The Truth Behind My Lies

The Truth Behind My Lies

A Poem by Oni Is Gaming

In this very moment,
I hide my emotion.
On the outside I look cool, calm; and collected,
on the inside my depression is hectic.
I want to cut,
or maybe that's not enough.
But I just can't you see.
My little sister is watching me.
I love her too much to leave.
She deserves a good big sister,
and that's what I'm going to give her.
I really want to give up.
I guess I'm in a rut.
Or it's just the downs of my bipolar.
Whatever it is I want it to be over.
My parents can't see my true feelings,
because they have other dealings.
I just need some help.
Therefore, I silently yell.
it's a lot harder to express it outside.
someone tell me why...
Why is my mind so dangerous?
Why can't anyone take this serious?
Why can't sou see my hell?
Or are just thinking "oh well"?
I give up on this
I'm a piece of s**t.
So long.
See you never again.

© 2018 Oni Is Gaming

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Added on June 2, 2017
Last Updated on January 2, 2018


Oni Is Gaming
Oni Is Gaming

San Diego, CA

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