You can't say the F-word!

You can't say the F-word!

A Story by Peter Joseph Swanson

An excerpt from my published novel


(This excerpt is censored for the internet)


“You can’t say f### on cable access like that,” Sandra warned. “You can only say f### in real life or else you get in big big trouble with the Thought Nazis.”

Becky returned from the bathroom mirror. Her forehead was red from rubbing it. “Yeah, f### you! I don’t got a zit! You’re just trying to ugly me up! Or make me think I’m ugly. I’ve killed for less! I’m not ugly! I’m not retarded! I’m a lot f###’n smarter than you all think! I’m so super f###’n cool!”

Sandra said, not sorry, “Oh. Sorry.”

“I’m not ugly!”

Sandra looked at her askance. “Nobody said you were ugly. Are you on bad acid?”

Mark said, “Cut her off.”

“I’m just saying, don’t ever call me ugly or I’ll wail on you! F### you!”

“Tsk tsk. Bad acid.”

“F### you!”

Sandra scolded Becky. “Now stop running into the bathroom! I gotta pee! You drink one bottle of beer and you pee six. F### I hate how that works.” Sandra slammed the door.

“Why can’t you say f### on TV?” Tope asked. “It’s a f###’n good word for everything!”

Raven said, “You can say f### all you want in the real world and nobody cares, it’s just a word�"you’re right�"a word for everything. But you put f### in the newspaper or on the airwaves and it becomes a different f### and it become a crime f### instead of just real life talking. You know? Like George Orwell or something governmental like that f###ing up all of our words, and trying to tell us that we don’t really say what we really do say.”

“And that’s just yow,” Mark said. “Because when you tell someone to f### themselves, all you’re really telling them to do is kindly get their stupid finger out of their nose, and go f### off just sounds better than that. So really, f### is actually a very kind word compared to telling the truth which might hurt somebody’s feelings.”

“Well put.” Raven slapped his back. “F###in’ A!”

“F###in’ A!” Mark bellowed back.

Sandra came out of the bathroom wiping her hands on her pants. “You can’t hurt somebody’s feelings saying f### you?”

“No,” Mark maintained. “Because you just say f### you, in return, and after everybody has a quick round of saying f### you then you’re done with it and it’s over, and nobody thought a thing too much about it. Until we all do it again.”

“F### censorship,” Tope declared.




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© 2010 Peter Joseph Swanson

My Review

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great conversation between character.
Great point, about F####, too.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this is so f####n' good :))))))))))

Posted 13 Years Ago

The beginning was funny (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

now ya know I wanna pepper this comment box with variations of the spicy word~ LOL!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2010
Last Updated on November 18, 2010


Peter Joseph Swanson
Peter Joseph Swanson

Minneapolis, MN

I'm a fabulous published novelist! Woot! more..
