loved like no other

loved like no other

A Screenplay by Nyx

Her fear. Hidden in the dark depths of her eyes. Like a stain a stain that could never be cleaned up. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. But all I saw in those vibrant blue eyes was fear, and happiness.
her fear was nothing compared to mine but no we were both scared and rightfuly so this was big bigger than anything it ment that we would be together forever . but i couldnt possibly be scared , never. for her sake i couldn't. .for her my pandora i had to be strong , i had to be gentel and fearless, i have to be her protector. because if i was scared who would she have to count on ? no one only me . the only one to hold her to keep her safe in the dark show her she was safe as long as she is with me . i hope she knows that , i would be there for her in eveything.i cant imagine being with anyone else . ive seen what im without and i cant possible live without her.
she is my beloved, my darling my beautiful sweetheart pandora. my strength my eyes my everthing she is my world.
my heart pounded as i took her hands in mine i faced her and looked deep in her penatrating blue eyes that held a thousand secrets and promises of tomarrow. in that moment i saw her as i never had before. i saw all herself. i saw the grace elegance beauty senuality and sweet impeadable innocents that is mine. and in that moment i truly knew why i loved her .i saw every flaw that was pefection and every hurt that made her the sweet pandora that i know to be standing in front of me. my darling thinker sanity and beauty. i saw the very essance that makes her the woman i love.
i could see him in the dim light of the fading sun. how i want him and need to be in his know his unending love in the depths of the night. but im scarde. yes i want to be his but that was huge . a huge step for us to take , to be his forever. and to forsake all others , to love him and only him ,for eternity.

but as i looked into his blue eyes there was a flicker of fear hidden in them but then quick as a flash it was gone but still somehow there. he hid it from me ... he never hid anything from me why did he i want him to be scared ... but then again i didnt want to have to be strong not today. i want to be with him to show him everything , to cry on his shoulder to hold his hand to kiss his cheek , to know that i would never be alone. to know that i will have someone to walk through hell hand and hand and know that as long as im with him ill be alright. we have a bond that no one could ever break. we love like no other we're best friends. we've cried together ,fought together, wished and drempt together. we've gone through so much together . how i love him for that for staying with me inspite of everything . how i love him for everything he's smart funny cute creative clever and he always wants whats best for me even if that doesnt include him. though im certian my future is comforting to know he will be there for me every day even though our ages push us apart and the distance seperates us though our spirts are together forever no matter what happens my heart my soul innocence and person belong to him and only him. i hope he knows that.
I heard his heart pounding as he turned to me and took my hands in his . he looked into my eyes but not just my eyes he looked into my very soul and i let him . in that moment he saw my fear my hate my goodness everything i am and stand for.the very things that make him love me.i looked into his kind caring passionate eyes and i saw my reason to live to be.
and i saw him as he saw me . i looked into his true blue eyes and saw the man i love . the man that will always do whats best for me no matter what the circumstances. thats why i love him with every muscle nerve ending and blood cell. he is everything to me. in his vaunerability and grace he still found a way to be strg and controling and still... kind and we said together the vows we wrote so long ago.

"the sun has set on our old lives . and with the moons rising we become one .take my hand and be in peace forever."
i looked up into his eyes as we slipped the rings o symbolize our union on ,and i knew with every fiber of my being i was exactly where i was suppose to be . and i knew in the darkest cornner of my heart that everything would be alright. and we finnished our poem with such conviction i will never know again.
"i follow you into the twilight loving you and only you to forevermore be yours ."

he looked into my eyes one last time and mouthed the words i knew he ment
"i love you my pandora."


© 2008 Nyx

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Great job, I'd love to read more =] Nice descriptions too!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 21, 2008
Last Updated on April 4, 2008




Hi im lindsey i love to write stories essays and journalistic pieces. wrote for louie magazine in stl. and i have had poems published on poetry daily . but thats about it i write about everything life.. more..

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