Punk Minneapolis official release date is today

Punk Minneapolis official release date is today

A Story by Peter Joseph Swanson

My 5th novel is out now, here's a bit of it


(I just grabbed something from the novel at random, it's all good. In this scene they're in the pizza place. I censored some words for the internet)


She blew smoke out the side of her mouth. “No, you dumb boy.”

“Well, I like my boy body just fine… when it doesn’t have the clap.”

She sniggered. “I bet you do.”

Raven flicked some ashes on the floor. “It isn’t funny having the clap.”

“Everything’s funny. If you’re afraid of getting the clap then don’t f###. If you’re afraid of getting cancer then don’t eat. If you’re afraid of living then don’t be born.”

“Well we have no choice in that. Du-uh.”

“Of course we do. Our little baby souls circle around the planet after we die and the frightened ones who are just wads of chicken sh## don’t come back and don’t reincarnate because they’re just so… so… well, f###’n chicken sh##. And the brave little baby souls who aren’t afraid of falling and getting bruised and burned and run over by cars, and getting the clap, will just pop back in no time to live again with a punk rock rebel yell. So most souls you see on earth are the brave ones… it’s just psychic Darwinism. The few chicken sh## souls out there are few and far between and are probably hiding under something so we can’t even see them anyway.”

“Who told you that?”

Bunny Umber smiled proudly. “I just channeled it for you. Just now. From up there.” She pointed.



“One thing,” Raven questioned, “if most souls come back with a punk rock rebel yell then why are so few people punk rockers?”

“They forget the glory of life. They get stuck in the flypaper of money and follow it off into oblivion like shopping mall zombies. Yuppies are very sick people and the only thing that stops things like that, mall zombies, as you well know from the movies, is a messy bullet in the head.”

“Did you just channel that too?”

“Of course. Do you think I make things up? Of course not. I channel all the time. Anybody can. My radio dish is no bigger than anybody else’s. It isn’t like I have a foot wide dent in my forehead. It’s just that most people ignore their psychic voices to be nasty eye-poking money hoarders. No big deal. Most people are so unhappy and rude. F### them all, I hate them.”

“Nasty eye-poking money hoarders? Ha!”

“Yeah.” Bunny Umber tossed her cigarette butt under her boot, got out her lipstick, and made her lips big and bright blue. “Capitalists and corporate slaves and whoever. Of course. Money that blinds you, and all money will. It’s all soul sucking. It takes away your soul so you don’t see the human in humans. They’re all just obstacles to be squashed. They’re things on legs to put labels on. They just wait their turn to be run over by an evil car.”

“But money buys beer,” Raven reminded her. “That’s good.”

“Beer should be free like air. Just flowing in and out.”

“But it isn’t. Somebody has to make it and they want compensation.”

“Ouch. Such big words to cover the sin. I can tell you’ve been utterly brainwashed, working for the man.”

“Well, my break is up. I gotta get back to work so I don’t get fired.”

Bunny Umber put her fist in the air. “F### ’em! Be liberated! Stand up for your f###’n rights as a free soul! Don’t go back up there like a yuppie. Come right now and f### me in the basement! F### me now! Be free! Feel good! Make Bunny Umber feel good!”

“Somebody has to punch back in so they can keep sliding you free pizza.”

“Oh, yes! F### yes! Free pizza! Now get your bony a## back to work. Oh, and honey, can you borrow me two dollars?”

“For what.”

“None of your business!”

“Sure.” He gave her the last of his cash, except his quarter tip. “You want to come over to my apartment tonight to listen to some records?”





Read it in paperback (the link is to Amazon but any book store will order it for you)



If you have a Kindle you can read it NOW


© 2010 Peter Joseph Swanson

My Review

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I agree with Bradley~ though i will always Hold Hollywood Sinners closest to my heart~ =)~

Posted 13 Years Ago

pete, i have a feeling this is going to be your best book yet! will have to wait till after christmas to get it...but i did put it on my own christmas list so we'll see. i am in love with these two characters already

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 15, 2010
Last Updated on November 15, 2010


Peter Joseph Swanson
Peter Joseph Swanson

Minneapolis, MN

I'm a fabulous published novelist! Woot! more..


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