A small collection of poems

A small collection of poems

A Poem by Peter J. Hodgson

This is the begining of my next poem anthology availble sometime 2009. One poem I wrote with my dear friend Sam Manson.



A new poem collection by Peter J. Hodgson


The naughty blood


Without blood we are dry

Without passion

Without pain

Without conscious or unconscious thought

Without blood we are truly dead

So what of it when the blood misbehaves?

What is done?

This enemy and friend we fear yet cannot banish

Illness ensues as does pain and don’t forget the fear

Dancing and racing

The true motives unknown

Blood deep

Red and true




The fires of time had discoloured the last memory I have

Faded and vague

Why would time deny me this piece?

My last memory

Fuzzy and full of static

Like watching a film on a TV with terrible reception

Static and white noise

Just like my old mind

Just like me

Who am I without something to hold on to?

Perhaps time will tell me when it comes to claim me

Static and white noise in a see of vague colours and shapes

Are you laughing or crying?

Two souls sealed in one glorious moment, now faded and worn

Is that even us?


Where it hurts the most

A poem by Peter J. Hodgson & S J Manson


Stammering for the right words

Racking the brain and rooting for something

A catalyst

A word

Something to start and something to end

Where the rest is just filler

Is that what this is?


They call it emptiness I think


You try to ‘fill’ the space

The hole


Is it just your mind playing tricks on you?

Telling you your lonely

Or is it a piece missing from your heart

A wound, a scar


Emptiness is what it is to be alone

And we search to find the words

To find a person to make us whole

To be loved

To be held

To be touched

To make this poem work and flow

But there will always be something to fill


That is all we have ever longed for

That emptiness, that hole

To be filled


You yearn to be someone.


Finding words that make you whole

Make you ‘real’


Real love is forever


With every passing hour it hurts

Every hour we are apart

This is the most terrifying prospect

To be alone and incomplete without you with me




Most defiantly

Yet all I can do is wait, wait for you

Of all the fallen relationships of mine

The broken promises of forever

The shattered roses and rotting dreams

The awful feeling of drowning in my own tears

You and me have gone beyond these promises and roads to future dreams

We are forever

And its forever that I will wait, wait until you come back to me




It has been 10 years since you died

I was only a little boy and barely understood death

Who does?

All I have is my memories of you

Not that I am ungrateful

Who isn’t?

You were young at heart but an old soul

Loosing your marbles with every passing day

You were still you though

I suppose I take comfort

You lived where many die a little every day facing the inevitable

But what is to fear?

It comes to us all

The journey that ends must also begin


Heart of the broken



This is the problem, hollow be thy heart

Chambers filled with nothing

No Blood, warm, hot and pumping

No love wooing me to feel

No kind words from elsewhere

Only my own occasional pretentious egotistical self-image

It is all lies

I don’t feel super, fine, cool

Heart broken, always broken

The pieces won’t fit together anymore

The smell of your hair when we snuggle

The taste of you when we, you know

The way you looked at me and made me feel





Super-cool has left the building

An empty shell remains here

Without burden of a relationship

Without the feel of your closeness

Without the taste and passion of you

Without you

Without love

Only sodding broken and bleeding hearts of people telling me how sorry they are

Could they feel my broken heart and feel how it bleeds


Then tears



© 2008 Peter J. Hodgson

My Review

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Featured Review

I absolutely am in love with the last one.

" This is the problem, hollow be thy heart
Chambers filled with nothing
No Blood, warm, hot and pumping"

That line just touched me somehow. The rhyming in the last two lines just flowed and pulled my mind into the poem. It was a great start. Then it just turned into a wonderful poem and *sighs*.

However, its my preference as a reader to have commas and periods (not gramatically correct, but artisticly placed). I feel it adds more to the writing, and allows the reader to connect more to the writer, because the rhythym does not always translate as well as the writer hopes. Commas and periods help complete the transition better.

That, however, is all preference.

Beautiful job on all the poems

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


love them all..nicely done

Posted 15 Years Ago

I love the R.I.P. poem.

My fav line:

>The journey that ends must also begin

So very true. Nice work! :)

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I absolutely am in love with the last one.

" This is the problem, hollow be thy heart
Chambers filled with nothing
No Blood, warm, hot and pumping"

That line just touched me somehow. The rhyming in the last two lines just flowed and pulled my mind into the poem. It was a great start. Then it just turned into a wonderful poem and *sighs*.

However, its my preference as a reader to have commas and periods (not gramatically correct, but artisticly placed). I feel it adds more to the writing, and allows the reader to connect more to the writer, because the rhythym does not always translate as well as the writer hopes. Commas and periods help complete the transition better.

That, however, is all preference.

Beautiful job on all the poems

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on July 13, 2008


Peter J. Hodgson
Peter J. Hodgson

Bradford, West Yorkshire, England

The following is a trailer spot for the new anthology availble from Lulu.com now. My art is availble to buy at:- The following film is the final cut of the above complete with soundtrack, enjoy .. more..
