if you're ready I'm ready

if you're ready I'm ready

A Poem by amanda weinert

ha ha kinda funny it an ironic humor


i just want a second chance

not my usual romance

something real

i don't want to be the third wheel


i want to be your paramour

but not hidden away

i want your love to stay

i need you hear beside me

i don't need money or a  shopping spree

i want this to last all night

every thing is gunna be alright

i can hear our song on the radio

somethings telling me yes, but my mind keeps saying no

but I'm pretty sure our songs on repeat

and your rooms 100 degrees with our combined body heat

all i want is this, all i want is now

i take off my shirt and i throw it on the ground

in ready for you and I'm ready for this

i lean in slowly for our first romantic kiss

your hands explore the new surrounding

i can feel my own heart pounding

he doesn't think I'm ready

but I'm looking at him deadly

I'm ready for him

I'm ready for limb on limb

I'm ready for love making

I'm done with heart breaking

no one will hear us, ill promise him that

and I'm getting ready for combat

I'm ready for war

but he forgot to close the door

i get up to shut it

then he took a hit

and hes ready to recommit










© 2008 amanda weinert

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by he took a hit i dont mean a literal hit, like off a bong, and i dont mean he hit me either. im pretty sure it has a sexual meaning

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 9, 2008


amanda weinert
amanda weinert

boston, MA

I'm Amanda. I love the summer, and hate wearing socks. im overly dramatic, and get mad and upset over everything. And writting kinda helps :] more..
