Love Me for What I am

Love Me for What I am

A Poem by Mighty Me

Sharp bite of a whip are the intentions of your words
Finding satisfaction at the sting that nips deep into the very depths of me
Regret is my name on your lips as the screams of it echo in my ears
I, resenting the voice that speaks to it so hollow
You prefer me in the shadows of your fails
Baring down, picking away, as if to find justification
Yet there is none, nothing but the wounds that you leave open 
Like a pet tethered to a tree, 
You stain my neck with the ropes intended to confine me

Stringing up my hopes, making them a target for the losses you've sustained

Am I to pay such a price? Am I just to understand?

I, a child, you, a man

Injuries bitterness rages within, rages the hearts angry blaze

Uncertain to the capabilities of knowing your love

Dreams in my innocence, dreams to a possibility for you to

Love me for what I am


© 2013 Mighty Me

Author's Note

Mighty Me

My Review

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This is very deep and beautiful. I had to read it twice. The ache I feel from it is almost addicting. You have a way with words, capturing but alluding to the deep down feelings of despair. I love it. I can't wait to read more.

Small critique:
"Dreams in my innocents"

Did you mean innocence?


Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 4, 2013
Last Updated on May 7, 2013


Mighty Me
Mighty Me

I dream with my eyes open, in hopes to be more than what I originated from. I have been writing for as long as I can remember. The feeling being that I only had a voice with my pen to paper. I am stra.. more..