Problems in society

Problems in society

A Story by nunldon

An assignment for above named class.


       It is commonly thought, today, that government is much larger now than it was in the past;

especially concerning its involvement in the family’s right to autonomy.

Upon closer inspection, however,we find out that this is not the case.

We see that during colonial times political leaders had the very lives of people in their power; giving fathers and husbands control over women while respecting the rights of land owners against trespass.

It seems that family intrusion has grown with the government but the mere idea of a private family has grown; making a clearer distinction in the methods of intrusion.

Even as privacy was being better defined, lower class families were targeted for not living up to the middle class ideals.

       The 70’s and early 80’s would mark a mish-mash of negative and positive intentions, with concessions being dealt both ways.

State intrusions were being regarded with less animosity as privacy was expanding the state.

We see how feminism has led to a devaluation of the traditional roles of motherhood associated with Mother’s Day; turning instead to a holiday filled with platitudes and commercialism.

More women are working now than ever before, despite the fact that most of the work done by women in the 18th and 19th centuries went unreported.

This trend was facilitated by the production of chore saving devices and the Second World War.

74,000 women enlisted in the armed forces when the call for nurses was

made and 1/3 of all military personnel were women.

The advertizing industry played a major role in the advent of consumerism and a more open sexuality in the mid-sixties.

By creating shows designed to attract a wide audience, television programming appealed to advertisers needs.

Before 1960 all contraceptive measures were coitus related and now we have access to an overwhelming, scientific related, means of separating physical intercourse from procreation.

        By 1980 the time spent in marriage has declined to half that of what it was in 1963.

        We have More elderly people now than ever before.

That the time spent caring for the elderly has declined, turns out to be a myth, with only 25% dying in a nursing home. This shows an increase in the time spent caring for the elderly.

© 2011 nunldon

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Added on November 7, 2011
Last Updated on November 7, 2011



Pocatello, ID

Artist returning to school after 23 years. Good decision! I enjoy photography, drawing, singing/playing drums (music), reading and writing! more..

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