.
I picture it as a synchronous movement between all of the crowd but the humans, who move in their own pattern, tired, sloppy, young and in the throes of song and unsure where the next moment will take them, but carried.
This song Love  it or Leave it by Asaf Avidan is my pick, it was inspirational to me in writing this story and I imagined this scene many times while listening. At my most optimistic I would like for it to be performed for the movie.
But again, this segment is unnecessary and could be changed to a different, appropriate song.)
SCENE 55: The villain returns.
The music ends and the lights come on. The crowd applauds the bowing band.
Jonah and Jolene are breathless, held together by the tips of their fingers.
JOLENE: I didn't know you could dance like that.
JONAH: Neither did I. You weren't so bad either.
JOLENE: Thank you.
JONAH: ... don't thank me yet, I'm getting us out of here.
He pulls her through the thronging Candies. The hall is now packed. They miss the announcement and commotion caused by the scene on the staircase above them as Jonah shoves forward.
ANNOUNCER: Queen Frostine, the Lord Licorice and... company.
The crowd gets silent and turns back into the rushing sound of whispers as Queen Frostine descends.
The cause for the hubbub is well deserved. While Queen Frostine is pristine in a glittering gown, the Lord Licorice is bound and being dragged by two burly ice cream sandwich guards who draw him down the stairs like a sledge, jostled all the way, leaving a trail.
As Jonah searches for King Kandy, King Kandy approaches the staircase and Queen Frostine. Jonah finds direction when he hears King Kandy's voice boom out and echo through the hall.
KING KANDY: What is the meaning of this, Frostine?
QUEEN FROSTINE: The Lord Licorice sought to attack the kingdom and take control by force. I saw fit to stop him. I bring him before you for judgment, my King.
The Queen gives a very short bow to King Kandy.
Lord Licorice is leveraging himself to his feet. He is gagged as well as bound. He is also covered in a chocolate sludge, with some chocolate leeches. Queen Frostine made good on her promise to Mr. Mint after all.
King Kandy's face turns red. He forestalls an answer with a deep drought from his tankard. The hall watches. When King Kandy finishes his drink, ale dripping from his beard, he takes a deep breath.
KING KANDY: Frostine, I did not make you Queen to condemn my citizens, much less members of the aristocracy. It is apparent that you have treated my Lord Licorice with contempt. Did I not teach you better?
QUEEN FROSTINE: He encroached on my lands intending to destroy-
KING KANDY: Did I not?!
Queen Frostine bows her head as Jonah and Jolene reach the scene. Jolene is back to an unresponsive state.
KING KANDY: My daughter has made a grievous error. Release the Lord Licorice immediately.
JONAH: (quiet) What?
QUEEN FROSTINE: You made me Queen to rule, didn't you Father?
He ignores the question, looking to his drink and finding none and throws the tankard aside.
Queen Frostine stands in front the knife wielding servants sent to free the Lord Licorice.
Mr. Mint's head appears over the shoulder of another observer. His eyes are unfocused.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Mr. Mint brought his concerns to you months ago. He spoke of the expansion of Lord Licorice and the eastern forces from police to army, he told you about the militarization of their industry-
KING KANDY: Am I to understand that you don't accept my judgment?
QUEEN FROSTINE: I don't! You've never been close enough to your own people to know what concerns or threatens them!
RANDOM: Scandalous!
RANDOM 2: An outrage!
KING KANDY: Step aside!
King Kandy reaches out, pushes his daughter out of the way and removes the gag himself.
KING KANDY: My apologies Lord Licorice. You know of my daughter's drive to maintain order and dignity. Sometimes she takes it too personal, loses sight, but no harm done, eh?
Lord Licorice sneers at her. Queen Frostine's eyes are polished ice. She breathes the fast quick breaths of righteous passion.
LORD LICORICE: Nothing permanent. Could you have my bonds removed? They are quite painful, as are the leeches.
