Skeet and James: Jesse McSheen

Skeet and James: Jesse McSheen

A Story by Bean

He said that I should get a job, so I will. I walked up to Culvors, took a deep breath and walked through the door. The bell dinged as I entered. The place was decked out in the usual blue and white, with pictures of a talking ice cream cone hanging all over. Wow, I can’t believe that it has come to this; to please this guy I’m dating, I got a job at a fast food place just so that I could bring him ice cream. Oh God! I missed my old boyfriend, Benny Skeet, who was all that I wanted. I can’t even remember how I left him, bad idea I new see. If only I could take it all back.

At Culvors I walked up to the front counter. James Jason was working, I knew him from school and we were pretty good friends. We had been in the same English class, I had sat next to him and he had always made faces when the teacher turned her back. I guess this won’t be too bad.  James looks up as I approach.

“Jesse? What are you doing here? What happened to your face?”

I fold my hands and lean against the counter. “James. I need a job.” Ignoring the other quesiton

“Do you?” He looked at me as if he was considering my looks. I didn’t look like much at the time. I didn’t really dress to help. Baggy sweatshirt, and baggy sweatpants were what I tended to wear when I had the choice. Not what Mr. Rich had bought me. I haven’t used his real name in some time, he didn’t deserve it.

“I do.” I forced a obnoxiously fake smile complete with the wide eyes.

“Well, just for that smile, come on over.” He laughed. “No one ever really comes here, especially since it be fall and no one wants the ice cream. There’s just me and you working now. I’m probly gonna shut down early.”

“Alright.” I could go find something else to do instead of going back to his house.

“So, I know you’ve done drive thru befor so you can do that. Here’s a headset, yea this button talks to people and this one talks to me!” He smiled and winked, I’m always listening no matter what you say. Unless I’m not. Ha Ha.”

I had to smile, I had forgotten how good natured James could be. I figured that I was going to do just fine with James there.

“What happened to your face?” He asked again.

I forced a smile. “You don’t wanna know. I’ll tell you in good time.”

I stood at that drive thru and no one came through for close to an hour. James had to go into the office and try to get the place’s ancient computer running. He came out several times looking annoyed.

“James, are you having problems?” I laughed at him during one of his annoyed walks around the kitchen area.

“Only if you want to get paid.” He replied with a hint of a smile. “But from what I hear, you don’t need the money. Who is this old man who has replaced my dear friend, Skeet, in your bed?”

“First off, it’s not my bed. I had to move in with him, cause of the newest member of my family.”

“That’s right! How is the new one doing?”

“A hell of a lot better than me. hahaha”

“Amen to that, preacher!” We both started laughing. “Well, from the sound you really don’t like this guy, so why are you with him?” James look at me curiously.

“Why do you care?” I asked.

“Think of me as the big brother who cares.” He said with a smile. I need one of those, no one tends to really listen to me.

“I guess cause of what he can do for my family.” James raised an eyebrow. “You know how both my parents lost their jobs and how my brothers left to just get away?” He nodded. “Well, that leaves me as the oldest and the only one who can really work. So I dropped college and had to find a way to support the family, the first thing my dad told me to do was to find some rich guy, who I could manipulate into giving me money. I never really liked the idea, but there isn’t much I can do against my dad, I mean you know, you’ve met him!” I looked at James pleading.

“Yeah, I’ve met him.” He nodded, so at least I knew he understood.

“Dad found Mr. Rich and set me up without me even knowing. I was planning on meeting Skeet and when I got there Mr. Rich-Fantastic-Guy came over and was like ‘are you Jesse? You need to take this money from me and I can fix your family’ or something and he grabbed my hand and kissed me before I could do anything. Skeet got there just then. I can’t even begin to think what he was thinking; he just took one look and just glared at me and walked out. I haven’t seen him sense.” I was nearly crying now. I hadn’t realized how much I missed Skeet until now.  The idea of never having him in my life again was horrifying.

James and I stood there in silence for a few minutes as I controlled myself again. I had to be in control of my emotions.

“I had no idea it was that bad, Jess. I’m sorry. I mean Skeet came in here that day and was really upset about the whole thing. And he doesn’t get upset that easily. Now I understand why. He thinks you were cheating on him!”

“Yeah, and I would never! I was in love with him, well, no I still am. I mean know that I am not in love with Mr. Rich-Fantastic-Jerkwad!”

James started to laugh. “I just love your names for this guy that you are apparently soon to be engaged to.”

“Don’t even start with that! I am leaving and never going back to there! I hate that place and all his stupid rich stuff.”

“Well, it has to be kind of nice, to be around a rich guy all the time.” James said after a moment of thoughtful thinking.

I stared at him, he just didn’t get it.


