Who is Franklin Graham?  And What (or Who) is National Day of Prayer about anyway?

Who is Franklin Graham? And What (or Who) is National Day of Prayer about anyway?

A Story by Michael

Unnecessary conflict for the cause of one man


Why the big nasty about Franklin Graham being disinvited to speak at a National Day of Prayer event?  When was he elected "pope" of America?  How can it be argued that the entire US government or society is against Christianity simply because Franklin Graham will not be speaking at this event (though Graham is reportedly planning to be outside the event even though he is barred which begs the question: whose glory does he seek???)? 

I know virtually nothing about Franklin Graham except by his association with his father.  I've heard his father preach many times and have only heard Franklin a few times.  HUGE DIFFERENCE!  Daddy Billy talks about the kingdom of Heaven and the grace of the Lord; Franklin seems entirely too fixated on pointing out his perceived flaws of others, perhaps especially including Islam.  So the question in my mind is this: Is Franklin a minister of Christ's Gospel or an enemy of Islam?  He cannot be both and since his very public statements seem entirely too fixated on an anti-Islamic bent, perhaps it is best that he was disinvited because he ceased being a minister of Christ's Gospel somewhere down the road.  It is time for this nation, or specifically this nation's far-right fundamentalist Christian element, to move along, grow up, and acknowledge certain realities, not least of which is there are many Muslims serving our nation as soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.

US Rep. Mike Pence, chair of the House Republican Conference, was quoted as having said: "Not everyone will agree with all that Rev. Graham has to say, but we can agree that our Constitution protects his right to say what he believes" (Foxnews.com).  True enough, but the Constitution does not grant him a right to a particular forum AND the Constitution does not, to my knowledge, mention specifically Franklin Graham at all.

Time restrictions (and lack of genuine concern) prevent me from wasting a lot of time on a search of the speakers who have been invited to National Day of Prayer events at the Pentagon or anywhere else, but I think I am safe to assume there will be Christians AND Jews AND Muslims AND Buddhists, etc.  And it is entirely reasonable to disinvite any speaker who publicly displays any contempt for any other religion.  This is perhaps the one day when this nation can be unified, if but for a moment, in common prayer for peace and the well-being of a nation.  There is no need to invite someone who is clearly not unified with any who do not believe the bile that comes from his own sewer.

Franklin Graham's rights have not been violated, and Christianity has not been dissed because Franklin Graham is not wanted.  Franklin Graham, purely and simply, is Franklin Graham; no more, no less, but it is precisely his kind of poison that keeps many earnest seekers at a safe distance and prevents Christ's Holy Church from being more effective and unified in addressing not what is wrong with Islam, but rather what is right with Christ.   

© 2010 Michael

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You say, Michael, that Franklin Graham's problem is that he always points out the flaws in others. But how is this any different? I dislike the man as much as you, but one thing that God has been teaching me lately is not to gossip (a.k.a. say things to other people about other people that cause them to prejudge that person). I think it is more beneficial to let people form their own opinions of Franklin Graham. Sin has a way of showing itself eventually, and if what he is doing is truly as wrong as it seems, someday his work will be shown for what it is.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you, Michael. I guess Franklin thinks he's carrying on for his father, but I sure don't see it that way. His father knew how to get along with everyone and spread goodwill, not discontent.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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Added on May 6, 2010
Last Updated on May 6, 2010



Magnolia, AR

49 years old, married 28 years with 3 kids. United Methodist pastor. more..

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