The Nocturnal Lady

The Nocturnal Lady

A Poem by Poetic Beauty

For everyone

The spring air tickles with summer warmth
Stars gleams with a brilliance that enthralls
Their illumination shines brightly
As it engages the curious mind

Charcoal sky void of feathered clouds
Enhanced by a glorious full moon
That showers across the glittering night
With fingers of light stretched out gently

The Nocturnal Lady dressed in silk
As she beckons the sun to slumber
While she twirls her hues of purple inspire
The imagination fully captured

She tucks the sun catchers into bed
As her elegance expands the horizon
She whispers to her children that stir
As they rouse from their daylight dreaming

A stillness enhances these satin hours
As a vast muted tune plays softly
It lures the mind with downy soft peace
For nature’s brightness has been dimmed

The vibrations, a tone of a tiger’s purr
Low and rhythmic with a constant sound
That soothes the scattered chaos of earth
As serenity settles all beings

The Onyx Lady bows gracefully
As her shadows spread upon the ground
Her hidden treasures covered in the dark
Their secrets kept behind shimmering veil.

© 2024 Poetic Beauty

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dear Beauty… a tone of a Tiger’s Purr has
Me in a Rapture. I am a Nocturnal Lady as I often walk around our Top Observatory Floor and observe the Moon and Stars… … this poem is a Keeper for me and gives me Hope for Eternity. Blessings… Pat

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I’m glad you liked the tiger’s purr and the description of Lady Night herself


Very flowery and descriptive writing, nature, color, light, all things that feed the senses. The final stanza ties it all together with a shimmering bow.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

1 Month Ago

I am glad you liked the description in this poem an the way the last stanza tied it all together
You did a great job handling the diction in this. There's nothing like a moonlit night. Sadly, I only get to see a couple of stars out these days. Too much light pollution I suppose.

Great writing, PB. I really enjoyed.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

See see quite a few but not as many as I would if I lived in the country.
Beautiful narrative writing. Enjoyed reading 👍

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I’m glad you enjoyed this poem about Lady Night and the nocturnal hours.
"sun catchers"... ha.. I really love that. It's the best way to describe eyes.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I’m glad you liked that particular phrase. It is a great way to describe eyes or those who are ear.. read more
The moon does have a way of tucking people in after the frenetic activity of daytime. This offering skillfully communicates the peacefulness of the nighttime hours. It might even be good reading for those who have trouble settling down.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I have trouble sleeping off and on so if it does help someone sleep that would be a great accomplish.. read more
Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

I have hot tea at night
The Nocturnal Lady is very alluring…. She seems to settle us grounded into a night of calm , “ soothes the chaos” , brings us peace, love ,serenity, all the little things that matter to us earthlings under her wing of everlasting peace……lovely
Warmly, B

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

Thank you for your truly kind words. I’m glad you were able to feel the peace and serenity in this.. read more
Betty Hermelee

2 Months Ago

You’re very welcome PB
Warmly, B
quite the lovely lady. great descriptions of natural beauty.

"Not secondary to the sun, she gives us his blaze again, Void of its flame, and sheds a softer day... In Heaven queen she is among the spheres; She, mistress-like, makes all things to be pure." - Thoreau

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

God created the light and the dark so they are equally needed. I like being in the sun gardening as .. read more
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These night hours are special, intimate. It speaks for the vulnerable, something that is kept safe from the light and crowd. A very well crafted piece
- mou

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

Thank you. The shadowed hours keep their secrets and have a grace and stillness that the daytime hou.. read more
A most beautiful image of night in all her splendor. It is one of my favorite times. "a tiger's purr Low and rhythmic" wonderful image here. A very peaceful poem.

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

Thank you!! I’m glad you enjoyed this night time poem.
The description of the night is truly a stellar spectacle of imagery with the way it is described with the immaculate vocabulary and so is the nocturnal lady, portrayed as a divine mother, this is simply so beautiful as it spills line by line,

"She tucks the sun catchers into bed,
as her elegance expands the horizon,"

the beauty of personification is how it enlivens each particle of our observation and how perfectly you have achieved it over here.

This was such a beautiful piece to read but if I have missed something in the ending couple stanzas I would love to hear of your feelings you wrote in them, looking forward to more of your poetry, dear poetic friend ❤️

Posted 2 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Poetic Beauty

2 Months Ago

The late night hours are my favorite hours. There is an ethereal stillness as most have long been as.. read more

2 Months Ago

Ah that solace...can relate with you ❤️

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19 Reviews
Added on May 24, 2024
Last Updated on May 24, 2024
Tags: Night, nocturnal, stars, moon, nature, peace, serenity, slumber


Poetic Beauty
Poetic Beauty

corn country, IL

First off I'm on here to post my writing to have an outlet for my emotions. You will find a variety of poems. If you like take a moment and stroll through this poets mind. Secondly be kind to each .. more..


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