Water Color

Water Color

A Poem by Regina K. Pride

"What makes you different, makes you beautiful"

Brush to cup,
to pallet,
to canvas,
blurring the lines between you and I-
we become one picture.
We're not perfect,
but we could be something beautiful,
not just fourth grade art.
We aren't bound,
don't have worries
like stay in the lines-
we vibrate when the colors touch, blend and stay.
We excite ourselves over the fact
they can all get along.
We're not just friends,
we're soul mates
sharing brainwaves and history.
We amaze ourselves at how much our world makes sense,
how much everything is different,
yet contributes to the painting;
blue isn't green isn't yellow isn't red
isn't you isn't me isn't I isn't we.
Is everything to this masterpiece.

© 2014 Regina K. Pride

My Review

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"blue isn't green isn't yellow isn't red
isn't you isn't me isn't I isn't we.
Is everything " - This certainly covers just about everything Regina. Very articulately composed.

I have to agree with Beccy the views to reviews ratio of your work seems a bit stingy, God knows why. Thank you Beccy for bringing me here.

i enjoyed this Regina.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 8, 2014
Last Updated on October 8, 2014
Tags: water color, art, painting, unity, poetry, poem, beauty


Regina K. Pride
Regina K. Pride


Hi Guys! So I haven't been very active lately because of my tumblr blog and my new YouTube channel and college, but I'm getting back to my writing. Today is the release of my first poetry book. You sh.. more..
