Rival Streets

Rival Streets

A Screenplay by Oddorm Phal

The world is a very competitive place. Especially for HIP-HOP dancers on the streets where reputation earns respect, and respect earns you territories. A young rebellious tagger (graffiti artist) will


Rival Streets

Scene: A young teen runs through the dark alleyway of a city leaving trails of graffiti art. He becomes entangled on one wall and begins taking his time tagging it. A patrol comes across the young teen and immediately shouts!

Patrol Officer: Hey! Stop!

Scene: He frantically messes up on his tagging and drops his spray can and quickly dashes out of the alley way. The Patrol Officers give chase and dashes out from the dark alley way and on to the busy streets of the city. The day is lovely and bright. People can be seen enjoying their day as usual. A live battle of dancers (Bboys/Bgirls) are competing in the streets as the young teen runs by them from the patrol. He runs around a corner stealing a nice cup of joe off the table from a lady reading a novel outside of a coffee house. Too busy to notice her coffee was stolen, she accidentally reach for the flower vase that was kindly resting on the table and drank the water. She begins spitting it out.

Book Worm: *SPFFFFFFF***

Scene: The young teen chuckles as he looks back at the lady sipping water out the vase. He runs by a group of poppers performing in the streets. Perfect at mimicking moves, He quickly ditch his outfit and put on similar attire as the poppers and jump right in sync. The patrol runs right by the poppers. Celebrating too early, the young teen leaves the group, not knowing one patrol officer was snooping around the crowd. He bumps right into the patrolman. Panics, then tries to throw off the patrolman by trying to imitate the poppers on his own, but fails. The Patrolman nabs the young teen. The young teen lets out an embarrassing cry.

Young Teen: NAhhhhhhhh…..

Scene: Mugshot of the young teen is seen taken. At the desk of his parole officer. He sits there with his head down.

Parole Officer Nanco: Lets see here….Herb Wast…

Bomber: Please don't say my real name…

Parole Officer Nanco: AKA Bomber.

Bomber: How'ed you...

Parole Officer Nanco: We know about you for awhile. Sly you are….seen all your work around the city. Love it!

Scene: Bomber looks confident he might be let off easy.

Bomber: You do? That's awesome. So that means you won't call my parents? And let me off easy?

Parole Officer Nanco: No…

Bomber: But…thought you love my art so why am I here?!

Parole Officer Nanco: Me loving your work does not hide the fact you violated other people's taggs!

Parole Officer Nanco: If you wanted to tag over others' personal art, you need a license for turf tagging and sadly….you don't have one. A lot of turf taggers are going to be upset and have been complaining of you trespassing on their turf, tagging over their work.

Bomber: So what? Their work was lame anyway. I just wanted to show them what real graffiti is.

Parole Officer Nanco: That's not the only problem….You even tagged walls of buildings thats been off limits to turf taggers. THAT'S A BIG FELON!

Scene: Bomber sobs and puts his head down.

Bomber: Am I going to jail?...

Scene: Parole Officer Nanco feels bad and knows it was his first offense.

Parole Officer Nanco: No…You are not going to jail. Tell you what….Since it's your first offense I'll just assign you to community service.

Scene: Before Parole Officer Nanco finishes what he was going to say, Bomber cuts him off sobbing out loud.

Bomber: OOoohhh….Can I just go to jail instead??

Parole Officer Nanco: No, it would just be too easy. And plus if you went to jail, your parents would know you broke the law and you don't want your parents to know you were breaking the law now would you?


Parole Officer Nanco: I've already helped fill out your license for turf tagging.

Bomber: AWWWW…..Really?? SWEEET!!

Parole Officer Nan: Yep, now if you follow me we can hurry and process your license.

Bomber: Don't you guys need to approve my art before I can become a licensed tagger?

Parole Officer Nanco: Kid….Your work is on the walls on almost half the city. I'm surprise no crew has recruited you to tag for them.

Scene: As they got up and continue to walk away to the next area of the Patrol Office for registration, Bomber asks the Parole Officer.

Bomber: So…Are you having me clean up the trash at parks and highways?

Parole Officer Nanco: No…you will be re-painting the walls of buildings that you tagged that were off limits.

Scene: Bomber sobs again out loud as they walk away together.

Bomber: OOooohhhhh…Now I really wanna go to jail…..

Scene: Later that night… A mysterious group moves through the darkness. Music can be heard as if it was their theme music. The group was outfitted with logos representing their crew. "Wreck-N-Effect" is what they call themselves. They arrive at a club scene, but not just any club. This one was for crew battles. One of the many battlegrounds crews come together to test their skills or keep their reputation up. The view overlooked the crew and spectated the event. Other crews were already in a middle of a battle. Crowds cheer as the crew fiercely showed their skills against their apposing sides. Each crew had their own DJs, and MCs. Each DJ takes turns spinning respectively for their crew. DJs were in charge of controlling the outcome of the battle depending on tracks they play. MCs were hype men who raises morale of their crew members. Every member had a role. Even Turf Taggers…

© 2014 Oddorm Phal

Author's Note

Oddorm Phal
This is only sample of an incomplete story

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Added on July 8, 2014
Last Updated on July 8, 2014
Tags: Dancing, Urban Culture


Oddorm Phal
Oddorm Phal

Boston, MA

Like all artists, I am a struggling creative writer working on towards exposing my stories while perfecting my craft in writing. I enjoy writing fictional stories such as: paranormal, urban culture, c.. more..

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