Do Not Disturb - The Universe Is Asleep

Do Not Disturb - The Universe Is Asleep

A Story by Qazi Raza

Imagine a world where everyone could alter reality however they want. What would we be able to learn from such a world and most importantly would the world be the same as we know of today?

Chapter 1

It is a worrying matter. We humans dream of peace, yet talk only of destruction. In our hearts we build a world where everything is alright, yet when we sit down together we talk of all the things that are wrong with it. It is evident that the human condition seeks conflict as an instinctive urge. A need to forever exist in the midst of turmoil. Because we know that turmoil and chaos bring out the best and the worst in us. In the middle of chaos we are the at the most that we can be. The most loving, the most kind, the most courageous, the most heroic and on the other hand, the most evil and despicable creatures to ever roam the Earth. We humans seek conflict like a dying man searching for water. And in tiny little pieces we fill our life with it. Unknowingly, yet evidently. We try to appear as if we want nothing but peace and happiness and yet no one in this world can truly claim that he has acquired such a state. That is because even in the most desirable circumstances, our mind calculates all the things that could go wrong, we tell ourselves that this is because we want to be ready, for any unforeseen circumstances, but is it truly because of that? Nein, the only reason why we search for conflict and turmoil is because it gives us purpose and a reason to live. Imagine if everyone in the world had everything they could ever dream of. Would you still strive to become a better person? Would you still try to find answers to scientific mysteries? Would you even care to live any longer? Nein, you would not. You would try to freeze your life right then and there and if you could you would live in perpetual stagnancy if only to preserve this happiness. But neither the world nor human nature would allow it. Before you could even know that you had all that you ever needed your mind would come up with yet another wish, yet another whim to fulfill, yet another desire. Perfection is the enemy of progress. And that is the reason that the world has never been able to progress beyond these meager achievements we call science in today's world. We have always found nature to be perfect, and so we have never questioned it. We have always found the laws of science perfect in their standing and so we have never wondered why they are so. We have found our senses to be perfect for our needs and therefore we do not seek to enhance them. The Perfection of nature has led us into false assumptions of security. And as human nature compels us we try our hardest to find inconsistencies within it and fail, again and again. We fail to see the flaw in the rules of physics; we fail to find a flaw in the interaction of chemicals and atoms. We fail to see the flaws in ourselves. Thus we create them. We try to disrupt physics, we try to push chemistry to its boundaries, and we try to alter the human body. As paradoxical as it may seem, we seek chaos, but as none exists in nature, we try to create it and at the same time this perfection of nature restrains us from seeing the flaws that do actually exist.

Chapter 2

Here you may ask me, what such a flaw may be. But I tell you the answer is evident in its own self. Nature is Perfect. The question is WHY? Why is nature so perfect? Why has there not arisen a flaw that could have destroyed the world? Why, against all the infinite possibilities, does our universe continue to exist?

Let us take an example. Imagine that you had a piece of bread. And that you let this bread on your table while you went out to have a walk. When you come back, you find that the piece of bread is still there on your table, even though you know that any number of calamities could have befallen it between the time you left it out and the time you came back to it. A mouse could have eaten it, a wind could have blown dust onto it, and a fly could have defiled it. But none of that happened, and you know it couldn't have happened because before leaving you shut the windows and the door and you made sure that the bread could not be damaged in any way what so ever. Now you also know that this bread could not have survived if it were on its own. If you had not engineered the conditions so perfectly for its preservation, it would surely have been destroyed by any number of unseen forces and you would have come back to find the bread either missing or uneatable.

The same example applies to our universe. We know that it exists but we also know that were it not for some force looking out for it, it would surely have been destroyed by now. Were it not for some engineering to hold it stable, the laws that govern the universe would have been altered a long time ago. If probability claims that there are an infinite number of scenarios arising from one small change, then it is clear to our understanding that there could be an infinite number of flaws within our universe. And yet, here we are, standing on a small rock hurtling through space. And all our research and knowledge and understanding and observation have showed us that these flaws simply do not exist. This state of affairs is logically and statistically IMPOSSIBLE.

It simply does not make sense. Unless you start looking at the world a bit differently.

Imagine you had a computer, and that you created a program to run on this computer. What this program does is that it takes a few numbers and adds them up. Now when this program is started, a chain of numbers start pouring out and what you do is that you select a specific pattern of numbers and you filter them out so that only that specific pattern is visible to the user. Now to the user it would seem that all the numbers being added up always follow a pattern, that the input pattern resembles the output pattern. But you, having designed the program, know that this is not true. Out of an infinite number of possible results, you have designed it so that it only outputs numbers according to a set pattern. The user, having no knowledge of this, simply believes that the program is perfect in its calculations and that there is no need to prod further into the logic that drives this program.

