Life of a Magical Girl Named Saphire

Life of a Magical Girl Named Saphire

A Story by Juliet

As the lunch bell rang, I sighed with relief. Lunch on the second day of the second week of school is not nearly as bad as the first week. At least now I had an idea of where I would sit. I gathered up my books and binders from math and headed to my locker, my curly brown hair bouncing behind me.

                  “Sapphire!” someone yelled. I turned around to see my best friend running down the hall in her cheerleading uniform.

                  “Hey, Nicky, what’s up?” I asked as I opened my locker.

                  “Sapphire, you wouldn’t believe what I am about to tell you!” Nicole’s eyes were lit up with excitement.

                  “If it’s about a boy I will.” Nicky’s obsessed with boys.

                  “Oh, you know me so well,” she said sarcastically. “But yeah, it is about a boy. You know Devin Kise?”

                  “Of course. You can’t stop talking about that kid.” Devin is the captain of the football team and the biggest git I had ever met.

                  “Well, he asked me to sit with him at lunch today!” she made a sound somewhere between a giggle, snort, and a squeal.

                  A lump of disappointment welled up in my throat. “So you won’t be eating with Dax and me today?”

                  “I’m so sorry, Sapphire,” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. “But this is a once-in-a-lifetime-thing here-“ I snorted- “I might not get another chance with Devin.”

                  “Fine,” I said, a little angry. “Dax and I’ll just eat outside today.”

Nicky punched me on the upper arm. “That’s the spirit!”

                  I tried to smile, but that punch really hurt.

                  “Hey, Nicky,” a strong, masculine voice said. I turned around and saw Devin and his posse walking down the hall. He had shiny brown hair that reached his lower neck.

                  “Hi Devin,” Nicky swooned.

                  “Sapphire,” Devin nodded to me.

                  “Devin,” I sneered back at him.

                  He turned back to Nicky. “Are you still planning on eating with us today?”

                  “Of course,” she replied back.

                  “Then shall we?” he put out his arm like an escort.

                  “Bye, Sapphire,” Nicky called back to me over her shoulder.

                  I rolled my eyes and turned back to my locker.

                  “Hello, my little shiny blue rock,” someone said behind me.

                  “Hey, Dax,”

                  Dax Rackham (descended directly down from the famous pirate John Rackham, by the way) had blonde hair that curled a little near his ears, with a touch of brown mixed in. His eyes were green, depending on the light.

“Where’s Nicole?” he asked me, leaning on the locker next to mine.

                  “She went off to eat with the football team,” I replied, now really mad.

                  “Ah, I was wondering when that would happen.”

                  I slammed my locker and stomped down the hall, Dax trying to catch up.

                  “So we’re eating outside today?” he asked with excitement.



© 2013 Juliet

Author's Note

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Added on May 15, 2013
Last Updated on May 15, 2013




Alexander Alexander

A Chapter by Juliet