King Kandy nods to the servants. Jonah steps forward. Queen Frostine resumes her position between the servants and Lord Licorice. Mr. Mint starts pushes people out of his way, causing protest and pain in cases where he steps on feet.
JONAH: No! Don't let him go! He tried to kill us!
LORD LICORICE: The humans. So, you're here. Trying to spread more discord are you?
JONAH: What? No! (to King Kandy) He's lying! We never did anything.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Without the warning from these children Lord Licorice would be destroying the Candy Court as we speak. We captured him attempting to murder them. There are hundreds, thousands of witnesses to his atrocities.
KING KANDY: No more of this farce!
JONAH: You won't help us and now you won't believe your own daughter?!
KING KANDY: I will not have my choices questioned by a foreign mongrel!
MR. MINT: (drunk, stumbling into the kids) My majesty, I mean, your majesty, you've got to listen. You let him go, he's gonna kill. That one's a killer. (Gesturing) Me, these things (the kids), Queen Frostine, we've seen it. He won't stop.
KING KANDY: Mr. Mint, I have tolerated these aspersions time and again. Was the last time not enough for you? Lord Licorice has noble blood. I will not pass judgment on this royal citizen.
QUEEN FROSTINE: No, you want to enjoy your parties and forget that outside of the Court there are real issues.
Lolly has been standing in the crowd. Watching horrified, but occasionally exchanging whispered comments with her Mini-Pops and giggling. The attack on her party is the only thing she takes personally and she steps forward, her little entourage falls in behind her. They strike the same cross armed pose. They are identically dressed but in different colors.
QUEEN FROSTINE: Lolly! Help me, surely you can see this injustice!
LOLLY: Um its LOL-ly now. And stop ruining my party!
QUEEN FROSTINE: Ha! First you abandon the candies of the Lolly Pop Woods and now you abandon your senses.
LOLLY: (muttering) Nothing ever happens out there.
QUEEN FROSTINE: (to King) This is why you made me Queen! I chose to be for the people and let you continue with your charades!
KING KANDY: Is that all? The title?
King Kandy reaches out and roughly yanks the crowd from Queen Frostine's head, messing up her hair. He tosses the crown haphazardly into the crowd.
KING KANDY: A Queen no more. I should have known better.
MR. MINT: Aw, why do you have to be such a putz? She's not lying.
King Kandy glares at him.
LOLLY: Daddy, my ball...
KING KANDY: Don't worry my dear. This matter is closed. If any of you interferes with Lord Licorice again, I'll have you arrested and banished.
Now, where is my tankard?
A servant runs up delivering the refilled tankard into the King's waiting hand like a boomerang.
MR. MINT: You're making a mistake. Frostine, tell him-
But Princess Frostine (as she shall now be called) is in shock. Her hair hangs in her face and her fists are balled at her side.
JONAH: King Kandy, this isn't fair.
KING KANDY: (kinder by far) I did not mean to be fair. Look to your drunk friend. (he nods at Jolene)
Jolene is wobbling on her feet and spaced out.
JONAH: She isn't drunk! She's dying!
Jolene's wobble turns into a collapse. Jonah catches her. Mr. Mint falls on his butt next to them.
King Kandy, Lolly and the Little Pops and everyone watching laughs at the double collapse. The contrast with Jonah's melodramatic statement makes it seem all the funnier to them. And Mr. Mint is definitely drunk.
KING KANDY: (stern) Lord Licorice, there are matters I wish to discuss with you. You may have time to clean, dress and rest.
LORD LICORICE: (as his bonds are being sawed through) (slavish) Of course, King Kandy. Thank you.
King Kandy turns and makes his way through the crowd, Lolly and her gang follow laughing about what just happened, as many of the Candy Court are.
The rope falls away and Lord Licorice stretches, rubs his wrists and begins plucking the leeches off himself. He deposits them onto a servers tray.
Jonah watches him as does Princess Frostine. Mr. Mint looks down into his lap. The glare from Frostine should be enough to kill someone, but Lord Licorice just smirks back.
