Middle Ground

Middle Ground

A Poem by Morgane Soustre

Middle Ground

There was a time, 
A time, where limits were crossed.
A time of excess.
Overabundance of guilt,
Overabundance of disgust,
Overabundance of hopelessness.

A time of pain.
A torture, a blow,
Down to the deepest core of my soul.
Suffering that I, can only control.

No more regrets.
No more sorrows.
Only strength.
A place to get better.
A middle ground to find.

© 2013 Morgane Soustre

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Hello Morgane (beautiful name), my first question is whether or not you intended for the middle stanza to rhyme? I like the raw confessional sense to this work and the message of compromising with one's self. An enjoyable read, well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Morgane Soustre

10 Years Ago

Hi, to answer your first question, no, I didn't intended for it to rhyme. And thank you for the nice.. read more
I like this piece, as it is honest, and portrays the suffering human condition well in the first few lines. And then goes on to a positive ending, with hope and strength for the future....I liked the title "Middle Ground" too....a good place to be.
Thanks for sharing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

The last lines were mesmerizing, truly enjoyed the read and thank you for sharing

Posted 10 Years Ago

Morgane Soustre

10 Years Ago

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
A. Amos

10 Years Ago

You're most welcome my friend
i have this same feeling lately as well.. i think it comes with getting older..

balance really does seem to make the most natural sense.

thank you for sharing your work with us :)


Posted 10 Years Ago

Cool poem, I like what your searching for. My only suggestion is to be aware of when you repeat words and line constructions.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Morgane Soustre

10 Years Ago

Glad you like it. The repetition of words and line constructions were actually made on purpose t cre.. read more
Superbly written in a language foreign to you .. expansive, intense, emotional and beautiful in its own way. Thank you so much for sharing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

No more regrets.
No more sorrows.
Only strength.
A place to get better.
A middle ground to find.

Very beautiful phrase. I love this. Yeah! Now a days the crime's been so uplifted the people're going away from the world of peace, from the place of humanity at all .. but your this piece makes us force to remind that time where there were no fights, no regrets, not hurt but only love in the heart and so on .. where people lived with love and peace at all. I love this piece, you've a very nice thinking to write. The theme's very good and i adore this poem. Nice work!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Morgane Soustre

10 Years Ago

It was build on the idea that there is a time in life when if you want to keep on going you have to .. read more

10 Years Ago

Yeah! Your Right! Thanks for explaining the real meaning of that phrase. In the life to get success .. read more
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what a beautifully written poem about strength. excellent piece!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Morgane Soustre

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much
It is really nice, even if it's short I like how you put so many emotions in it. Good job!

Posted 11 Years Ago

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32 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 5, 2013
Last Updated on February 5, 2013


Morgane Soustre
Morgane Soustre


My name is Morgane. I was born in France, live there but should have probably come into the worl in a English speaking country (I always tease my parents about that). I write in English, just feels ri.. more..


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