Love phobia

Love phobia

A Poem by Dev Roberts

This is about how i or someone else scared of love because i think that if i do love, then i'll mess it up or i'll get hurt and can never trust again. thats kinda where i'm headed for.hope u like it


Yes, I have love phobia,

 the phobia in which

makes me think i'm not worth it,

the phobia that makes me

wonder if i'll ever be unafraid

 to love again. I'm scared,

I'm scared that i'll end up

 making a mistake with love

and never being able to love or

 to be loved. People say

 " OH, you'll find that perfect

 person" but, what if that doesn't

work for me? What if it's just a myth?

I want to love, i want to be loved but,

 i'm scared.

© 2010 Dev Roberts

Author's Note

Dev Roberts
Please give me critique reviews and i hope you enjoy :)

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MY GOSH! This poem was simply made for me! It's almost everything I always feel when it comes to love! Haha you're so not alone if this was written about you...hahaha. I'm not sure you know how difficult it is to pick a favorite line... So I'll just be honest and say I liked the whole thing wayy to much to pick a couple of favorite lines. :) bravo! Thanks for sharing, it was a wonderful poem! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I guess many feel cautious especially when they have already had their fingers burned. You explore this is a poetic dialogue style in the first person and it works.

Posted 3 Years Ago

MY GOSH! This poem was simply made for me! It's almost everything I always feel when it comes to love! Haha you're so not alone if this was written about you...hahaha. I'm not sure you know how difficult it is to pick a favorite line... So I'll just be honest and say I liked the whole thing wayy to much to pick a couple of favorite lines. :) bravo! Thanks for sharing, it was a wonderful poem! :D

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on December 19, 2010
Last Updated on December 19, 2010
Tags: phobia, scared, love, mistake, love phobia, afraid, worthy, poem, poetry, myth
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Dev Roberts
Dev Roberts

Springfield, OH

MY name is Devaney and i've been writing since i was 11, im 15 now. i write poetry,mostly but im trying to open my mind up to writing stories and things like that. i love writing, it's my life and i d.. more..

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A Poem by Dev Roberts