Princess Frostine turns and heads after her father, leaving Jonah and Lord Licorice staring at each other with contempt.
LORD LICORICE: Now what boy? You can't touch me.
JONAH: I'm not from here, bud. Banishment doesn't mean a lick to me.
The Lord Licorice just gives him a dead stare and sick grin. A crowd surges around him, sympathizing with his treatment and echoing each other on the insanity of Princess Frostine.
"She's a cold one."
"It's like she has a stick up her butt-"
And so on. The group threatens to step on Jolene and Mr. Mint.
JONAH: Hey, watch it!
Jolene moans.
JONAH: Jolene! Are you ok?
JOLENE: I'm tired, Jonah. Truly tired.
JONAH: Hang-on, I've got something for that.
Jonah feels around his clothes.
JONAH: Oh wait. It's with my other clothes. Can you stand?
JONAH: I'll take that as a yes.
He pulls her to her feet, helps her around the crowd. They head up the stairs.
As they leave, Mr. Mint is staggering to his feet and wandering in search of more drink.
Lord Licorice watches from the midst of his admirers and concerned Candies.
LORD LICORICE: Excuse me. I will regale you all with the tragic tale of my injustice at the hands of the Que- ahhh- Princess, but I must take care of something first.
DUKE DONUT: By all means clean yourself off.
COUNT CHURRO: Yes. I kept my silence, but the slime covering you is putrid.
There is a chorus of assent and laughter. Lord Licorice gives back his own fake laugh. And bows to the people around him. They take their leave.
Lord Licorice goes up the stairs.
SCENE 56: Proof
King Kandy and followers are heading to the opposite side of the ballroom. They want to get as far away from the unpleasant moment as they can.
Disheveled Princess Frostine runs up, pulls her father around, grabs his free hand and shoves something into it.
King Kandy looks mad at first but he looks into his hand, then clutches the object and holds his fist close to his body.
KING KANDY: Where did you get this?
PRINCESS FROSTINE: We found it in the wreckage of the weapon Lord Licorice intended to use to destroy the Candy Kingdom and its people.
King Kandy's eyebrows narrow.
KING KANDY: What happened to Plumpy?
PRINCESS FROSTINE: That, father, is a question for the Lord Licorice.
KING KANDY: And I will ask him.
He looks out over the ball.
KING KANDY: Where is the Lord Licorice?
Princess Frostine smiles in triumph.
SCENE 57: Renew
Jonah supports Jolene and leans to open the door of his guest room. He gets the door open and tries to get to the bed, but Jolene isn't helping enough and her dead weight is unwieldy. He settles for laying her in the middle of the floor.
He runs around the room for a minute looking into various drawers until he find his old clothes. He pats them until he finds the potion. He pulls it out, holds it up, the blue catches the light.
He hurries to Jolene kneels by her and pulls her torso up onto his knees.
JONAH: This better work.
He tilts her head back and dumps the whole potion down her throat. She sputters and coughs.
Jolene's eyes fly open. She sees Jonah. Then she sees the Lord Licorice entering the room.
She screams.
The children jump up and retreat further into the room, looking for an exit, and then (finding no door) for a weapon. Jonah grabs a lamp. Jolene gets a heavy book in each hand. They put a table between themselves and Lord Licorice
Lord Licorice advances menacingly. He uncoils a section of the rope he was tied in from around his arm. It's not as long as his old whip, half the length if that, but after a couple test swings he snaps a sonic boom that makes the children flinch.
He moves closer to the kids and they chuck what they are holding. He dodges to one side and they try to run by, but he flips the table in front of them, opening up the room, forcing them back.
Jolene throws another book. This time Lord Licorice punches it away and laughs.
LORD LICORICE: I wasn't sure when I would get my opportunity. I couldn't believe you were stupid enough to leave the ball alone.
