Burnout Love

Burnout Love

A Poem by Regina K. Pride

Burnout Love
an unlit fire,
a blinking traffic light,
a forest without trees,
a you without me
two years in a desert
without food or drink.
I wander alone,
there is no other choice.
You gave me a reason to fly
far from the nest
falling until i find my wings
and soar north with you to heaven
then left me in the barren air
a sparrow with new found wings
arms flapping like a lost child.
You took flight toward the sun,
and I am there free falling
but that's not the end of our story.
Years from now
you are smiling at the face in front of you,
my face, but I don't recognize her.
She is a version of me that I have never met,
what once was me has changed,
is changing,
is no longer who I really am
and it's all my fault,
allowing you to take away my flesh and skin
replacing it with a wooden mask,
the mask of comedy,
hiding the tragedy that really exists.
But that's not how our story ends,
it ends with a burnout,
a raging fire,
You with your fists banging on walls,
Me against the closed door,
blue tears streaming down eyes.
You leaving to catch a breath of fresh air,
and by morning I'm already gone.
Bags packed, car no longer stalled;
I find a new joy,
one without you,
your burnout love.

© 2014 Regina K. Pride

My Review

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Blue tears? Sounds good. I`ve always read `bout "blue eyes" ..haven`t heard `bout blue drops of tears. Well sounds pretty nice. It`s good... representing the layers of oceanic beach sea-lands. Well, the love`s capricious & I think, this poem has proved it .. especially the ending of the piece`s reflecting the pieces of variable love. My fav. line: "a forest without trees" Liked it. Nice flow of ink!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Regina K. Pride

9 Years Ago

The blue tears was sort of a play on words... like the color of sadness is blue, and crying. Glad yo.. read more

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 24, 2014
Last Updated on September 24, 2014
Tags: love, love lost, sad, breakup, breakups, poem, poetry, splitting up


Regina K. Pride
Regina K. Pride


Hi Guys! So I haven't been very active lately because of my tumblr blog and my new YouTube channel and college, but I'm getting back to my writing. Today is the release of my first poetry book. You sh.. more..
