Love Could Be Labeled Poison

Love Could Be Labeled Poison

A Poem by NelliKong

You tricked me, your love was poison… you took all my joy and… it literally destroyed us. The poison of your love that I was drinking left me with serious burns… they will leave a permanent scar for all the lessons that I have learned… the side effects of this ordeal was something that I didn’t deserve. 

The poison contained lies, hurt, pain, distrust and half truths… once the effects worn off and I come back into myself, when I confront you all you do is dispute, these claims… I think you love causing me emotional pain… or when my mind from the weather forecast you created of constant clouds and heavy rain.

I will no longer drink this poison that you have given me… this poison will no longer sicken me… this poison will no longer take away the air that I breathe… the next time I will read the label thoroughly… the ingredients that’s listed in the fine print may not be all that it may seem. 

© 2024 NelliKong

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Added on March 3, 2024
Last Updated on March 3, 2024



Using writing as an outlet and see where it takes me. Open to comments more..
