Only a Teenager.

Only a Teenager.

A Poem by .nicole.

This is for a friend of mine who's going through some hard time with his parents.


They tell you to grow up.

And yell for no reason.

"You need to be mature"

Is all you seem to hear.

When you are only a teenager.

You are still young.

You don't need to grow up yet.

You need to be a teenager.

You need to goof around with your friends.

And make harmless little mistakes.

You need to learn how to live in this world.

You need to learn who you are.

And who those around you are.

Just remember, you are only a teenager.

And you can only do so much.

So care for you brother and sister.

But be happy.

Don't let the little things ruin everything.

So don't grow up to fast.

Because you are only a teenager.

And you can only do so much.

© 2009 .nicole.

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Love this, especially your last two lines.
This is wonderful.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 12, 2009



I used to write all the time, and I think I am going to try and start writting again. Comment on my work, I always want feedback! more..

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