“You don’t get it. I have to lay in the same bed with a guy who is old enough to be my father’s older brother, not quite grandpa yet. I have to pretend to like this guy cause no one else does and cause it keeps my family above water. He pays the freakin bills. I would be selfish to not stay with him and help my family. I hate it. I flippin miss camping with you and Skeet and people. I don’t get to do that anymore! I miss enjoying life and I miss the people I used to see. But my family is in trouble and you and Skeet of all people now that I have taken care of my family for so long, I can’t just stop now!”

James looked at me, he didn’t stare, he just looked. I just watched him back.

“You know Jesse, sometimes you need to be selfish. You grew up a lot since high school, and you should never grow up too fast. So, chill girl, just hang loose and be yourself. You don’t like the guy, leave him. I know it’s not that simple, but you can do it. I’m on your side.” With that he gave me a hug and walked back into the office. “Oh, and I think there may be someone at the drive thru.”

“Right.” I’d have to think over what he said later. I walked over to the window just to see Mr. Rich standing there. Not in a car, just standing there outside my window.

“Who is it?” My headset crackled.

“Mr. Fantastic, on foot. Should I tell him to just come in?”

“Just see what he wants, Jess. And I wanna hear!” I could hear the big brother in his voice. He was taking this seriously.

“You are like a teenaged girl.” I mumbled laughing quietly at him.

“Thank you, little sister.” I had to smile at that.

I walked up to the window and opened in.

“You know that the drive thru is for cars, right?” I asked the man who I really didn’t want to talk to.

“I wanna hear!” James hissed at me. I pressed the button to talk to him on my headset and held it down.

“I did know that, sweetheart.” He smiled at me. I hated it when he called me that. Skeet had started it and only he could call me that. “Why are you here, sweetheart? I thought I had enough money for you?”

“You do, but I like to make my own money and besides this way I get to be out and socializing.” I tried to reason.

“I think you should quit this stupid place and come back home now.” He sounded disgusting.

“I’m sorry.” James whispered to me. “Don’t leave!”

“I think that staying here would be better for me now. One thing that you should know about me is that I like to do things my self. But thanks, sweety.” I smiled mockingly at him.

“Well, I will see you when you come home tonight and then we can go over things. Like how you are going to pay for the money your family wants so bad.” He sneered at me, I felt me hands clench into fists. The idea of having sex with this guy was revolting.

“Is he talking sex, Jess? What the F**K!! I’m getting him to leave now!” James nearly shouted at me.

“Alright.” I hesitantly murmured. Maybe I didn’t have to go home tonight.

James walked up next to me.

“Hello, sir. How are you today? Can we get you anything?”

‘Um, no thank you, young man.” Mr. Rich didn’t know what to say.

“Well, then have a good day, sir.” And James smiled at him, but as soon as he turned his back his blue eyes turned the smile into a glare that would have scared anyone. It was a bad idea to make James mad, and a difficult thing to do as well.

James threw the window shut and let out a long breath. Then looked at me with incredulous eyes.

“Jesse McSheen, get out of that relationship now! That guys is a pedifile and a pervert! As your new older brother I refuse to let you go back there as long as I can help it! Do you understand?” He was breathing hard.

I ran and hugged him hard, tears pouring down my face. He held me close and we just stood there until the bell at the door ringed, signaling a customer.

“Jess, go back to the office and see what you can do with the computer.” James whispered to me. Patting my head lightly. “I’ll get the customer.”

“Thank you.” I whispered and without looking at the front counter I dashed back to the office. When I got there I looked at the camera showing the James and the customer and froze.

“James? Is that Skeet?” I asked through my headset.

In answer James turned on his headset so I could hear their conversation.

“Hey, Skeet. What’s up, man?” My heart rate went up to a million miles an hour.

“Not much. I see you got some one helping? Did ya finally find yourself a girl?” I could hear Skeet laugh, I missed that laugh.

“What? Oh no! I’m just saving her from a fate worse than death! Not to be dramatic, but I think you would like her.” What was he doing?!



“Too bad. I’m not interested in dating, man. You know that. And you know the reason.”

“Sadly I do. Can I ask you something?”

“Are you gonna take my order?” Skeet smiled joking.

“Do you want anything?”

“No, just came for the conversation.”

“Haha. That’s what I figured.”

“Then sure, ask away.”

James paused and hesitated.


“This is personal, man. I’m sorry, but I have to know. Do you miss her?”

Skeet was quiet.

“Dude, I didn’t mean anything by it. Just wondering. I mean she came in here and I met the a*****e and he’s a pedifile and a pervert. She said-“

“Wait. You talked to her?”


“How is she?”

“Honestly, man? She’s not doin well at all. Like I said this guy is supposed to be helping her family and all that, and her father set her up.”

“Not surprising, he never did like me.” Skeet murmured.

