First Encounter

First Encounter

A Story by Dream Fairy

24 April 1991 - The opening to a story idea...


A deep purplish haze hangs over the city as dusk joins the threat of rain, yet serenity endures. Peace envelopes the townsfolk as they settle down with their evening entertainment, patiently awaiting the blackness of sleep. As they wait, remembrance settles in and I think of you with bittersweet longing.


That night, so long ago, set the tone of our lives for years to come. It was a night such as this I looked across the distance and encountered your gaze. My heart beat in time to the music; my breath caught in my throat; as you drifted purposely towards me. As you neared, my perceptions intensified, I drowned as I saw the reflection of my emotions in your eyes. Abruptly, the music died, our love continued to grow, needing only that short space in time for its birth.

© 2011 Dream Fairy

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Added on November 20, 2011
Last Updated on November 20, 2011


Dream Fairy
Dream Fairy

Denver, CO

I love to write. As a teenager, I poured out my soul in poetry. I've two novels in progress and a biography about my daughter in progress, as well...someday... more..

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A Poem by Dream Fairy