A Poem by Prateeksha Khot

This is a Than-Bauk. The Than-Bauk is Burmese and has Three lines, four syllables each. And the fourth, third and second syllables respectively all rhyme.


It's a bright day
as I lay here
with gay memories

                               Watching the trees
                               as the breeze play
                               with teasing arms.

                      Flowers at brink
                      of rosed pink; dipped
                      in ink of hues.

                                In azured skies
                                Butterflies flit
                                With ties of love.

Knowing that life
though with strife, is
still rife with BEAUTY.

© 2010 Prateeksha Khot

Author's Note

Prateeksha Khot
My first Than-Bauk so please bear with me. An kindly suggest improvements.

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Featured Review

Interesting write...I was unaware of this verse form...A good attempt...The picture accompanying the poem is also very nice...Perhaps the use of all that colour in the lines was unwarranted...Also, I feel the grammar is off in a couple of places. You've made use of good imagery, but I feel it can be done better...There have been so many poems written on nature over centuries, so in order to establish your uniqueness, I feel you must add that special ingredient of your own, which I found missing here.
Nevertheless, its a good can only get better with time...Keep writing... :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


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this is beauty. keep writing.
Much love!

Posted 4 Years Ago

nice thinking and deep in life point of view

Posted 7 Years Ago

Nyc lines... ....................

Posted 7 Years Ago

Great job, although the colors wasn't needed but other then that it was great.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Nicely written! I like these lines.
Knowing that life
though with strife, is
still rife with BEAUTY.
Tells you that life has the element of beauty in it!

Posted 9 Years Ago

nicely written... alluring expressions

Posted 9 Years Ago

nice and lovely.. expressions used are very nice!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

dear happy-go-lucky rebel,

You are really good.

"Watching the trees
as the breeze play
with teasing arms." _ Beautiful expressions.

Posted 11 Years Ago

I really like thi,s it's so simple and yet so elegant!

Posted 12 Years Ago

liked it......

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 31, 2010
Last Updated on May 31, 2010


Prateeksha Khot
Prateeksha Khot

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

A happy-go-lucky rebel, i like doing things my way : that is the different way. I am creative and like trying out new stuff : There's hardly anything in which I am not interested. Plus point ? : I HAV.. more..


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