How To Remove Stains From Uniforms

How To Remove Stains From Uniforms

A Story by rejuvenateproducts

Regular household cleaning products won’t be able to get red clay stains out of white uniforms, remove sweat patches from jersey underarm areas and more since these stains are harder to get out.


You already know that if your children play sports, they’re coming home with a very dirty uniform and potentially a question like; “Mom, how do I get a blood stain out of my uniform? Whether, it’s baseball, football, track, basketball or any other sport they like, their uniform, sports gear and practice clothes will see the brunt of their hard work, determination and commitment on the field or court. Unless you like buying new uniforms and sports gear all the time, you need special cleaning products to answer, “how to get sweat stains out of clothes and look new again!”

Regular household cleaning products won’t be able to get red clay stains out of white uniforms, remove sweat patches from jersey underarm areas and more since these stains are harder to get out of clothes. Things like dirt, grass stains, and even blood are stains that require more than soap and water, so here are some tips on how to get out the toughest sports stains from your children’s clothes and gear!

We’ll make sure there is no secret after reading this article and having this link; How to Remove Laundry Stains Even OUTRageous Laundry Stains.

But before we go on, remember try not to put clothes in the dryer until the stain is completely removed or your stain won’t come out. Unless you have a secret laundry stain removal. The heat from the dryer will set the stain deep into the clothes and its fabrics, making it permanent!

How To Get Out Stains From Children’s Clothing And Uniforms

Grass stains are the most common of sports stains and in order to get them out of your child’s uniforms, you’ll need to carefully inspect each and every item to see the type of fabric and washing guidelines.

  • First, you'll need to brush off any excess dirt and grass.

  • Then pre-treat the stain by pouring OutRageous over the grass stain and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes.

  • Then, taking an old toothbrush or nail brush (anything with bristles), work the OutRageous into the stain using gentle circular motions.

  • Put the garment in the washer with the rest of your dirty laundry (on a cold wash) and voilà �" no more grass stain!

How to Remove Blood Stains From Clothing

Sometimes things get rough when kids play sports or accidents happen and they’ll come home with some blood stains on their uniform or sports clothes. Any parent knows that blood stains are tough to remove and even if you do remove it, you’re sometimes left with a small orange/brownish stain that just won’t go away. To combat this annoyance, you’ll need to make it a priority to get the stain out as fast as you can. It’s best if you tackle it right when it happens (if you happen to be there), but if not, the moment your child walks through the front door, inspect their clothes for blood stains to remedy immediately.

For dried, older stains, soak the uniform in a mixture of warm water and OutRageous.

  • Wring out the garment and apply OutRageous directly to the stain.

  • Wash the garment on a cold cycle �" hot water sets blood stains.

  • Check the garment before transferring it to the dryer.

How To Remove Paint Stains From School Uniforms And Sports Uniforms

Even though your kids might not come into direct contact with paint as they’re playing on the field, they do sometimes get the paint that is used to mark boundary lines on the fields on their clothes. The majority of the time, it’s latex paint, which is also similar to paint stains on school uniforms. Kids love to paint - at home, a friend’s house, art class or anywhere they can get their hands on some paint!

Breathe. Just breathe.

Treat like a pro with these handy tips and your bottle of OutRageous Stain Remover & Laundry Pre-Treater.

Water-based Paint

  • While the paint is still wet, rinse the item with warm water and work the paint out by rubbing it. The stain will be permanent if you let the paint dry, so act quickly!

  • Rinse, saturate with OutRageous if needed and launder.

Oil-based Paint (trickier and best kept far, far away from kids!)

  • Remove as much of the paint as possible by placing the stain face down on some paper towels and pouring the prescribed paint thinners through the fabric.

  • Saturate the area with OutRageous.

  • Rinse and launder.

How To Remove Mud and Clay From Clothes

Dirt is another common stain when it comes to sports uniforms and gear. The brown stuff, great for plants but not so great on fabric. Here’s what to do when it ends up on your clothes. Your first step is to get hold of a bottle of OUTrageous Stain Remover and Laundry Pre-Treater - with this bottle of liquid magic you'll soon discover that no stain is impossible to remove!


  • Let the mud dry then flake off as much of it as you can (use the right tool such as a plastic spoon or knife - you get the idea).

  • Generously apply OUTrageous to the stained area and wait for about 5 minutes.

  • If the garment is heavily soiled, work the product in using a soft-bristled brush (an old toothbrush works well) to help the stain remover penetrate the clothing fibers.

  • Wash the garment on a warm cycle.

  • Inspect carefully before drying (repeat steps 2-4 if necessary).

The orangey-red color is a warning in itself �" this stuff can stain in a really bad way!

It's a good thing you’re ready with your bottle of OUTrageous handy. This is a great time to put it to the test - oh, and by the way, you won't be disappointed. Say goodbye to that nasty clay.

For best results treat the stain within 12 hours, but don't be shy to experiment on older stains, you'll be amazed at the results.

  • Gently remove whatever excess clay you can. Gentle is the key word - you don’t want to spread the stain or grind it into the fibers.

  • If you can’t wash the stain right away, soak the item overnight in a bowl of cool water.

  • Generously apply OUTrageous to both sides of the stained area - you want it to be fully saturated.

  • Gently work it in with an old toothbrush.

  • Let it stand for a few minutes, longer if it’s heavily soiled. Just make sure you don’t let the product dry on the clothes, so reapply if necessary.

  • Launder on a normal cold cycle and check before drying as heat can set stains making them seriously stubborn.

  • Admire the results!

No more throwing away clothes or turning them into rags �" red clay has finally met its match!

While these are all great tips on how to remove common sports stains from clothes, you can skip them and just use one dedicated laundry stain remover that will work on all of your kid’s sports clothes and gear. The best laundry stain remover is one that features a powerful formula but is still gentle on a wide array of fabrics and can be used on carpets and upholstered surfaces.

© 2018 rejuvenateproducts

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