The Last Hero

The Last Hero

A Story by kcmorris95

in a world that once had countless heroes, the last hero faces what could be his final battle


   My body jolts awake with a sudden slap across my face. As my vision starts to focus, my eyes meet the cold gaze of my captor. The second I start to move I realize the gravity of my situation. I yank my arms and realize my hands are tightly bound to the sides of this cold, metal chair. I try to get up and realize my legs are tied together just as tight.

   It’s only then that I fully start to study my captor. He stands tall, towering over me. His hulking form covered head to toe in black clothing. His face is scarred from one to many battles, and a smug grin slides across his face as he watches my torment. This is the man I came to stop. No one knows his real name, the only name he’s gone by is The Gorilla. He’s a notorious gangster and a former heavyweight boxer. It would be easier to list the countries he’s not wanted in. I was investigating his drug smuggling operation in this old factory outside of town, which is where I think I’m being held in. I remember now that someone knocked me over the head as I was about to move in. How could I be so careless? I really am getting too old for this.  I now truly realize the gravity of my situation as I cease struggling and defiantly glare right back into his cold, heartless eyes. He lets out a low chuckle and proceeds to speak.

   “Nice to see you awake” as he says this he crouches down to be at eye level with me. “I’m glad we get this chance to talk Mr….. Crimson Avenger? I mean that’s what everyone seems to call you, what with you dressing in the red mask and everything. You got a real name avenger?” He adds that last part sarcastically. The brute then pauses, waiting for me to answer as I reply,

                “You first Gorilla.”

   He lets out another low chuckle, “Fair enough. I mean it doesn’t matter to me. I’m still gonna kill ya either way.”

   He pauses after that line and gauges my facial expressions for a reaction. What is he hoping for? I decide to just keep glaring at him expressionless and emotionless, if this is my last ride I don’t want him to have the satisfaction of seeing me defeated.

  He proceeds to speak “Guess that wouldn’t surprise you huh old man? You’ve been around right? Probably been in this situation thousands of times. But this isn’t the good ol’ days anymore now is it?”    He stands up and slides his chair away and proceeds to pace around. “heh, wasn’t more than twenty years ago you couldn’t rob a simple convenience store without running into some self-righteous wannabe in a cape. But you remember them right? Hell some of them had powers like super strength and shooting rainbows out of their a*s”

   He looked at me as if he expected a laugh, then he slowly marched directly in front of me, leaned in to be less than a couple inches from my face. I could feel the warmth of his breath blowing against me, and his tone shifted to be more serious. “No this isn’t those days is it? And you aren’t that glorious hero who kept the people of Clockwork city safe. You’re just a tired old man who should have called it quits decades ago.”

   As he finished, he looks at me almost with pity. The Gorilla then reaches to his side where I notice a holster. He pulls out his gun, armed and ready as if he’s about to do me a service and put me out of my misery.

   “Someone will stop you.” I calmly say this cliché line, and I don’t even fully know why. What am I hoping for?

   With that the Gorilla bursts out laughing, and I just keep staring right at him. “Who the hell is gonna stop me? You?” He looks at the gun in his hand then back at me, “Fat chance. Some other hero? Theyre all dead, or have you not noticed?”

  I wince in pain as he slaps me across the face, knocking me to the floor. I feel my bonds get loose and I look up as the Gorilla then proceeds to c**k his gun, ready to end it. “Face it Crimson, you’re just the last hero.”

  In what I believe are my final moments, I defiantly speak “Not all heroes wear masks Gorilla, You might think you’ve won, but it isn’t over. As long as there are good people out there, there will be heroes out. And I can’t wait until someone comes along to kick your a*s.”

   With what I can only assume is the adrenaline powered by the thought of my final moments, I break through the bonds holding me down and lunge toward the Gorilla. I get a few hits in, and he lumbers back startled, but then his obvious strength advantage kicks in and he knocks me back to the floor. With his free hand he wipes the blood away from his nose, where I hopefully left some lasting damage, and looks down at me laying on the floor.

   He starts kicking me in the stomach, and I curl up into a ball. “I guess we’ll just have to see if you really are the last hero.” With that he points his weapon at me, squeezes the trigger and laughs. Blam

  I open my eyes again to find myself in a hospital bed, a gunshot wound inches away from my heart. I’m not quite sure what happened, but I lean my head back and say to myself, “I guess I’m not the last hero after all.”

© 2014 kcmorris95

Author's Note

My first little short story. It's far from perfect and I really just did it for some practice but figured I would post it. Keep in mind I'm a new writer so give me any tips or pointers you think I could benefit from and let me know if I'm doing anything right.

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Thanks for sending it into my contest! I really liked it, but it doesnt fit in with the specifics. The only critisism I have is your sentences don't always flow, they seem kinda blocky and awkward at times. A little practice is the only cure you need! I am interested in finding out what happens next, so if you're thinking of continuing it i'd love to read it.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 10, 2014
Last Updated on November 10, 2014
Tags: hero, first story, short story, first person



Kansas City, KS

new writer looking to get a chance to practice and hone my skills more..