Our universe is similar to this program and we humans are similar to the user mentioned in the example. We know that the universe is outputting a set pattern of events and we are quite entirely content with this state of affairs. Having no knowledge of the true reality, we accept the presented reality as the only true reality and we believe that this is how it has always been and probably always will be.

But if we suppose for a moment that we are the engineers who have designed a program called the universe, what then would we know of the true reality? We would know that reality is not as it seems to be. We would know that behind the apparent order there is abundant chaos and randomness. and we would know that the program or the universe is selecting specific entries which correspond with an existing ideal of reality which is actually a false and artificially constructed ideal, but we do this for the sake of the user who, having no knowledge of programming, will not be able to extract a sense of reality if he were to be presented with the raw data that governs reality. Or could we the programmer go as far as to say that there is actually no reality, that there is only data without shape or form and that we the programmer give the data a desired shape or form.

Now let us go further and imagine if everyone in the universe had a copy of this program and all were aware of how to manipulate it i.e. all of us were familiar with programming (to follow our example). In such a case would it not be true that each one of us would be able to create a different reality for himself, having rules and laws according to our own desires.

On the other hand, it would be clear that creating a reality is a very difficult task, having to take many aspects in regard and having to design and control many variables. And so many of us would decide that there should be only one capable person who should design a reality that all of us agree upon. That person would then create such a reality and all the others would know that this particular person is the one who in effect controls reality and we would then start looking up to him to fulfill our ideals of reality in a way that fit neatly into the existing model of the universe.

Over the course of a few generations everyone in the universe has forgotten the rules of programming and they rely solely on the only remaining programmer to take care of things. He has over time acquired a highly respected status and has become the head of a belief system that the people of the universe have begun to call religion. Now the people of the universe think that the programmer would like them to live in a specific way, but that isn't entirely true. Yet the people of the universe try to imagine what the programmer could want so that they may please the programmer to earn his favor in the hopes that the programmer might listen to their requests more intently then those of others. However between all this the programmer wanted no such thing, he had always listened to the requests of the people of the universe and he would always listen to them as long as he was needed. Yet the people of the universe persist in their belief and have now drafted rules of living based on what they think would please the programmer. They carry out bizarre rituals and they honor the name of the programmer, while all this only makes the programmer furious. He decides to send a message to the people f the universe that all he wants from them is to live a good life, to help each other and to understand that all of them always have been and always will be capable of creating a reality just as he, the programmer, has created for them. But still the people of the universe persist in their activities. He sends his message to a different race of people; the response is still the same. The programmer does this over and over 124000 times and finally he has had enough. The programmer decides to end this matter once and for all, he sends to the people of the universe a messenger, and this messenger has a book of rules in his hand. The messenger tells the people that if they do not behave and treat each other well and do good deeds the programmer will destroy the reality they know of. He tells them this reality never has been and never will be true, and that if they behave it can be made better while if they are bad the reality can be made to worsen. There are some who try to live by these simple rules but others create different versions of these rules out of their own understanding and fight with those having a different version of these rules. They have all forgotten that their ancestors were all programmers and that even now, through learning, they could all create their own realities any way the like.

This my fellow humans is the core and true reality of our religious dogma and of the human condition, and this example serves to illuminate the chief reason that we have failed up till now to see the flaws behind our constructed reality and the reason why we have become trapped in it. We have simply forgotten the truth about reality which is that it simply does not exist. We have forgotten that reality was a construct to make things easier for us and that through understanding and knowledge we can just as easily escape from it.

This is also the reason why human nature seeks conflict and chaos even now because it knows that the true shape of the universe is chaos and turmoil.

Every few hundred years a person is born who realizes this and tries to tell us all and we just as soon forget what he said or we do not understand it to begin with.

Out of our own understanding of reality we have created conflicts which are without reason. We are trying to solve problems which do not exist. All because we forgot.

And here and there spring up secret societies that claim to know the truth of the universe. They make you undergo bizarre rituals. Rituals designed to distort reality not to reveal it. Rituals that try to create errors in the program to maybe show you what is happening behind the scenes when all we need to do is to learn once again about the true programming of the universe.

Chapter 3

This discourse again leads us to our original question. If we suppose that reality is in fact a computer program and that reality is constructed out of chaos, we again come to the following question: How long did it take to perfect this pattern of numbers we see that define our reality. And why indeed were these particular set of numbers chosen in this particular pattern. Whose idea was it to show reality as it is today and how many trials and errors did it take to achieve this amount of perfection which we see abundant in our universe and in nature today?