He starts a figure eight pattern with the rope and advances. The children press themselves against the furniture as he gets  close enough to feel the whoosh of the whip.
An ax flies past Lord Licorice on the left and lodges into the wall between Jolene and Jonah.
Lord Licorice whirls around and stares at Mr. Mint wobbling in the doorway with incredulity.
Mr. Mint leans over, clinging to the doorframe to look at the kids.
MR. MINT: I thought I hit him. I guess I aimed at the wrong one.
They look at him panicked.
MR. MINT: Well... run!
Jonah goes left, Jolene goes right. Lord Licorice has gotten close enough that by the time he turns they are already past him and too far away to grab.
Lord Licorice reaches out after Jonah and Mr. Mint tackles him under the arm.
The kids turn in the doorway.
MR. MINT: Go. Tell the Court I have him.
The kids go.
LORD LICORICE: (looking Mr. Mint in the eye) No you don't.
He smashes Mr. Mint's face with his fist and knocks him sideway. He rolls on top and delivers four more hard blows. Mr. Mint is dazed. Lord Licorice leaps up, gives Mr. Mint a kick in the ribs for god measure and pursues the children.
SCENE 58: Eat or be Eaten
The children are not faster than the Lord Licorice. But they make it to the ballroom ahead of him.
As they go by the top of the stairs the stairs the announcer continues with his job.
ANNOUNCER: The humans, Jolene and Jonah!
They are halfway down the steps when they hear-
ANNOUNCER: The Lord Licoriiiiiiii-
Lord Licorice has pushed the announcer. He does not fall far.
Lord Licorice jumps, clears the whole staircase, landing on the ballroom floor on all fours in a crouch.
Those nearby scream and retreat, shocked by the sudden activity and violence that has no place in their lives.
DUKE of SWIRL: (pointing to Lord Licorice over the heads of those around him) King Kandy, there he is!
King Kandy makes his way to the edge of the semi circle that has formed at the base of the stairs around a wild Lord Licorice. Princess Frostine and Lolly are at his side.
The Kids look down for help, but no one moves in.
Princess Frostine attempts to move forward, but is blocked by King Kandy. His blue eyes glitter. He nods and looks to the children.
Jonah and Jolene are panting, leaning back on the stairs away from the Lord Licorice.
Seeing that no one is going to interfere, and too bonkers to care, Lord Licorice advances on the children.
Jonah looks to Jolene, with apologetic eyes.
JOLENE: He's just licorice.
JONAH: What?
JOLENE: He's licorice. (she c***s her head toward Lord Licorice in a let's go signal)
Without any other sign the children leap from their position on the stairs at Lord Licorice. He is four steps up. They catch him by surprise and slam him into the ground, knocking out his breath.
Then they begin biting. They bite and spit and bite again, going for his neck, biting his arms when he tries to strike them. They take bites out of his face. He wails.
The Candy Court watches in horror. Some are screaming, some are fainting. Some are vomiting. Only King Kandy watches with a sober face. Queen Frostine looks disgusted but satisfied. Lolly and her crowd are among the screaming and crying.
Mr. Mint arrives at the top of the staircase, looks like he's about to shout, sees what the kids are doing at the bottom of the stairs and vomits over the rail.
Lord Licorice makes terrible noises as his blood (a gusher like substance) spurts from his neck. A pool forms around the children. They are in a mania they bite and they tear at the Lord Licorice until his limbs stop moving. Jolene only stops when an out of breath Jonah notices the terrified crowd and that Lord Licorice is dead and shakes her.
JONAH: Jolene! Jolene!
She looks at him and spits out a mouthful of licorice flesh.
JONAH: He's dead. It's over.
JOLENE: He's just licorice.
JONAH: I don't think they see it that way.
Indeed, now that the action is over, many members in the crowd look angry. Many still are too disgusted to actually look.
KING KANDY: Guards! Take them to the Court of Justice!
Guards emerge from all sides, grabbing the children by the arms and pulling them away. Their shoes squeak and leave blood streaks on the marble floor.
