A Horrid Pict Witch

A Horrid Pict Witch

A Story by Peter Joseph Swanson

Here's a little excerpt from my published paperback novel




“Was a horrid Pict witch here?” his son asked him. “Did she try to steal your library?”

“Her? Is that what she was? Is that why you’ve come like this? Her accent was so odd… so very odd. And she was so blue I wondered if I’d soon be burying her if she didn’t start breathing.”

“O’ Virgin! That’s her!” Abbot Babble Blaise crossed himself. “O’ Virgin! It’s just evil! I can feel it!”

Arthur said, “Where’s your library? Did she steal it?”

“Nay.” Baron Bearloin chuckled. “She came with a mighty fine, fine wagon and asked if I had parchments that I’d bought from the abbey, writings that gave a prayer against the demon bell. I told her I bought many from the abbey but couldn’t read to tell her what was what, but she could purchase the entire library from me and haul it away for ten gold coins. Before I could blink she had ten gold coins in her hand, and in my face, and I sent her off with every last piece of nonsense parchment I’d been cheated on by you, you cursed b*****d lazy thief of a buggery monk abbot. But… but…” he burst into joyous laughter, “I cheated her, and now I’ve more gold for it than I started with.”

Abbot Babble Blaise pointed out, “If she finds out she gave you ten of her gold coins for a chest of frauds, she may curse you mightily.”

He stopped chuckling. “I never thought of that.”

Merlin asked, “In what direction did she head off in?”


Parsifal said, “Let’s go catch up with her and strangle her, forthright.”

“Find her, to be sure,” Merlin agreed. “Then follow her cautiously to her lair.”







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© 2010 Peter Joseph Swanson

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You cursed b*****d lazy thief of a buggery monk abbot. That is funny! Outstanding period writing, with perfect colloquialisms. The story engages me, I will be back for more. I can easily see why you are published.


Posted 13 Years Ago

Standing ovation for groovy wit and exceptional writing!!!!~

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 13, 2010
Last Updated on October 13, 2010


Peter Joseph Swanson
Peter Joseph Swanson

Minneapolis, MN

I'm a fabulous published novelist! Woot! more..


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