Does this mean that there are other versions of this program we call the universe. Versions which were not successful. Versions which are even more successful. Will our version of reality be getting an update any time soon? Has this update already happened before? Has the history of our universe witnessed a change in reality that can tell us whether the updates have truly been applied? We shall explore these questions with some further examples.

Let us take into account certain monumental changes in our history. To state only a few recent events let us take the examples of the industrial revolution, the holocaust, the world wars, the dark ages. Could these events be the result of some error in our little program? Such an error that reflects the underlying chaos of the program in our own reality. And were these not the times when civilization advanced the fastest? While the world was engulfed in war did we not stumble upon scientific discoveries while we were trying to think of more and more creative ways to destroy our enemies? Have these errors also manifested universally?

These questions lead us only into confusion but I promise you we shall emerge with greater understanding once we plough through knowledge to find these answers.

In order to find the answers to our questions, we shall have to look at primitive man. We shall have to look at the pre-historic rituals that governed our lives, at the time when the world still understood the truth of reality.

Following our example, we can be sure that not all people looked up to the chief programmer to fulfill their wishes. Some of us, having enough knowledge of the programming, tried to change reality ourselves.

Early examples of such endeavors were the Egyptians. The Egyptians believed that the universe was powered by a strange energy called quintessence which flowed through everything. This energy they believed could be harvested and put to use. In their religious texts, they claim that the great pyramids were indeed tools to achieve this purpose. That the pyramids harvested the quintessence of the universe, which the Egyptian gods then used to uphold their realm of the gods, into where every Egyptian was promised entry once they died, provided that they followed the proper burial rituals and ceremonies.

At about the same time there was in existence a city-state called Babylon, which in modern religious texts and in many occult circles is famous for the unique system of Magic which was either revealed to or designed by its people. Keeping in mind that programming had not yet been completely forgotten, The people of Babylon created many spells and rituals or rather for the sake of our example let us say they designed many equations which could be used to extract a desired output out of the program we call the universe. They could tell you how to make it rain, they knew how to change night into day and day into night, they could teach you how to transform into an animal or to make other obey your commands. In short, they knew a good amount of very handy shortcuts that could be used while using the program we call the universe.

In a similar fashion almost every single culture and civilization in our history has had a few of its own methods for extracting desired results out the universe. Although these were in fact cheats against the programmer and were thus promptly banned, it still didn't stop us human from using them quite openly such that they became part of tradition or even more importantly - religion.

There is a practice among Muslims, especially those of the sub-continent, of wearing amulets bound in leather, containing parchment which has on it written certain numbers aligned in a grid. It is believed that such amulets can provides protection from evil spirits, gain you the favor of others and that they attract good luck towards the wearer. Might we consider such amulets as yet another way to cheat the Programmer by providing our own set of variables to be entered into the Program?

In the same manner, could we consider the ceremonial dances of the Africans, the Mayans, the American Indians, the Aztec, the Hindus and many such tribes as more primitive ways of achieving the same objectives that we mentioned above?

If we were to take the magical songs of the aboriginals of Australia, and convert them into a set of numbers, would they not become similar to the Amulets of the Muslims? Or if we did the same to the steps and the chanting involved in ceremonial dances, would we not see a similarity between them all?

And because of this can it not be true that our ancestors were more advanced than the present population of the Earth as far as understanding reality is concerned?

Did they know more about science and technology simply because they knew that none of it actually existed? If we suppose that you today were to find out that cancer did not actually exist, that it was merely a construct of the mind and could easily be cured if we knew how to manipulate the Program, would you still strive to find a medical cure to this malady?

Why is it that we humans have spent thousands of years trying to figure out the science behind our universe when we know deep in our hearts, by some ancient ancestral memory, that none of this thing that we call reality actually exists?

Let us then consider that our initial supposition is wrong and that none of our ancestors knew how to manipulate the program. Let us suppose that we were all placed into this little simulation by the Programmer without Him telling us how or why. If we do that, then history stars to become a lot easier to understand. Under this supposition, it is clear that we have always tried and are still trying to do only one thing, to learn the language of the Program.

Chapter 4

If we say that our ancestors all knew bits and pieces about what makes the universe work, but never knew the whole story, then we can understand the struggles of humanity in the fields of science and then all our advances and discoveries and inventions begin to seem relevant and important. Every new secret that we unlock seems to be another step in the direction of the answer. Then it is simple to understand why human nature is so attracted towards chaos. It is simple to see why we try to make turmoil a part of our lives. Simply because we are attracted towards the true face of the Program and that some remote and primitive part of us knows that the true shape of the Program is Chaos.