KING KANDY: Someone clean that up!
The whole crowd leaves out a side door, all that remains in the ballroom are a couple servants and the Lord Licorice in a pool of his blood and bite sized chunks of his flesh.
SCENE 59: Banished
The children are thrown onto a dais with an emblem for justice. It sits far below three huge judge stands, the largest of which is in the middle slightly advanced. Jonah gets to his feet, but Jolene remains in a recumbent position breathing heavily.
Their new clothes are soaked in Lord Licorice's blood.
King Kandy takes the middle position, Princess Frostine his right and Lolly the left.
The Candy Court files in behind the dais to watch.
KING KANDY: This is not a trial. This is a sentencing.
    You did, in front of these witnesses (he gestures to the crowd), knowingly commit murder. Lord Licorice was a valued member of our community, a noble, and-
JONAH: A criminal.
KING KANDY: Be that as it may! He was a citizen, entitled to a trial. And I warned you what would happen if you accosted him in any way, did I not?
King Kandy looks to Lolly, who is holding a handkerchief to her mouth. She nods to him. He looks to Princess Frostine, after a moment and exchanging a glance she nods as well.
KING KANDY: There you have it. For the crime of disobeying a direct command from the King and for the murder of Lord Licorice in cold blood, I sentence the humans, Jolene and Jonah to exile, henceforth banished from the Candy Kingdom.
MR. MINT: Wait!
KING KANDY: Do you object, Mr. Mint?
MR. MINT: No, I know that won't get me anywhere. Let me say goodbye.
KING KANDY: Fine. You have a minute.
Mr. Mint walks up to the dais but doesn't stand on it or approach further.
MR. MINT: I'd hug you, little buddy, but...
JONAH: I'm covered in blood
MR. MINT: (nodding, tender) Yeah.
JONAH: Thanks for the help. It's not your fault things didn't work.
MR. MINT: (shrugs) I don't know about that. He bends down to be face to face with Jolene. Bye.
Her eyes roll in her head and her breathing is shallow, she slumps further down
MR. MINT: Aww, you're cute. Take care of her Jonah.
JONAH: (bleak) How? I don't know what to do anymore. Where are they sending us?
MR. MINT: Don't worry about it. Wave to Frostine.
Jonah and Mr. Mint wave to Frostine. She waves back with a small smile on her face. King Kandy sees and takes it as a signal.
KING KANDY: You are hereby, BANISHED!
He slams the gavel down as Jonah is asking-
JONAH: To where?
The dais falls away underneath them. Jonah screams and he and Jolene are gone like that.
The Candy Court applauds. King Kandy smiles.
KING KANDY: Better take care of this while I'm at it.
He removes the gem from the folds of his clothes and tosses it into the floor right before the dais slides back into place.
LOLLY: What was that daddy? It looked pretty.
KING KANDY: Nothing's as pretty as you my dear. Let's go back to the ballroom. The servants will have cleaned up the mess by now. We still have plenty of time left tonight to enjoy your party.
She gets up and practically skips away.
The Candy Court files slowly back out of the doors.
King Kandy stands up to leave and notices Princess Frostine looking at him. When he turns to her she raises her eyebrows.
He removes her crown from another hidden pocket and hands it back to her.
She shakes her head as she takes it, giving him a bemused look.
KING KANDY: (shifty) What?
QUEEN FROSTINE: Sometimes I just don't know about you.
He laughs a booming laugh over the emptying courtroom.
KING KANDY: (offering his hand) Come on let's go to your sisters ball.
He rolls his eyes up and bobs his head back and forth in mockery of Lolly.
QUEEN FROSTINE: (as she takes his head and stands) I really don't get you.
They leave the courtroom together.
SCENE 60: Hospital (5)
Jonah hears beeping and the sound of machines. He hears a woman crying. He hears his mom consoling her. There is something blocking his throat. He opens his eyes, sits up and starts pulling all the equipment off him, gagging a little as the tube slides out.
