What if

What if

A Poem by Maple Tree

None yet

Every day you keep popping into my head
I know it's hurting but I keep thinking instead
Maybe tomorrow you'll get in touch
Come back to me, I need you so much.

My heart is hurting still, maybe one day you'll call
Telling me that nothing else matters at all
Just us, me and you
No more pain, no more suffering, no more feeling blue

What if this is our time, what if you were mistaken
Even now, I'm still shaking
My head as to how and why I could've fallen in love with you so hard and fast
When I knew all along it wouldn't last.

But my heart told me different, only time will tell, which one of them was right
trying to make sense of it with all my might
What if the decision you made was wrong and we were meant to be all along?
Woulda, shoulda, coulda is all I have to hold onto
Memories will never fade and I know who my heart belongs to.

The weather has turned..cold, rain and wind have set in
and the once overwhelming feeling of love for you is not reflecting
As strongly or clearly as I seem to remember in my head
Maybe I should have listened to it rather than my heart, which is too easily lead.

What if tomorrow you'd call
What I'd do, I don't know at all
Could I trust you again after everything that was said and done
Would I ignore it and decide that what we had is gone?

Is it time to move on, is it time to let go
But what if I did, I just don't know.
What if by the time you get back to me, it is too late. .

Maybe this is our fate after all...
What if this isn't our time
What if you weren't mistaken...

Only time will tell I suppose
Until then I shall hold you close
To my heart even though my head says No!

Head versus heart, they always fight
It's an ongoing battle, which one is right?

© 2014 Maple Tree

Author's Note

Maple Tree
My very first poem please be gentle, ignore the grammar and spelling, not my first language

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I love the style and flow of this! Great job!

Posted 9 Years Ago

I really like this, it's expressive and honest. It's not too vague and it gets straight to the point while having some sort of flow and rhythm to it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Maple Tree

9 Years Ago

Thanks for your comments..much appreciated😊
Such an outpouring!... and a very good write for a first timer. I hope we have many more poetic words from your poetic pen!


Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Maple Tree

9 Years Ago

Aww, thanks for your kind words
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this shows clearly the complexities of the heart, of timing and choices and the struggle it can produce inside us. well done.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Maple Tree

9 Years Ago

Thanks for taking the time to read it 👍
Maple Tree

9 Years Ago

And your kind words of course

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4 Reviews
Added on November 6, 2014
Last Updated on November 6, 2014
Tags: Love, relationship, breakup