Merry Christmas**!!** Jingle bells

Merry Christmas**!!** Jingle bells

A Poem by prodicallife

Let's celebrate this Christmas with lot's of peace, respect and honor



Christmas is to approach

I have left socks on my porch

Dear santa please come to me

And gift me a torch


A torch!!


A torch to enlighten this world

A torch that does not leave lil babies crying

A torch that does not evaporates the gleaming smiles

A torch that focuses the happy times


Happy times!!


Gift us the happy times

Gift us those love rhymes

Gift us a chance another to grow

Gift us few angles now and take few daemons and go!!




Daemons are making this world

Where is the world of peace?

Crimes, tears and pain everywhere

It’s hard to believe.




Believe it or not but we are still holding on you

Gift us some love, life and peace..

Can you??

Wipe a bit of this huge mess, take away this erotic fuss

Could you make us believe that we can celebrate a “Merry Christmas?”


Merry Christmas!!


Let’s celebrate this Christmas in the name of

Love, peace, respect and honor.

Let’s make the people believe

Hard times are over..

Let’s gift smile to every single being

Let’s sing the chorus and make the merry bells ring.




© 2013 prodicallife

Author's Note

Please let me know your reviews over the same.
Merry Christmas

My Review

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A lovely poem depicting the key characteristics that govern the wellness and stability of a society.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

I really appreciate that constructive thought of your dear Praveeta.

Thanks for reviewi.. read more

10 Years Ago

My pleasure.
A very enjoyable piece with a very good insight and simple diction. Though i beleive there is a typo: "demon".
A liked the usage of "torch" and its positive sunshine you have penned there.
Thank you for sharing this lovely piece.Merry Christmas to you as well.!!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Dear Atibha,

Firstly, thanks a lot for reviewing my work and appreciating it to more
The dark story

10 Years Ago

Oh! Sorry…i have searched that word in my dictionary before penning my review down but i did not f.. read more

10 Years Ago

You are always welcome dear Atiba,

Thanks a lot for pulling out time and reading my wor.. read more
I enjoyed this a lot...what I like about it is the way you incorporate so many elements that infuse life as we know it or don't know it...interesting take and slant x

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Dear Poppy,

I am much appreciated with those words of yours.

Thanks a lot .. read more
This I think should be everyone's christmas wish.This is a time for goodness and giving and love, you portrayed this excellently.May santa give us all a torch to help us see what is truly important:P

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Dear Vidya,

Thanks for the appreciating words.

Stay blessed
Vidya Bacchus

10 Years Ago

You are welcome prodical and same to you:)
To me, Christmas is a celebration of love and selflessness. It's a break from the everyday life and just a great festivity to spend some quality time with the ones you hold dear. It shouldn't only be about a give and a take. You did a great job with this one. Merry Christmas, Prodical :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Dear Michelle,

Thanks for reviewing my work.

Yes, that is really true we s.. read more

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5 Reviews
Added on December 18, 2013
Last Updated on December 18, 2013



jaipur, rajasthan, India

i`m a writer of my own destination, Hi this is Saurabh Bhatia...random thotsss invade my mind all the time....LOVE is what i would like to specify izzz my favourite field.. LETA HU TERA NAAM HR PAL .. more..


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