This leads us to another question: What do we mean when we talk about this remote and primitive part of us humans? Surely we mean the Human Soul. Why would it not be the soul, when it is widely believed to be the connection between man and the universe? The connection between man and our Programmer. What does that concept even mean for the likes of us who are following this example of programs and programmers?

If we say that the Universe is a Program, and that reality is false and does not exist, then how can we be sure that we humans exist? Why can we not say that we humans are also projections of this little Program and that we are a meaningless and random set of numbers?

Mr. Douglas Adams, the great author of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy series, wrote in his book that the Earth is actually a computer and that we humans are its tiny little processors. Indeed this would make the Earth a very powerful computer indeed. Following Mr. Douglas Adam's story, if we were to suppose that the Earth truly is a huge computer, and that we humans truly are components of this computer and that we are trying to find a very important answer to a very important question, how would this theory fit into our original example?

Let us say then that the Earth is a computer and that we humans are processors and that the Earth is running the Program designed to create reality. It is up to us humans to find an answer to the truth behind reality and after millions of years we have finally understood reality and the Programmer thinks it's time to terminate the Program which has now served its purpose which was in fact to educate us all. When the program is terminated we all find ourselves in the midst of chaos. The universe and even we have no form or shape. We then see that what we called the soul was the original conscience and that our body and mind were mere projections and representations. We now see that the universe never truly existed and that now having understood the truth we can go forth and design reality as we please for ourselves. We see that the numbers and the program never even existed and that we can re-create the whole human experience all within our mind and that would make it no less real. Let us keep this in our mind and come back to the present state of things.

In today world, we follow many religions which all tell us that humans possess a soul and that the soul is the true form of the man and that it holds the key to unite us with the universe. We perform various rituals to cleans the soul and to re-connect with the universe so that we may be Enlightened. It is also true that we have been doing this ever since the dawn of man and that it has not led us to any real proof of the world and some of us are now beginning to doubt that the soul even exists. Now that many of us have stopped believing in the existence of the soul, we have started to think that the body and the material world are the only facts and that the universe is ever-lasting or that it probably will last quite a long time. And because we have so much time we have begun to concentrate on achieving pleasure and comfort for the body and most of our endeavors are aimed at this objective. Those of us that still believe in the existence of the soul are beginning to think that it is going to become harder and harder to find the answer to our question because (following our example) many of the processors have simply stopped working towards that particular answer. What then would you say is the future of the human race?

Chapter 5

The most likely outcome is this: In a thousand or two thousand years we have become fed up of luxury and comfort and that science without help from the soul has brought us as far as it possibly can which is as far as it possibly can be from the answer which we were meant to seek. We then take all this knowledge of ours and we start a nice big war just to stop being bored. Sometime in the middle of this war one of our sub-atomic matter splitting bombs goes haywire and creates a huge black hole which destroys our universe. Because we could not and did not find the answer to the question of reality and because none of us got any closer to learning the language of the Program, we all find ourselves engulfed in a sea of chaos and we haven't the slightest idea what to do about it and we are all suffering. Some one of us realizes that this chaos is quite similar to our previous notions of Hell and then we understand, engulfed in chaos and out of time, what the Programmer was trying to tell us all along.

Now, for the sake of debate, let us imagine that we have indeed corrected our ways and have started becoming more in touch with the soul. In a thousand, maybe two thousand years, we have gained enough understanding of the universe to start seeing the underlying truth of it. This happened because we listened to the soul and it gave us tiny hints about the true shape of the world. As we imagined before, at this point the Programmer decides to switch off the program, and all of us create a reality for ourselves where everything is just as we want it to be. One of us thinks "Thinks Looks Like Heaven" and we all realize what the Programmer was trying to tell us all along.

Maybe we've gone too far ahead in our fancies. We all know that heaven is filled with angels and that hell is filled with fire right? Isn't that what we have been told all along? It is isn't it; surely I cannot say that we have got this whole religion business wrong. That would be paramount to heresy. I might get tried by a court for having blasphemed against religion. I might go to jail or worse get hanged and if I were living in the dark ages there would be the guillotine and the cross the fear. NO NO, truly I do not mean to say such things. We were just being foolish and we wandered too far in our imagination. Well, no matter,God is most forgiving; surely he would forgive me for misinterpreting his message. I'm sure that we will all end up in heaven if we just listen to what the church says, stone homosexuals, give alms, do not wear mixed fabrics etc etc. You all get the message.

© 2016 Qazi Raza

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Added on June 8, 2016
Last Updated on June 8, 2016
Tags: science, philosophy, creation, reality, alternative, history


Qazi Raza
Qazi Raza

Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan

Cant say much, I'm awesome. more..