“Me either, bro. But I kinda adopted her to keep her outta that house. That guy is like old! And all he wants is to have sex with her! And she is a complete mess and can’t stand him. Not hard to understand. The guy is disgusting, the way he talks is creepy-a*s!”

“Wait, where is she now then?”

“Do you really wanna know?”

“Yeah, I wanna see her again. I just haven’t been able to.”

“She’s pretty miserable right now, I gotta tell ya.”

“OK.” He didn’t care.

“I’ll get her.” James walked away, but I heard Skeet shout,

“Wait, she’s HERE?!”

James walked into the office and looked at me. I had sunken to sitting on the floor. There were tears streaming down my face. He reached out his hand and I took it. He pulled me up gently and put an arm around my wait to hold me up as he took me out of the office. You could see the front counter from the office door. I didn’t look up, I watched the ground as James guided me to a chair out in the seating area and sat me down on one of the booth seats.

No one said anything. James let go of my hand as I sat down and my hand fell like a rag doll. I felt empty and guilty. I wanted to curl up in a little ball and become invisible. There were still tears coming out of my eyes, just not as fast as before.

“Hey Jess.” I was surprised at how not mad he sounded.

“Hey Skeet.” I controlled my crying and looked up at the boys. Both looked concerned, I felt my face turn red. James cocked his goofy grin and Skeet half smiled.

“You still turn red when I’m around.” He said quietly. He then put one hand around my waist and one hand under my knees and moved me over on the booth seat and sat down next to me.

“I’m gonna work on that computer again. Be good.” James smiled and shot me a glance. I took off my headset and set it on the table. “Fine, I’ll just shout if I need anything or if Mr. Stupid A*s come around again.” He laughed at me.

“OK.” I smiled at my big brother who was actually only 2 or so years older than me.

James walked away shaking his head. Skeet took his arm out from under my knees, but left the other one around my waist. I didn’t mind, it felt good to have him hold me again. I leaned my head against his shoulder and the tears started coming again.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered into his shirt.

His other arm came and wrapped around me as he held me close as I cried.

“Don’t be sorry about crying.” He murmured into my hair. “Just don’t leave me again.”

I couldn’t disagree with that. I didn’t ever want to leave his arms again. He was all I needed and I was happy here, just sitting with him holding me.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered, this time not for the crying.

“I know and so am I.” He whispered back.

I sat up and looked at him. He looked good, like he always had. Concern was on his face as well as a certain amount of smugness.

“You look good.” I told him.

“Yeah, well, I’m sure you would too if your face wasn’t so red.” I smiled at me.

I didn’t smile back, I hung my head again.

“Jess? What’s wrong? What is it?”

“I probly look better with my face like this.”

He held me out away from his body and tried to get a look at my face. I tried to hide it from him, but when he put his hand under my chin I couldn’t resist anymore. I raised my head and looked at him then looked away. His hand slid over my cheek and I could help but tremble as thoughts of how Mr. Rich had done that and then given me the mark where Skeet’s hand now rested gently. I reacted and pulled away, but he slid one arm around me waist and pulled me closer to him again. I couldn’t, with the images of what Mr. Rich had one, I couldn’t be close to him I started to shake and struggled against Skeet’s hold on me. He let me go but I couldn’t stop shaking. He looked at me in horror.

“What did he do to you, Jesse?” I didn’t look at him.

I think that at this moment I had him pretty freaked out. I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want him to know what Mr. Rich and done to me. I wasn’t fit to be held by a decent person ever again.

“JAMES!!” Skeet shouted. James came running.

“What’s going on Skeet? What’s wrong with Jesse?”

“She won’t stop shaking and won’t talk to me. What’s going on? What did he do to her?!” Skeet wasn’t confused anymore, he sounded angry. I cringed, the emotions were too much but I couldn’t move. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them. I could still feel my body shaking and I couldn’t stop it.

“We are closing early.” Was James’s only reply. “Go get your car, Skeet. We are going to find out what is going on.”

My eyes widened, what was he thinking?! Skeet took off towards the parking lot.

“Jesse, sis, we’re going to take you to the doctor and see what they say. Jess, listen to me. This is for the best. Don’t worry I have some extra money and I’ll put you under a different name so he doesn’t find you.”

“Don’t waste your money on me.”

“I’m not.” He said quietly. “Now, cm’on. Let’s get you up.” With that he picked me up and started to walk out the door.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered and promptly passed out.

© 2010 Bean

Author's Note

sorry about the grammar and potential randomness, leave a comment! I like to hear what people think

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Added on April 17, 2010
Last Updated on April 17, 2010



Northfield, MN

i am 19 and am a possible history major. i love writing, and have been writing since i was little, and i like to take pictures. i love reading too, and music!! my friend and i are planning on having a.. more..
