Household Cleaning Products No Home Should Be Without

Household Cleaning Products No Home Should Be Without

A Story by rejuvenateproducts

A clean home starts with the right household cleaning products. The right cleaning products makes cleaning easier and faster.


A clean home starts with the right household cleaning products. The right cleaning products makes cleaning easier and faster. Whether you’re cleaning the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom, you’ll need specialty cleaning products for each room and surface.

What are some household cleaning product essentials every home needs? Cleaning products for the most used rooms in your home, of course! Specialty household cleaning products for the kitchen, bathroom and living room (or family room) are always needed since these are the dirtiest rooms of any home. To help make your cleaning chores more effective and easier, here are some household cleaning products you’ll definitely want to have on hand!

Stain Remover For Clothes

Although a stain remover for clothes isn’t exactly a household cleaning product in the traditional sense, it’s still an important cleaner to have on hand. Accidents, spills and messes happen, and sometimes they happen to your clothes. In order to save your clothes from stains and spots, a stain remover for clothes is needed in your laundry room. You’ll be able to save your favorite shirts, dresses and your kid’s sports clothes from deep-set stains that won’t come out with by themselves in the wash. A stain remover for clothes will be able to get out the toughest stains, including wine, ink, grease, rust, clay, dirt and any other stains that can occur.

A Quality Laundry Stain Remover

When looking for a stain remover for clothes, buy one that is a proven great laundry stain remover. A quality laundry stain remover will penetrate deeply into fabric fibers to break down the most difficult stains. A quality stain remover will still be gentle enough to use on all colors of fabrics at the same time. A quality laundry stain remover will also be effective on upholstery, textiles and linens. You’ll be able to use the laundry stain remover on carpet and couch stains!

A Powerful Bathroom Cleaner

The bathroom room is one of the most used rooms in your home, which is why it’s also the dirtiest. You’ll need a powerful bathroom cleaner to clean it! Opt for a bathroom cleaner that can easily tackle common bathroom problems like grout stains, scum, dull surfaces and more. If you’re worried about all the chemicals usually found in common bathroom cleaners, do your research to find one that’s both powerful, yet free of harsh chemicals. These bathroom cleaners do exist despite what you may think!

Kitchen Cleaning Products

Your kitchen is probably the second most used room in your home after your bathroom. Because it gets dirty fast (every time you cook) you’ll need to arm yourself with the right kitchen cleaning products. You’ll want to get cleaning products for each surface you have to clean in the kitchen. These include floor cleaners, cabinet cleaners, stainless steel polishes, garbage disposal cleaners and kitchen countertop cleaners.

With so many different surfaces to clean, it’s better to buy cleaning products all from the same brand. This way you already know that they are safe and actually work. You’ll avoid having to spend extra time and money trying out different brands to see if they work or not. Cleaning products from the same brand all feature the same type of formulas at their core, yet are made for different surfaces.

Household Cleaning Products That Are Non-Toxic

No matter what household cleaning products you buy, make sure that they are non-toxic. A lot of household cleaning products contain harsh chemicals and toxics in order to make them powerful and effective. However, they can be very harmful to you and your family (including pets). Always choose cleaning products with non-toxic formulas whenever you can. These sorts of household cleaning products are generally safe to use around pets and children. A great way to tell if household cleaning products are safe is to look for a GREENGUARD certification.

Household cleaning products that are GREENGUARD certified feature low chemical emissions, improving the quality of the air in which these products are used. A cleaning product with this certification ensures that it has met some of the most rigorous and comprehensive standards in the industry when it comes to low volatile organic compounds (VOCs). You won’t have to worry the cleaning products you use when you buy GREENGUARD-certified household cleaning products!

© 2018 rejuvenateproducts

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