The woman at the next bed is sobbing. His mom stands next to her, rubbing her back and speaking softly. They are facing away from him.
MRS. SACCH: You have to have faith-
Jonah sees who is in the bed next to them.
JONAH: (hoarse) Jolene?
He gets out of bed and stumbles on his out of practice, weakened legs. He falls to the side of Jolene's bed and pulls himself up.
MRS. SACCH: Jonah! Oh my god! I-
In this moment Mrs. Sacch is torn between flinging herself on Jonah and Marla who she was comforting on the most certain loss of her daughter.
Jonah isn't paying any attention to them. He starts pulling the equipment off Jolene.
MARLA: What are you doing to my daughter? Get away from her!
She pushes Jonah back.
Jonah remains sitting on the bed but stops lunging at the tubes and smiles.
Marla follows the line of his smile and looks at Jolene.
Jolene looks back at her.
JOLENE: (raspy) Hi, mom.
Marla pulls Jolene into her embrace and squeezes her.
Marla pulls back and but keeps her hands on her daughter.
MARLA: Am I hurting you?
JOLENE: Kind of, but I want to see Jonah. Could you prop me up?
MARLA: You know this boy?
JOLENE: I think so.
Jonah's mom is watching this entire thing, stunned, brain racing, overwhelmed.
Marla props Jolene up with pillows and moves back to let Jonah move closer.
JONAH: (sheepish) Hey.
Jolene flings her arms around his neck. He hugs her back. They hold each other for a moment in silence while their mothers exchange confused looks behind them.
She let's go of him and looks him in the eye, crying.
JONAH: What? What's wrong?
She tries to speak. Her throat sticks. She shakes her head, throwing tears and hugs him again.
Jonah smiles and hugs her back, he's crying to. After another minute he tries to draw away, but she won't let go.
JONAH: Jolene I think I'm getting pins and needles all over, let go.
She squeezes him harder.
JONAH: Ow, no, aaaaaahhhh! Seriously, they're all over!
Jonah wiggles around from the sensitive, pins and needles, situation he is experiencing. Jolene only hugs him tighter. Jonah doesn't let go either.
Their mom's get in on the embrace as well. Both crying.
SCENE 61: What Just Happened
Jonah and Jolene are sitting in wheelchairs side by side, outside in the hospital courtyard.
Jolene is administering a blood-sugar test to Jonah.
She watches the machine. It beeps the result.
JOLENE: Yup, definitely high.
JONAH: Can you do the shot too?
JOLENE: I'm not going to be around to do this for you everyday. You're going to have to get used to it.
JONAH: You've been doing this for years!
JOLENE: It's just a little prick.
JONAH: That's what she said.
JOLENE: (dry) Ha ha.
She draws prepares the insulin needle.
JOLENE: Give me your arm.
Jonah holds it out, she goes to stab him with the needle and he flinches. She waits a second, then sticks it in and depresses the plunger. When she removes the needle, Jonah winces, makes a face and rubs the spot, smearing away the emerging blood droplet.
JOLENE: Still a coward.
JONAH: (reproachful) Come on. We bit a guy to death.
They sit quietly for a second watching other patients in the courtyard.
JOLENE: Was it real?
JONAH: Or did we dream the same dream?
JOLENE: Fair enough.
They both smile and go back to silently taking in sunlight.
SCENE 62: All's well.
Plumpy is working on rebuilding his deck. His face is still beaten, cuts stand out on swollen areas. He pounds a dovetail joint together with the seed of a giant plum.
Something clanks into his pot resting on the surface of the deck behind him.
He stops. Sets down the plum seed. Looks into the pot and his face is lit by the eerie glow of the stone. His wounds repair themselves.
He smiles and goes back work.

© 2015 Markoo

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Added on August 29, 2014
Last Updated on April 30, 2015



Boulder, CO

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