

A Story by Rasika Dastane




We meet so many people in our life but remember very few due to various things such as their qualities, feelings, relations and many more. Gopya is one of them. He is such a memorable person nothing because of situations he creates and faces.


Gopya is a tall man with his exactly hemispherical belly and famous with nick name 'Standing Ohm' ( Ω ) among school and college going students. His teeth which were white once upon a time, now match with his skin colour. His face makes remember of sprouted potato. He is fond of combing his few remained hairs. All he has got is soft ladies voice.


If you ask anyone what Gopya does rather what is his profession, it will be the most difficult question ever asked to him. After every two or three weeks Gopya looses interest in his current profession and people with whom he works take a sigh of relief. Every work he takes in hand makes him realize that this is not the work he is born for. People have skill and experience in only one field; Gopya is the exception. He trusts, 'Change is only constant thing in the world.' People try to collect more and more money, more and more loving persons; Gopya try to collect experience in many fields. One of the villagers put forth the idea of adding Gopya in World Record List for the reason. As Gopya is modest, he denied.


Multitalented Gopya is also skillful in helping his hardworking wife Gopi, a primary school teacher, in spending her money. 'Gopi will not get time due to job and household chores. It is then my responsibility to go out and spend money.', Gopya explains. He helps so enthusiastically that no penny remains in home at month end. Helpful Gopya does not remain quite then; He goes to help his friends in same case.


Friend circle of Gopya is very vast. It includes almost every person in  village. His habit of giving advice on every subject and to everyone using the best of his knowledge entertains people in their leisure time. One don't need to invite Gopya to his home. It is Gopya himself who decides to whom his advice requires at that time and move forward to do the needful. Every home which get dose of advice from Gopya have to pay in form of a cup of tea or something to eat to make him get out of their home. This social networking gives feel of doing social work to Gopya.


Gopya is a social worker as declared by himself. Along with giving a valuable advice to people, he invents revolutionary methods to make easy things more complicated. He explains in such a way that simple things sound difficult. He thinks that every news in village first comes to him and it is his responsibility to make them reach in every home. He proactively takes a task to do and creates hundreds of other task for others to do. He spend his maximum time in social work and it is not possible for him to pay attention to his family.


Only family of Gopya knows how they bear him. Balu, a son of Gopya has got intelligence of mother though he looks like Gopya. When Balu comes first in school exams, Gopya declares 'Balu is as intelligent as I am.' While purchasing things at market shopkeepers can easily cheat with Gopya and at home for showcasing himself as a responsible parent, he teaches Balu mathematics for an hour a day. Balu enjoys this hour as a comedy show. Being a responsible husband he completes the work started by Gopi. He eats every delicious thing cooked by Gopi until vessel becomes empty. As Balu is little Gopya takes care that there should not be even a small responsibility on Balu to eat the delicious dish. When Balu or Gopi fell ill, instead of calling doctor Gopya forces them to take medicines invented by him so that he can see effect of those medicines on human beings. When they reject the idea he blames them for not taking part in producing revolutionary medicine. Gopya takes care of his family by applying his crazy ideas first in home. 'Your family should be your first priority.', says Gopya.


Gopya changes his priorities as per his mood swings. When there are emergency cases such as accidents, Gopya continue to play cricket with 8-10 years old friends and says 'Show must go on'. When Flock of idle people go from there chitchatting, laughing and singing, Gopya joins them and says ' Conversation is more important than playing cricket.' He does not care about independence day and republic day, but his patriotic nature come to see when cricket matches between India and any other country starts. He feels boring to work in marriage or any other ceremony  and attend it. Don't worry; He is first to eat the feast. Gopya usually doesn't trust on giving gifts. When others give him gifts, he takes. 'One should not say no to gifts given by love.'


Gopya is a unique personality in the world. Though Gopya doesn't make money and any work cannot be satisfactorily completed by him, he is the most popular personality in village. When people are in work, they ignore him. When they get spare time first they think of Gopya. Gopya is the joker of village.                       




© 2016 Rasika Dastane

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Added on July 10, 2016
Last Updated on July 10, 2016
Tags: humor, story, fun, Rasika Dastane