Can't Go Back

Can't Go Back

A Poem by redzone

....but we can go forward..


Can’t Go Back




but we can push ahead.

What should be our moral code?

Back then, we raised,

and for millions,


answered this question

in the streets of resistance

and earth shaking


In the midst of these upheavals,

there was anger

in our music

and other cultural expressions,

as well as a gentleness,

a softness and 

a realization

the we,

a planet,

with its diverse people,

could create a better world.

For literally billions,

our morality began

to shape our outlook and nature,

in a “serve the people” norm.



we cannot simply

go back,

or easily change the river’s course,

but the question


and today more sharply asked.


Can we not look deeply at reality,

see the underlying contradictions

and act to solve them?

Can we not grasp

turtles in the oceans deep;

see a vast universe,

as well as the “little blue dot”?

So why can’t we see

we are mired in the muck

of a capital-imperialist system

and its “democracy”,

backed up by illusion,


and force of arms?

Are we really that blind,

ignorant to America’s nature;

or just unwilling to face

what reality shows

and the dangers it holds?



we cannot simply,

or easily go back.

But we can push forward,

with resistance

and the gentleness

of “serve the people”,

to stop oppression

wherever and whenever

it is found.


Aztec Warrior/redzone 3.7.20

Note: while I am for revolution, no revolution starts without an aroused people resisting the ugliness it finds, refusing to accept as legitimate the violence of the powers that be…… history and reality show that “inaction and silence = complicity”.

© 2020 redzone

Author's Note

....thanks for reading...

My Review

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there are so many reasons to stand up again and fight against they system...but we are too separated by technology...face to face anthems against injustice have died...the 60's had movement, but it has stalled,
where are we, and why are we...and why aren't we doing more questioning out loud?
this piece makes so much sense...
well written, sir.

Posted 4 Years Ago

This poem is very deep strong and in line with the virus upheaval on our world
My great fear is this is the new way of life more viruses more isolation more devastation In the future
I hope not
Listen to midnight oil song “beds are burning “on you tube I think it fits here too as well as your chosen one
Great write !

Posted 4 Years Ago

Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

4 Years Ago

Lol mines a good decaf
Can’t have caffeine 🤥
Julie McCarthy (juliespenhere)

4 Years Ago

Ok I’ll look her up on w c

4 Years Ago

she goes by Sharonlee at WC

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2 Reviews
Added on May 1, 2020
Last Updated on May 1, 2020



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